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I appreciate your concerns. Now for the good news and bad news.


Good news (even though I could reserve it for PASabresFan's Saturday thread): the ENT specialist told me that it was more likely due to work-induced stress, so no vertigo there. Plus, he told me to cut back on salt, caffeine, and fried-type foods. (This is motivation for me to try to lose between 40-50 pounds). At least I have a NordicTrack treadmill at home to walk on.


Bad news: Since my family doctor gave me an indefinite out-of-work notice from last Monday, I had to send that in to my company. Given that the initial diagnosis was vertigo-like symptoms, this became a DOT factor. There is no way a safety-conscious trucking company would allow me to drive under those conditions. Now, I have to wait for my ENT specialist to fill out a specific return-to-work form as to why I should be allowed to drive again. This could not have come at a worse time. Two weeks with no paycheck.



I had that same stuff happen. I thought I had brain tumors or a screwed up ticker or something. Turned out it was stress in my case as well. Glad to hear that's all it was.


Good news (even though I could reserve it for PASabresFan's Saturday thread): the ENT specialist told me that it was more likely due to work-induced stress, so no vertigo there. Plus, he told me to cut back on salt, caffeine, and fried-type foods. (This is motivation for me to try to lose between 40-50 pounds). At least I have a NordicTrack treadmill at home to walk on.



Glad it wasn't anything serious :)


I appreciate your concerns. Now for the good news and bad news.


Good news (even though I could reserve it for PASabresFan's Saturday thread): the ENT specialist told me that it was more likely due to work-induced stress, so no vertigo there. Plus, he told me to cut back on salt, caffeine, and fried-type foods. (This is motivation for me to try to lose between 40-50 pounds). At least I have a NordicTrack treadmill at home to walk on.


Bad news: Since my family doctor gave me an indefinite out-of-work notice from last Monday, I had to send that in to my company. Given that the initial diagnosis was vertigo-like symptoms, this became a DOT factor. There is no way a safety-conscious trucking company would allow me to drive under those conditions. Now, I have to wait for my ENT specialist to fill out a specific return-to-work form as to why I should be allowed to drive again. This could not have come at a worse time. Two weeks with no paycheck.


Two weeks to concentrate on your health, albeit with no paycheck. The lack of funds sure sucks, but spend those two weeks exercising (not more vigorously than your doc said, btw), eating right, and relaxing, and you know what? It's going to be better than two weeks' pay, in the long run.


Been sick for the last few days and it sucks.


Saw a girl at the mall today. She sat down in the entrance to the hallway leading to the restrooms, plugged her phone into the electrical outlet, and started calling everyone she knew to loudly complain that her ride wasn't there because "the bus dropped me off early." Classy.


Posters who reply to posts with youtube videos.


Douchebags who reply to posts (or sneak in posts) with links that connect to that frigging peter pan guy.

Not being in the top ten complainers.



shrader 249

Bmwolf21 204

inkman 199

LabattBlue 166

Crosschecking 157

d4rksabre 149

spndnchz 113

PASabreFan 107

McJeff215 94

Buffalo Wings 85

I'm never going to catch shrader now. Probably because I keep multi-complaining in one post.


Been sick for the last few days and it sucks.


Saw a girl at the mall today. She sat down in the entrance to the hallway leading to the restrooms, plugged her phone into the electrical outlet, and started calling everyone she knew to loudly complain that her ride wasn't there because "the bus dropped me off early." Classy.

Posters who reply to posts with youtube videos.


Douchebags who reply to posts (or sneak in posts) with links that connect to that frigging peter pan guy.


I'm never going to catch shrader now. Probably because I keep multi-complaining in one post.




As was brought to my attention, it seems odd to have "Complaint Thursday" on Thanksgiving, so for this week, bring your complaints to the table one day early. I expect to hear some Black Friday complaining next week at our regularly scheduled time.


I know it is the holiday season, and I love the holidays....but for crying out loud woman I do not want to wait another month for stuff I need now just so's you, your mom, my sister etc have something to get me for Christmas. If they wanna pay for the stuff..bonus..but I am using the stuff now!!! I am 46, been working 25 years, I should not have to wait a month for stuff I want now. Now, I am not talking big tickets items like a TV or something, I just need some new compression shorts to run in as the three pair I have now are disintegrating. Also, I need my new XM radio now as the old roadie(almost 8 yrs old) finally died. I drive a ton for work, I need the XM radio now!!!


Outside of that..everyone have a great holiday season...


BTW, be at the Sabres-Caps game this evening...they better not get me in a foul mood to Begin the weekend :lol:


Work. More specifically, no one knows what's going on. No one. I work for an internet company that doesn't offer shopping cart. Well, let me rephrase, you can't have a shopping cart under "yourdomain.com." How elementary is that? To top it off, we can't even "commit" to when we will as VP A and VP B and VP C haven't yet hashed out our "ecommerce strategy." This isn't hard. I can automate the install of an OSS shopping cart package in probably less than a week. But, see, we need to take something dumb simple and wrap all of this corporate-esque shizat around it... why?


I'm 160% convinced that companies that are A) public or B) employ over 100 people are crap. From top to bottom crap. This includes my employer. When the focus goes from customer happiness to Wall Street, or you can't expect to see the same person behind the desk every day, you lose something.


I'm defintely a family holiday kinda guy, however I must complain that this starting the Holiday earlier every year sucks. There are some absolutes and xmas stuff not starting till after Thanksgiving black friday is one of them in my book.


How big a boy are ya?

Glad this thread opened a day early, I've been waiting all week to respond to this. I'm a svelt 5' 10" 187 lbs, lest we not forget the 12-15lbs in the calf area.


The reason I was grubbing so hard was that I was trying everything I could to lose that nasty taste. I think it finally went away when I had a ciggy. Haha!


Christmas music sucks.


Cold November Rain instead of Snow. Just snow already.


Coming home for Thanksgiving break. I have nothing to do here during the day, so I just sit around waiting for the evening when all my friends want to get together. I'd rather just be in Rochester.


Oh, and women.


Guys who go running in compression shorts. Nobody wants to see your tired little raisins or the outline of your ass cheeks. At least cover up with some regular exercise shorts.

Ahh, good point. You can add the Lance Armstrong wannabees to this list as well. Spending a Gr to pimp yourself out to look like Lance Armstrong, not cool. Unless you are training to compete against Lance, throw on a T-shirt and some khaki's and ride your freakin bike.


"Only reserved"? Really?


Misusing "only." One of my big pet peeves. And people who write "should of" instead of "should have." And "for all intensive purposes."



SUPPOSEABLY.........There isnt even a way to properly spell this butchering of the English language.


Ahh, good point. You can add the Lance Armstrong wannabees to this list as well. Spending a Gr to pimp yourself out to look like Lance Armstrong, not cool. Unless you are training to compete against Lance, throw on a T-shirt and some khaki's and ride your freakin bike.


Biking is a little more complex than that. Bike shorts are a god send cuz they have padding for your boys. Unfortunately, there are really only two options, baggy or tight. I wear baggy shorts that have a lining (sorta like swim trunks) but that's cuz I ride a mountain bike (and don't want to look like a choad). The compression shorts are the standard for road bikers and there's just no way to avoid it. They might look stupid to everyone else, but unless you ride you don't realize how necessary they are. And you aren't supposed to wear anything over them because it will cause chafing, so you're sorta stuck. It's more of a comfort choice than a looks choice.


Biking is a little more complex than that. Bike shorts are a god send cuz they have padding for your boys. Unfortunately, there are really only two options, baggy or tight. I wear baggy shorts that have a lining (sorta like swim trunks) but that's cuz I ride a mountain bike (and don't want to look like a choad). The compression shorts are the standard for road bikers and there's just no way to avoid it. They might look stupid to everyone else, but unless you ride you don't realize how necessary they are. And you aren't supposed to wear anything over them because it will cause chafing, so you're sorta stuck. It's more of a comfort choice than a looks choice.


I ride a road bike and rarely wear bike shorts. For protecting my "boys," good gloves are actually more important, as it encourages me to put the proper amount of weight on the bars.


Then again, I rarely ride for more than 75-90 minutes; for a longer ride, I'd probably really want bike shorts.


What's REALLY stupid to me is not wearing a helmet. As a driver, I hate seeking cyclists without helmets, especially on roads that are inherently dangerous for cycling to begin with, like Elmwood Avenue or Allen Street. Or the Delaware S-curves.


I ride a road bike and rarely wear bike shorts. For protecting my "boys," good gloves are actually more important, as it encourages me to put the proper amount of weight on the bars.


Then again, I rarely ride for more than 75-90 minutes; for a longer ride, I'd probably really want bike shorts.


What's REALLY stupid to me is not wearing a helmet. As a driver, I hate seeking cyclists without helmets, especially on roads that are inherently dangerous for cycling to begin with, like Elmwood Avenue or Allen Street. Or the Delaware S-curves.


A Freudian slip?


SUPPOSEABLY.........There isnt even a way to properly spell this butchering of the English language.

Tis a word. No one EVER uses it correctly, rather they use it in place of supposedly, but it is a word. One of my fellow employees uses it daily, rather than rage on him, I just punch mysefl in the dick everytime he uses it.


I ride a road bike and rarely wear bike shorts. For protecting my "boys," good gloves are actually more important...

They make gloves that small?


Hey Now!!!


I'll be here all week...don't forget to trip your waitress!


I sometimes have to work on this system where I email code to some address and it returns the appropriate output. They just moved the address, so yesterday I decided to test it out to make sure if it worked. I put together the most basic code I could think of. It was giving me an error message. I emailed the person who runs the thing to let them know and he/she (can't tell from the name) told me it had to be my code because the system was up and running. Me screwing up this code would be the equivalent of a hockey player not knowing how to hold a stick or Inkman not knowing how to be creepy. I let them know it was definitely right and I got a pretty snippy email telling me it had to be my mistake. The tone was pretty clear.


So yeah, people piss me off, especially when they refuse to acknowledge their mistakes. They did finally respond today though, saying that it was indeed their error. Yeah, thanks for listening to me right away. I actually know what I'm talking about.


Guys who go running in compression shorts. Nobody wants to see your tired little raisins or the outline of your ass cheeks. At least cover up with some regular exercise shorts.


Good god man, of course I wear running shorts over them. Couldn't take seeing everyone puking as they passed me if i went compression only ;)


On a happy note, just found out from my sis we are about the blue, 13 rows up tonight. Sucks as it is the end where the Caps shoot twice, but the guy she got the tickets from says its the Caps wives section. Lets see how much they like me ragging on their boys tonight


Two weeks to concentrate on your health, albeit with no paycheck. The lack of funds sure sucks, but spend those two weeks exercising (not more vigorously than your doc said, btw), eating right, and relaxing, and you know what? It's going to be better than two weeks' pay, in the long run.

First off, thanks to everyone for their concerns. As much as we may agree or disagree on some things, it is reassuring that this forum has become something of a close-knit community.


Here's what really sucks: I have to look for a new job. I no longer have a job with them. However, the silver lining is that I have been home for all this time and at least I have a bachelor's degree in a totally unrelated field. So, here's to finding a job where I can at least be home every night and off the road.


My sister-in-laws damn dogs. Two white rats that won't shut the hell up, and she brings them with her EVERY time she comes to our house. Shut those goddamn dogs up, would you!!!!


Can't wait to have them bark all day tomorrow and also have my 3 dogs going and 9 people in the house.


I see myself stealing away to my loft to watch football in peace.....


Happy Thanksgiving my friends!

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