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OK, there's my complaint. The stigma that's associated with a man who walks for exercise. Also, just because a 43-year-old man is single and has a cat and cries during "The Locator," he's not necessarily gay!

Yes...yes he is.


Yeah, I was going to turn the original comment into a spndnchz joke, but you already went that route. I don't even want to know what they'd do with the rake.

Prolly make some joke about shrader with it. :nana:


Huh? Dude, you have me TOTALLY confused. What does this have to do with a hockey board - let alone Complaint Thursdays?

It's a spammer. I recommend you delete the reference to that post. No need for that crap on SS.


It's a spammer. I recommend you delete the reference to that post. No need for that crap on SS.

I think the mods have already fixed this. His post is gone.


You want a good incentive for going to the gym? Stare at the of half the girls in there. You'll be on the treadmill for an hour without even realizing it. Yeah, you could find eye candy somewhere else without paying, but the concentration is usually higher at the gym, or at least it is at mine anyway.



I missed a spammer? Lame.

Yeah, it was very weird. He wasn't even rooting for anything related to hockey - or sports in general for that matter.


People at hockey games that won't stand up to let you into the row. It is that much of a bother to stand up and give some space? You just sit there with your legs to the side like you own the row. I paid the same as you for the seats now move it!


Oh and same people that don't stand up and cheer when we score? WTF? Did you come to the game for the air conditioning? Stand the f up and clap !


I have to go to this seminar thing today...it's all afternoon (12:30-5:00) and only one discussion topic out of the 5 being presented is relevant to my field.


Outside of that, the Yankees & Sabres both won - what's there to complain about? :nana:


My laptop came down with some bug yesterday. I started getting warnings about a virus, but it was pretty clear that they were fake warnings trying to get me to install some program. Then my browser kept closing all on its own. I cut off the internet connect and stopped the fake program from running, then restarted. Now each time I start the computer, there are no windows open, but I hear the tone the computer makes when the popup blocker kicks in. A few seconds later, still with no windows open, audio from ads will start to run. The internet browser keeps closing on its own if I open it. I was up until 3 last night trying to fix this but made little progress. Any suggestions?


My laptop came down with some bug yesterday. I started getting warnings about a virus, but it was pretty clear that they were fake warnings trying to get me to install some program. Then my browser kept closing all on its own. I cut off the internet connect and stopped the fake program from running, then restarted. Now each time I start the computer, there are no windows open, but I hear the tone the computer makes when the popup blocker kicks in. A few seconds later, still with no windows open, audio from ads will start to run. The internet browser keeps closing on its own if I open it. I was up until 3 last night trying to fix this but made little progress. Any suggestions?


Download and run Ad Aware. It's always done well by me.




Just got home from my kids Teacher -Parent conferance. My daughter, who is ultra competitive in everything she does, gets 5 A's or A-(no A+'s), a B+ and a B. I ask the teacher what I should tell her when she asks how she can get the Bs up to an A. The teacher responds that my daughter is already working really hard, not to stress her, she is performing prolly above her potential, and tell her she is doing just fine now.


REALLY, WTF, I am going to tell my kid she has hit her potential and stop trying to get better? Thats a great life lesson to learn eh? I didn't say I was going to blast her for getting B's,I am proud as hell at how hard she works, and know she is doing the best she absolutely can. But SHE is the one who wants to make A's, should I tell she is not smart enough to get them???. WTF, still has me scratching my head...


Just got home from my kids Teacher -Parent conferance. My daughter, who is ultra competitive in everything she does, gets 5 A's or A-(no A+'s), a B+ and a B. I ask the teacher what I should tell her when she asks how she can get the Bs up to an A. The teacher responds that my daughter is already working really hard, not to stress her, she is performing prolly above her potential, and tell her she is doing just fine now.


REALLY, WTF, I am going to tell my kid she has hit her potential and stop trying to get better? Thats a great life lesson to learn eh? I didn't say I was going to blast her for getting B's,I am proud as hell at how hard she works, and know she is doing the best she absolutely can. But SHE is the one who wants to make A's, should I tell she is not smart enough to get them???. WTF, still has me scratching my head...

I'm heading there today for my kids as well... Not my favorite day..


I put it back on my kids... I tell them that if they are capable of A's they should get them and I'll be happy :w00t: . If they are capable of B's and they get them, I'll be happy :rolleyes: . If they are capable of C's and they get them, I'll be happy B-) . But if you're getting a B when you could get an A, then they need to work harder :wallbash: . When that doesn't work, I've dangled bribes as incentives :doh: ..


Last night at my daughter's soccer game, I had 2 idiot soccer mom's screaming their heads off directly behind me, every second their daughter's were on the field. I have no problems cheering on your child, but have some decency and don't stand behind people and yell loudly.


I'm already underpaid as it is, but now the hospital has set the max annual raise to a ridiculously small figure. It's funny how my responsibilities can increase by a much larger amount than my pay does. I need a new job. Now if only people would respond to the resumes I started sending out last week.


Just got home from my kids Teacher -Parent conferance. My daughter, who is ultra competitive in everything she does, gets 5 A's or A-(no A+'s), a B+ and a B. I ask the teacher what I should tell her when she asks how she can get the Bs up to an A. The teacher responds that my daughter is already working really hard, not to stress her, she is performing prolly above her potential, and tell her she is doing just fine now.


REALLY, WTF, I am going to tell my kid she has hit her potential and stop trying to get better? Thats a great life lesson to learn eh? I didn't say I was going to blast her for getting B's,I am proud as hell at how hard she works, and know she is doing the best she absolutely can. But SHE is the one who wants to make A's, should I tell she is not smart enough to get them???. WTF, still has me scratching my head...

As the parent of two very high achieving kids...my sophomore in particular, here is her advice: EXTRA CREDIT. If your kid really wants to turn those B's to A's it can be done by taking advantage of every extra credit opportunity available to them. Some teachers give out extra points for some pretty lame stuff, some teachers are a little more judicious when handing out opportunities for extra credit, but most teachers do give these opportunities. My sophomore was able to up her gradepoint by a few points here and there and has maintained straight A's her whole life. Which brings me to my complaint:

My kid is stressed out. She is gunning for valedictorian of her class and she is so busy with ballet and student council and latin club and academic team and driving lessons that she is staying up to at least midnight most nights getting her homework done. She gets up at 6am. She is determined and beautiful and goal-oriented and she is exhausted. I am worried about her but she wants IVY and she says she is gonna get IVY.

I wish the college admission process didn't induce such stress. As any parent of a teenager knows, the four years of high school are a minefield of decisions that are made based on which college you want, and do you want it paid for? Everything they do leads to that final judgement. It is hard on them, and it is hard on me watching her. I am so lame...just making sure she is fed and her clothes are washed while she storms through her life doing too much. I just wish I could help her mellow out but I've tried. Her dad and I are kind of slackers (although we do own our own business and though it is a difficult one, it is also a blast :)

I guess thats it. Just parental worry. Is there anything like it? I think not. And here's one more: My TWEEN is starting to act like a TEENAGER. Hmmmmmmm.....good times


Diet & exercise are working to bring my weight down, but the blood pressure isn't budging one bit. Don't want to go on medication, but don't know if I have a choice at this point. Mom's got HBP as well, so it's in the family...


Got a promotion at work this week. Normally this would not be in the complaint section, but to get it they had to fire a very good friend, the guy who brought me in, trained me and promoted me the first time. Best part was they waited until he came back from vacation, called him the night he got back from Cali, and said "you have a meeting tomorrow with the executive director, marketing director, and human resources VP tomorrow at 10 a.m." Three hours later they are offering me his position.


Finally, something I really, really hate: anonymous posters who have nothing better to do with their time but spew negativity all over the Internet. (Not looking at you, PA. ;)) I'm talking about the random a-holes who post in the comments sections of news stories and are just arrogant, condescending jerks who rip the writer, the story, the subject, the media outlet, and even the other posters.


I am so lame...


From what you wrote, it seems to me that as a parent, you are anything but.


Although, you did force your kids to live in Ohio. That's pretty lame.


Well, apparantly the weather is suppose to be great this weekend. My complaint? I can't enjoy it because I am getting married in May and my wife to be is a Catholic. Therefore we have to take a 'marriage course'. I know, some might say about how important it is but we've been together for over four years, lived together for two, communicate well and have a great relationship. Now I'm going to listen to a priest tell me how to act in a relationship. Oh and the kicker, it's 830 until 9 on sat and 830 until 5 on sun......


Revisiting one of my prior complaints...the people who go into Subway with a list of a half-dozen sandwiches needed for the entire office/family/gang of freaks on the corner. Got stuck behind one of these all-stars today and wanted to punch her in the back of the head. Four different subs, a subway pizza (seriously?) and of course her order got screwed up somewhere along the way, so we all had to wait while they figured it out.

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