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1, Women. They make the highs higher, and the lows more frequent.


2, Why is every one that I know completely insane?

1, It depends on the women you come into contact with. Some of them can be the most pleasant ladies out there when it comes to normal everyday circumstances. Then there are those who just have some of the worst attitude problems out there. I look at it this way: some women probably feel the same way about us men. In that regard, I would be very careful on where we shoot our "tracer bullets" because as the old saying goes in Murphy's Laws of Combat, "Tracers work both ways," and I'm sure that some women would say that based on a few bad experiences with men, they probably feel that ALL men are like that.


2, Who are you keeping company with? That might be a part of the problem. I'm not saying that it definitely is, but I guess it may all be a matter of perception.


Oh, one last thing: not a complaint this time, but happy belated St. Patrick's Day to everyone on the board! :)


My co-worker and I frequently eat cereal at work if we miss breakfast at home, so we started alternating buying milk. For 3 days, he has said that he would bring milk in, since it is his turn.


For 3 days, I haven't eaten breakfast at home for this very reason.


For 3 days, I have now starved until lunch...


Women. They make the highs higher, and the lows more frequent.


Why is every one that I know completely insane?


Women appear insane to men only because they operate with an entirely different system of logic than men. Women do not understand how men think, either....they just don't worry about it as much.


Women appear insane to men only because they operate with an entirely different system of logic than men. Women do not understand how men think, either....they just don't worry about it as much.

I don't think many men worry about understanding women as much, either. It's just a common fact of life...as sure as death and taxes...that women do things different than logic dictates just to piss us off. Apparently, there's a memo being passed around that is being kept secret from all of us men.


No, I'm not bitter. :unsure:


My other complaint - I wish the men's rooms in my office building were ventilated better. :sick:


My co-worker and I frequently eat cereal at work if we miss breakfast at home, so we started alternating buying milk. For 3 days, he has said that he would bring milk in, since it is his turn.


For 3 days, I haven't eaten breakfast at home for this very reason.


For 3 days, I have now starved until lunch...


OOooohhhh what kind of Cereal?


OOooohhhh what kind of Cereal?


lol I'm glad he didn't capitalize cereal.


Actually here's a complaint and I do it all the time. Referring to other posters as "he."


It's my birthday and none of you ###### had said Happy Birthday yet! ######! Oh, and the Sabres awful starts are quite annoying, too.

Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY fellow Ohioan. I hope it's a good one, you certainly have the weather!


And btw...my complaint? On MY birthday, which was on a Thursday, this thread never even got opened. The fact that it was New Years Eve may have had something to do with the lack of complaining...but still...


People who are un ashamed by their obvious atttempts to bring attention to themselves for occasions of gratitious back slapping and feined affections. :pirate:



Oh and a big gratitious Happy Birthday shout out to BuffaloOhio :nana: Yes this posts for you brother.


They might as well turn these two days into national holidays. Almost nothing gets done in the office and half the people "call in sick" or just take the day off, anyway. I hate the hype around this tournament as if it were the greatest thing since sliced bread.

While I still follow the tournament, to me it is not the "must see TV" that it was 5+ years ago. It seems like there are more and more players who are "one and done" before hopping to the NBA. This has really turned me off. Make it a rule that they must stay in school for 3 years(similar to NCAA football) or just go right to the NBA from HS.


1, It depends on the women you come into contact with. Some of them can be the most pleasant ladies out there when it comes to normal everyday circumstances. Then there are those who just have some of the worst attitude problems out there. I look at it this way: some women probably feel the same way about us men. In that regard, I would be very careful on where we shoot our "tracer bullets" because as the old saying goes in Murphy's Laws of Combat, "Tracers work both ways," and I'm sure that some women would say that based on a few bad experiences with men, they probably feel that ALL men are like that.


2, Who are you keeping company with? That might be a part of the problem. I'm not saying that it definitely is, but I guess it may all be a matter of perception.


Oh, one last thing: not a complaint this time, but happy belated St. Patrick's Day to everyone on the board! :)


My complaint is about tracer bullets. Why don't they make them so they illuminate halfway to their target instead of right away, so that they don't work both ways?


I was informed that today was the deadline for a project that I hadn't even started yet (long story). I've been in all out super speed mode working on it since the start of the day and just finished it. This may have been some of my finest work ever. I'm amazed at how quickly I was able to put this together. One problem: we're missing one minor detail that we don't have anywhere in our records. So now I have to send out random emails asking for this information, all while playing the "if/when will these people respond, and do they actually have the info" game. I'm completely convinced that I will be stuck sitting here until 9, doing absolutely nothing but waiting for an email. It's the most minor detail possible, yet completely vital for completion.


I was informed that today was the deadline for a project that I hadn't even started yet (long story). I've been in all out super speed mode working on it since the start of the day and just finished it. This may have been some of my finest work ever. I'm amazed at how quickly I was able to put this together. One problem: we're missing one minor detail that we don't have anywhere in our records. So now I have to send out random emails asking for this information, all while playing the "if/when will these people respond, and do they actually have the info" game. I'm completely convinced that I will be stuck sitting here until 9, doing absolutely nothing but waiting for an email. It's the most minor detail possible, yet completely vital for completion.


Yeah I hate it too when the phone's broken.


My complaint is about tracer bullets. Why don't they make them so they illuminate halfway to their target instead of right away, so that they don't work both ways?

:lol: :thumbsup:


Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY fellow Ohioan. I hope it's a good one, you certainly have the weather!


And btw...my complaint? On MY birthday, which was on a Thursday, this thread never even got opened. The fact that it was New Years Eve may have had something to do with the lack of complaining...but still...

Happy much belated B-day.


Kind of stinks that your parents were more concerned w/ their tax deduction than giving you a good hockey b-day. ;)


Having to sit through training on our new system at work. We just upgraded from DOS. Like people really need 'training' on the new system. HELLO NUMBNUTS ITS BEEN OUT FOR YEARS!!!!!!!! Now can I get back to work?


Is there ever a case in the job interview process where "we'll follow up in a couple weeks" DOESN'T mean "we're not interested and you'll never hear from us again"?


When I was hired by The University of Akron back in '97, I hadn't heard from them for about a month before I got the offer. I found out later that my hiring paperwork sat at the EEO office for about 3 weeks before they processed it.

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