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I was picking on my brother earlier this week for turning 30 and then the next day I get an AARP membership offer in the mail. Way to ruin my fun. Are they hurting for membership so badly that they have to lower the bar over 20 years?


I was picking on my brother earlier this week for turning 30 and then the next day I get an AARP membership offer in the mail. Way to ruin my fun. Are they hurting for membership so badly that they have to lower the bar over 20 years?



yeah, my wife got one of those in the mail on monday. she's 25.


yeah, my wife got one of those in the mail on monday. she's 25.


So she's at the halfway point. 28 seems like a completely random age to be getting that in the mail.


I've been working here for 5 years and for the first time, my office finally put recycling bins in on monday. Today they've already been removed. Now I'm not global warming or "going green" nut, but this seems so incredibly stupid to me.


Grabbed a Quarter pounder burger for me and my friend (coupon b1g1) get to college to eat them before class, mouth watering because I haven't had a burger in ages, take that first bite looking for some juicy meat and .....






















It's pinker than a 8 year old. Yeah, I said it. Just might beat out the referee from the 'nuk game.


me and my friend



get to college to eat them before class


mouth watering
:) :)


looking for some juicy meat and .....
:o :o


It's pinker than a 8 year old.
:( :unsure: :angry:

Grabbed a Quarter pounder burger for me and my friend (coupon b1g1) get to college to eat them before class, mouth watering because I haven't had a burger in ages, take that first bite looking for some juicy meat and .....



It's pinker than a 8 year old. Yeah, I said it. Just might beat out the referee from the 'nuk game.


I spit out my coffee and then wondered if you were talking about a boy or girl. :ph34r:


Tenants in SUBSIDIZED housing(Marine Drive Apartments) on PRIME WATERFRONT property have retained an attorney because they object to the placement of a parking ramp(partially for their use no less) adjacent to the apartment towers.



Attorney Joseph G. Makowski said his clients, Marine Drive residents, continued to oppose the placement of a parking ramp by their complex. He said Empire State Development Corp. prepared a supplemental environmental impact statement, as requested, but found it to be “the same bureaucratic double talk.”




Anything else we can do for you as long as you have some complaints to be addressed?




Tenants in SUBSIDIZED housing(Marine Drive Apartments) on PRIME WATERFRONT property have retained an attorney because they object to the placement of a parking ramp(partially for their use no less) adjacent to the apartment towers.



Attorney Joseph G. Makowski said his clients, Marine Drive residents, continued to oppose the placement of a parking ramp by their complex. He said Empire State Development Corp. prepared a supplemental environmental impact statement, as requested, but found it to be “the same bureaucratic double talk.”




Anything else we can do for you as long as you have some complaints to be addressed?



That's why God made bulldozers.


Tenants in SUBSIDIZED housing(Marine Drive Apartments) on PRIME WATERFRONT property have retained an attorney because they object to the placement of a parking ramp(partially for their use no less) adjacent to the apartment towers.



Attorney Joseph G. Makowski said his clients, Marine Drive residents, continued to oppose the placement of a parking ramp by their complex. He said Empire State Development Corp. prepared a supplemental environmental impact statement, as requested, but found it to be “the same bureaucratic double talk.”




Anything else we can do for you as long as you have some complaints to be addressed?




Google the attorney in question and see what you come up with there.


A Boston city plow driver almost hit me because he felt that red lights didn't apply to him. He was actually stopped at the light when I started crossing the street. He then decided to floor it out of nowhere.


Basement finishing project underway, somehow stepped on a metal sliver that lodged in the heel of my foot. My complaint; no help available this am and forced to do my best side show circus contortionist act to extract it w/o breaking my own leg. Just maybe I should have taken that old Girlfreinds Yoga encouragement more seriously.


That my wife can't do this....


A Boston city plow driver almost hit me because he felt that red lights didn't apply to him. He was actually stopped at the light when I started crossing the street. He then decided to floor it out of nowhere.



Were you wearing a big puffy white coat so you looked like a snowman?


I want to be a weather forecaster. How nice is it to have a job that you can just blame a change in wind direction on, every time you ###### up! :angry:



Sorry for the filter. I was using the word for what one poster here would like to do to Barbara Walters. :lol:


I can't stand it when I go to a website and a video just starts to play automatically whether it is for an ad or for a story. Lately, when I go to SI.com, I try to click on a link and it goes to the stupid Sobe ad. Embedded video is nice but if I want to watch it let me click on it.


I can't stand how during the State of the Union, the party that is aligned with the President feels the need to stand up EVERY single time the President makes a point. Yeah, I get the fact that you agree with him but it makes the speech agonizingly long.

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