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The company used to provide pastic untensils in the various lunch rooms. Apparently they have stopped. I cannot find a fork so I am using a spoon. It would have been nice if the higher ups would have mentioned something so I could bring in my own fork.


In an attempt to go "greener", our company has done the same thing except they provided a drawer full of actual silverware. You use what you need and then throw it in the sink. The cleaning crew loads and empties the dishwasher for us. Sounds great!


Except we're about a month in and now the drawer is always empty and select employees always have a pile(!) of dirty utensils at their desks. Really? You can't just throw the darn things in the sink and find them magically clean in the drawer again tomorrow morning?


In an attempt to go "greener", our company has done the same thing except they provided a drawer full of actual silverware. You use what you need and then throw it in the sink. The cleaning crew loads and empties the dishwasher for us. Sounds great!


Except we're about a month in and now the drawer is always empty and select employees always have a pile(!) of dirty utensils at their desks. Really? You can't just throw the darn things in the sink and find them magically clean in the drawer again tomorrow morning?


That sounds like my roommate.


Complain about anything you want. 1 complaint, 20 complaints, who cares? No one is really listening anyways.


My complaint for this week...


Fast food workers who are miserable beyond belief while on the job. If you hate your job that much, do something about it to better yourself in life. Go back to school or do whatever is needed to find a better job. In the meantime, if you continue to stay in your current position, suck it up and put on a happy face. :D



Here here!!!!!! I've experienced that before. I couldn't have said it better myself!! :thumbsup:


It's Sunday May 2. This thread never got locked after Thursday and no one has posted in it since Thursday. What's with you people following the rules and only complaining on Thursday!


I'll take advantage. There was a massive water main break and most of Boston is on a boil your water advisory for the next couple days. It's simple enough, but it doesn't sound like they have any idea how long this will last.


It's Sunday May 2. This thread never got locked after Thursday and no one has posted in it since Thursday. What's with you people following the rules and only complaining on Thursday!

Because life is wonderful the other 6 days? :unsure:


The process of buying a new car(dealing with salesman, etc...) sucked 30+ years ago when I bought my first car, still sucks today and will suck forever. :angry:


There should be professional surrogate car shoppers who go out and buy a car for you. It would almost certainly be worth whatever they would charge.


And Aaron got robbed on Idol!


Didn't get much sleep last night because my boyfriend decided to drunk-dial me at 1:30am just to say hi and my dog threw up on the bed around 4:30am. :censored:


Didn't get much sleep last night because my boyfriend decided to drunk-dial me at 1:30am just to say hi and my dog threw up on the bed around 4:30am. :censored:


You have just identified yourself as a female. Lookout for inkman.


Stupid coworkers who continually have to be told the same thing over and over again. I have no problem helping someone out but after telling them the same thing multiple times I get mad. I call it the Ground Hog's Day effect. One particular guy is very lazy and seems to forget everything from the the current day and all previous days as soon as he steps out the front door at the end of the day. He constantly asks the same question atleast once a week. I wish I had a snow shovel and could give him a good whack upside the head. Maybe he would remember that. :wallbash:


Getting used to life in the new job in the new cube farm. Why do people not care about the fact your typing, concentrating, trying to get work done. They feel compelled to include you in their conversations or act like you have been or should have been listening to them and want you to comment on whatever nonsense they've been spouting.


My complaint: Facebook. I am sick and tired of all of the "technical shenanigans" that appear to be taking place there. Besides, given that Mark Zuckerberg appears to be ethically challenged, why should I trust any of my information to someone or a website that might as well be a snitch site? I am currently in the process of gutting my account, looking to keep in touch with friends via email, and deleting it once all of this is done - never to return there.


My complaint: Facebook. I am sick and tired of all of the "technical shenanigans" that appear to be taking place there. Besides, given that Mark Zuckerberg appears to be ethically challenged, why should I trust any of my information to someone or a website that might as well be a snitch site? I am currently in the process of gutting my account, looking to keep in touch with friends via email, and deleting it once all of this is done - never to return there.



I despise Facebook... I made a profile a few years ago only to see pics a friend had posted (and I had to get them to confirm for Facebook that we were, in fact, friends), and now with the new "privacy" (lack-thereof) settings the most private I can make my profile is that "friends of friends" can send me friend invites. Just because someone is a friend of my friend doesn't mean that I like them! Within a week of those changes I received 5 or 6 friend invites from people who I would at best classify as acquaintances. I hesitate to delete my profile altogether because it is an easy way to keep up with distant (real) friends with kids, but good God do I hate that website.


There should be professional surrogate car shoppers who go out and buy a car for you. It would almost certainly be worth whatever they would charge.

I'll spare everyone the details, but there is an issue I am trying to get resolved with my new car and have decided to handle this via email, so I have hard copy of any exchanges. The first email blast went out yesterday morning and guess what? No response. What a surprise. The same email will be going out tonight if I don't hear from anyone.



I despise Facebook... I made a profile a few years ago only to see pics a friend had posted (and I had to get them to confirm for Facebook that we were, in fact, friends), and now with the new "privacy" (lack-thereof) settings the most private I can make my profile is that "friends of friends" can send me friend invites. Just because someone is a friend of my friend doesn't mean that I like them! Within a week of those changes I received 5 or 6 friend invites from people who I would at best classify as acquaintances. I hesitate to delete my profile altogether because it is an easy way to keep up with distant (real) friends with kids, but good God do I hate that website.

I've been on FB for over a year and it's not that bad - as long as you don't "reveal" too many details. It's a pain to keep an eye on the privacy settings, but since I use it a lot to keep up with friends & family, I monitor that stuff regularly. The most private things I've added are my birthday (not the year, just the day) and email address. The friend requests can easily be ignored - I'll only confirm those who I know and I've ignored several people.


I still don't get why people think it's a semi-private site, especially those whose "friends" are co-workers, and complain when they b*tch about something. Just don't say anything too private or too stupid or anything that can be considered inappropriate. I'm fortunate enough that my direct co-workers who are friends don't take anything seriously, but I still try not to say anything I'd regret. We all know how circular this world is.


Haha don't be sad, Ink -- you'll always have Chz. :)


Nah. But I'll tell u Ink is very cool and sweet at the same time. Oh, and a mean Muthafukr.


I've got this sharp muscle pain just below my left shoulder blade. I have no idea what caused it or how to stretch it out.


Are you breathing ok?


I still don't get why people think it's a semi-private site, especially those whose "friends" are co-workers, and complain when they b*tch about something. Just don't say anything too private or too stupid or anything that can be considered inappropriate. I'm fortunate enough that my direct co-workers who are friends don't take anything seriously, but I still try not to say anything I'd regret. We all know how circular this world is.


I almost never use it and am always careful not to post anything that might come back to bite me... I don't get people who will b*tch about work on Facebook and not consider that 1) their current employer can see whatever they post if they wanted to, and 2) your next employer can look at it, too! My main annoyance is when I post pictures from vacation or something, I don't like the idea that everyone can see that stuff. My coworkers are nice and all, but the majority are not "real" friends and they are kind of a nosy bunch. :pirate:

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