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Blue, I'm aboslutely sick of the pile of pennies I have built up on my desk back home. I keep getting more and more and it will never stop. I have fallen in love with those self checkout lanes at places like CVS though. Any time I know I'm going there, I'll grab a big handful of change and pay for half of my purchase in pennies. It's a slow process, but hey, it keeps me out of the office a little bit longer.

I usually just keep the pennies and other coins in a jar and roll them every few months or so. Nice way to come up with an "extra" $50 every now & then. :beer:


I usually just keep the pennies and other coins in a jar and roll them every few months or so. Nice way to come up with an "extra" $50 every now & then. :beer:

My bank uses a coin counter, no charge. :D


I had to burn up all my vacation because of the surgery. Awesome!!! At least I accrue 3.5 hours a week in vacation. It will only take me 3 months to build up enough vaca to actually take one. :rolleyes:


I wish I could point to one thing, like ######, as the cause but I don't really know what brings the inflammation on. Doc says the bone in my wrist is abnormally shaped which is the underlying reason.


So I can't work from Wednesday to Monday. I've been pulling 14-18 hour days for years now. I have no idea what to do with myself.


Switch hands and get back at it!



Mine are government-related (but whose complaints aren't these days).


The US Census - 6 pieces of paper all to tell them there are two white people living in my house. I realize it may not be feasible for everyone, but has the government not heard of doing this online?


The whole health care debate. The majority of people that oppose this are Republicans or people who voted for McCain. They only oppose it because a Democrat President proposed the legislation. Our country is falling apart because our leaders do things just because the other party disagrees with it. I hate politicians.


My census took 3 minutes to complete. Why is it so hard and why do we need TV advertising and postcards?



People who latch onto a word and find the need to work it into every conversation or email. I have a coworker who loves to use the words vetted/vetting which you never heard used much in the past. Just say you "reviewed" it and lets move on. :wallbash:



I just had a coworker for two months that used the word 'Essentially' all the time. Every time I heard it wanted to scream, but since it was a short contract and I was hoping to get hired on full-time, I remained quiet. I didn't get hired there, but they referred me to the place that now employs me. Good thing I shut up!



Woke up this morning, made a pot of coffee. Got ready to pour this tastey beverage into my Sabres mug only to find out my housemates used up all the sugar. ######!!!


Drive to the local Speedway/Sheetz/BP and steal some sugar packets like Tom does.


My complaint o'the day - We have a company coming 'today' to install custom closet systems in 2 closets. Installation was scheduled for today and was supposed to take one day. I get a call last evening indicating they will be here between 10 and 1. If it takes one day to do, are they going to stay late to ensure completion, or are they considering one day to be two 4-hour days? My wife works tomorrow. Good thing I don't, but they'd better be done by 1PM when I have to leave for the dentist and then officiating and then playing. My guess is that they didn't finish yesterday's job which means they won't finish ours today, either. Grrrrrrrrrr........


Inky, you back at work yet? What are you doing now? Do tell!

Off until Monday. I'm trying to figure out what a one arm gimp can do for the next 4 days besides watch more Sabres and Cuse than I've seen in years... :D


I read it as more of a "waste of paper/money" complaint.


Yeah, I know. I just think it's a sad state of affairs that we have to advertise and mail and mail and mail to get people to do the right thing when it's soooooo simple.


Waste of money and resources for sure, but unfortunately necessary to ensure everyone is counted and things are distributed properly.


Good luck with the job Shrades!


Yeah, I know. I just think it's a sad state of affairs that we have to advertise and mail and mail and mail to get people to do the right thing when it's soooooo simple.


Waste of money and resources for sure, but unfortunately necessary to ensure everyone is counted and things are distributed properly.


Good luck with the job Shrades!


And they'll still have to go door to door to get about half of them.


Thanks. It's one of 4 places I've talked to in the last couple weeks, so something has to come up shrader, right?


Who says parents MUST pay for their kids' college educations? What ever happened to student loans or military academies? It seems like an unwritten rule these days where parents feel the HAVE to do it. I wonder what my dad would've said if I told him he MUST pay for my college.


###### off comes to mind....


I know parents feel they have to do the right thing, but I see so many people bankrupting themselves and so many kids that don't care about anything anyway. I hope you're not one of them, Blue! Good luck with that.


Who says parents MUST pay for their kids' college educations? What ever happened to student loans or military academies? It seems like an unwritten rule these days where parents feel the HAVE to do it. I wonder what my dad would've said if I told him he MUST pay for my college.


###### off comes to mind....


I know parents feel they have to do the right thing, but I see so many people bankrupting themselves and so many kids that don't care about anything anyway. I hope you're not one of them, Blue! Good luck with that.

If I had kids, I'd want to pay for it - give them the best education I possibly can. I started college in the Fall of 1989. I didn't even bother looking at private schools, since I knew they'd be expensive and my mother (divorced w/3 other kids) didn't come close to that kind of money. I went to a SUNY school and still needed loans after she paid for it for 2 years.


I then started working with a guy during my summer job who was a spoiled brat and kept bragging how he wasn't going to pay for squat while going to a private school. :censored:

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