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I just had an eye doctor appointment. Why does having your eyes dilated suck so much? I get to spend the next hour or so sitting ridiculously far away from my monitor just so I can see it. Sure, this means I can't really do much work, but I also can't kill time on the internet thanks to the whole "not being able to see right" thing.


I just had an eye doctor appointment. Why does having your eyes dilated suck so much? I get to spend the next hour or so sitting ridiculously far away from my monitor just so I can see it. Sure, this means I can't really do much work, but I also can't kill time on the internet thanks to the whole "not being able to see right" thing.


It's always sunny when I have mine dilated. Always. And I'm sure people you come in contact with just assume you're on drugs. :)


It's always sunny when I have mine dilated. Always. And I'm sure people you come in contact with just assume you're on drugs. :)


Now that you mention it, rain and high winds on my way to the office this morning. Now it's ridiculously sunny. Luckily my office and the eye doctor are in the same building, so I didn't have to step outside. With the crappy conditions this morning, I didn't bother bringing the sunglasses today.


Sorry to hear it, XC. Let me echo 11's urge to exercise. There are plenty of good sabres & hockey podcasts to listen to on the ipod while you are exercising.




Ink -- I think Dudly is right on this one.


Here's my complaint: My 9-year-old plays on a travel soccer team in a pretty competitive league. Last weekend his team played the team that is the best team in the league every season. They beat my kid's team last fall and last spring and were undefeated going into this game. So, my kid's team wins in a 3-2 thriller. My complaint is about the other team's coach. He was a complete jerk the entire time. He was yelling at his team and at the ref and refused to shake hands with our coach after the game.


The real kicker, though, is that on quite a few occasions, he would stand a couple of steps on the field of play while our team had the ball on that sideline -- i.e. he was interfering with our team's attempts to bring the ball in or out of the zone. He was intentionally affecting the play -- literally cheating in a soccer game played by a bunch of kids. Are you kidding me? What a bozo.


there's your problem. Your 9 year old was playing soccer. If s/he was playing hockey, you would be justified in challenging that coach to a fight in the corridor after the game!


Meh, I need to see what the cut looks like Saturday. I also don't want to explain to 500 different people what happened, especially considering I'm in management.

Won't they see you at work today and tomorrow? :unsure:


I've got a pretty nice camera and I've spent a lot of time learning how to use it. I'm still learning...I'm good with it, not great yet. I invested in this camera because my two daughters perform on stage at least 20 times a year. I have different lenses, speedlights, battery packs and whatnot, because I want to capture this time in their lives for them and for me. In addition, one mom is the costume mistress and is always backstage so she misses all the shows. She is a friend of mine, and I always snap her daughter for her.


My complaint is this: I just cannot believe the amount of people who come up to me and ask me to take pictures of their child. It is Nutcracker season, the girls are in rehearsals, and last night alone, three different moms/dads asked me to take photos of their child for them. On occasion, in the process of shooting my girls, other dancers get in the photo, and when I print, I will pass those photos out. But man...how can they expect me to focus on their kid when I have two up there myself! "I'll pay you"!! they say, as if that makes it allright, but I am not for hire. I don't want to be an a$$...I see these people all the time, but what the hell...now I'm all stressed out with a list of people I'm supposed to get pictures of :wallbash:


On top of all that, first dress rehearsal is tonight, and I will miss the game. In addition to every game for the next two weeks until Nutcracker is done. :cry: :cry:


Why do half the drivers on the road seem to be in such a rush? I was the second car in line at a red light this AM and the car coming up behind pulled around me into the right lane. (Apparently waiting behind two cars would have been too much of a delay). THEN when the light turned green, the car in front of me gets the jump on Mr. Hurry-up and gets away from the light first. Hurry-up then cuts me off trying to get back into my lane because there is a car parked a half-block from the intersection (which he could see from the right lane). So, Hurry-up almost causes an accident so he can get one car length closer to his destination. Almost makes me want to go out an buy a Humvee..... :angry:

Idiots in traffic are one of my biggest pet peeves...


During my commute into work yesterday, I got honked at by some macho guy in a truck because I wouldn't cut someone off. While exiting the highway, there was a yield sign at the end of the off-ramp and since there were several cars coming, I decided to wait. Mr. impatient came up behind me going about 50mph (again - at the end of the off-ramp) and honked because I wasn't darting into the oncoming traffic to allow him to keep going.


Won't they see you at work today and tomorrow? :unsure:

I wear a bump cap when I'm out of my office, and my office is located in the least traveled part of the facility, so only a handful of people see my bandaged dome. Getting my stitches out in 45 min, thank God. They itch like crazy.


Have to work all day, go to school for 5 hours and miss most of the Bills game and all of the Sabres game.


And then there's that constant pain you're always in, but that goes without saying.


I like to stay away from politics as much as possible, but I have to mention this one. I just read a long profanity filled rant about a certain vote made in New York this week. The rant goes on and on, attacking the people that voted against the beliefs of this person. Yeah, that serves a great purpose there. The best response to bigotry is even more bigotry. Yeah, you can't see the specific rant and don't know exactly why it pisses me off, but I just had to say something somewhere. I'd comment to the specific person, but I don't want to get started on that argument.


I got nothin' this week. Had a great weekend - came in to WNY for Dad's birthday and the Bills-Phins game on Sunday, got to see a couple Sabres' W's - and the work week is going good so far.


One of my team's best forwards broke his leg (most likely tibia and fibia) after crashing into the boards awkwardly after scoring a goal to bring us back to 2-1 w/ 1 minute left in the 1st.


Took the paramedics almost 45 minutes to show up, so he was in pain for ~1 hour. (Took a bit of time to get him onto a stretcher and get the guy that could give him morphine in the ambulance ride to show up.)


After the hour or so delay, never did get to finish the game. Not that anyone actually wanted to continue.


And now, to top it all off, I've got to get my skates resharpened because I was wearing them when I helped get the stretcher out of the rink. (It's got to be all about me, right?)


I hope he's ok, but doubt he'll play again this season. Horribly painful injury.


And then there's that constant pain you're always in, but that goes without saying.

True Dat. :D


Okay, so I've been on 3 dates with the same girl in the past 2 weeks. We met on match.com. Our dates were flawless. Totally into one another, similar interests, similar tastes, similar pasts, similar place in life. Here is the thing: When we aren't together, things feel WAAAYYYY different than when we are together. Maybe she's not a big texter, maybe she doesn't express herself well outside of face to face contact, but I'm bouncing off the walls trying to figure out what the deal is.


I should probably just take cues from our interaction together, and proceed like everything is kosher but something makes me leary about the whole situation. She's pretty secretive about what she's doing when she's not with me. I don't want to pry, but I just left a situation where the girl I was dating had a boyfriend. The feeling is eerily similar. Maybe I'm overreacting but I'm going nuts.


Don't let that stop you from going to the xmas party!

I went. It was fun. I left early and inevitably my name was called for a prize. Probably a $25 gift certificate. Lots of eye candy, one employee was dancing on the dance floor with a unlit cuggy in his mouth. Normally not a big deal but the Owner/CEO's wife made a big deal about how this was a non-smoking function. It was hysterical.


True Dat. :D


Okay, so I've been on 3 dates with the same girl in the past 2 weeks. We met on match.com. Our dates were flawless. Totally into one another, similar interests, similar tastes, similar pasts, similar place in life. Here is the thing: When we aren't together, things feel WAAAYYYY different than when we are together. Maybe she's not a big texter, maybe she doesn't express herself well outside of face to face contact, but I'm bouncing off the walls trying to figure out what the deal is.


I should probably just take cues from our interaction together, and proceed like everything is kosher but something makes me leary about the whole situation. She's pretty secretive about what she's doing when she's not with me. I don't want to pry, but I just left a situation where the girl I was dating had a boyfriend. The feeling is eerily similar. Maybe I'm overreacting but I'm going nuts.


Dude, you are the chick of the relationship after 3 dates? Start running...now.


True Dat. :D


Okay, so I've been on 3 dates with the same girl in the past 2 weeks. We met on match.com. Our dates were flawless. Totally into one another, similar interests, similar tastes, similar pasts, similar place in life. Here is the thing: When we aren't together, things feel WAAAYYYY different than when we are together. Maybe she's not a big texter, maybe she doesn't express herself well outside of face to face contact, but I'm bouncing off the walls trying to figure out what the deal is.


I should probably just take cues from our interaction together, and proceed like everything is kosher but something makes me leary about the whole situation. She's pretty secretive about what she's doing when she's not with me. I don't want to pry, but I just left a situation where the girl I was dating had a boyfriend. The feeling is eerily similar. Maybe I'm overreacting but I'm going nuts.


How dare spndnchz do that to you. :censored:


It figures that pretty much all aspects of my life are starting to pick up a bit and get interesting right now. Just in time for me to go off on a two week vacation for Christmas. Sure life, be completely boring for 11 months and then get good for a period of time too short to enjoy.


Dude, you are the chick of the relationship after 3 dates? Start running...now.


hahahahaha. hilarious! Inky let it play out. Chicks dig that sort of thing. Play the i'm not really that interested in you game. It'll drive her away or drive her wild for you, Either way you'll know where you stand!


My complaint:


Calling a customer service center, having to navigate the computer generated responses, when the issue can only be solved by a real person, being put on hold with elevator music for like an hour.

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