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- My wife is taking online classes and got a bad grade on one paper, yet other classmates' submissions were much less thought-out and not nearly written as well, yet got grades in the 90s. WTF?

Her classmates are having cyber-sex (is that even a term anymore) with the prof.


Snow in the forecast when there are still lots of green leaves on the trees - please, not another October Surprise! Whatever happened to Indian summer? Freakin' weird weather..............


Snow in the forecast when there are still lots of green leaves on the trees - please, not another October Surprise! Whatever happened to Indian summer? Freakin' weird weather..............

The average high in WNY this time of year should be around 60, but here is the 10 day forecast...




On top of this forecast, the temps have been in the 40's and low 50's for highs with rain for the last week or so.


My hot-water heater died a not-so-peaceful death yesterday, resulting in standing water in my basement and a fat plumber bill for a new one. The plumber then left a valve partially open, resulting in more standing water, which I had to clean up again after figuring out and correcting his mistake.


At least I'm the proud owner of a shiny new hot-water heater though.


- My wife is taking online classes and got a bad grade on one paper, yet other classmates' submissions were much less thought-out and not nearly written as well, yet got grades in the 90s. WTF?


Just out of curiosity, how do you know the other papers were less thought-out and not written as well?


The best player on my hockey team broke his foot in our game monday night. We're bad enough as is, now he's gone for a while. He said he knew it was broken the second it happened, but still played 2.5 periods on it, still leading countless rushes up the ice. Crazy kid. Yeah, the skate probably holds everything in place, but if you know it's broken, obviously something isn't right.


My back's been bugging me on and off for a while now. It came back right before that game on monday. I'd work this out, but it's tough to figure out since the pain seems to move around a bit. Stupid back pain. It's more annoying than anything.



My back's been bugging me on and off for a while now. It came back right before that game on monday. I'd work this out, but it's tough to figure out since the pain seems to move around a bit. Stupid back pain. It's more annoying than anything.


My lower back started hurting last October. It really stresses me out. I have some mild disc protrusions that occasionally press against my spinal chord. Now I have to put all kinds of pillows under my legs, etc... when I sleep. :(


My lower back started hurting last October. It really stresses me out. I have some mild disc protrusions that occasionally press against my spinal chord. Now I have to put all kinds of pillows under my legs, etc... when I sleep. :(



You should see Dr Reebs. he's got your back.


I like Facebook because it's given me a chance to get in touch with people I graduated with and used to work with. I understand some people's dislike of it and I also think too many people out there don't understand how "public" it is, but if it's used right, it's worthwhile to me.

Exactly. If you set your privacy settings right, you can control who sees what you post, who posts on your wall, etc. - and if you use some common sense, you don't have to worry about "who is going to read this?"


I hear you there. I've hit the point with my job where it is probably time to move on. Fortunately though, I know I'm safe for quite a while and I get the feeling there are more than enough openings in my field. It's just the whole job search that is completely foreign to me. I have no idea how to go about that while I'm still working here. I'm sure I'm going to need references and since this is the only job I've had out of college, asking the boss if I can use him as a reference is obviously going to raise some red flags in his mind.

Yep, the writing is definitely on the wall now. Time to polish the old résumé and start flooding the marketplace. Another poorly-thought-out new policy is being forced into place this week, with no training, guidance, set parameters, or systems in place. We're basically turning our staff (I work at a non-profit) into telemarketers and expecting each shift to make 35-70 outgoing calls per day. The benchmarks and goals for this ridiculous program include over 4,000 outbound calls per month, and trickling down through the progression of the formulas, the new expectation is that based on the call volume and their metrics - we should be bringing in more new units every month than we have in any of best months over each of the last two years.


The downside is, well I'm in Ohio, and the job market ain't exactly booming right now.


...you using the whole fist doc?


Prior to the act, I will be checking out to see if he is well manicured. My wife requires this, I expect no less!!!


I'm still sick. There's some strain of super-cold going around that doesn't go away. My sinuses have been draining since Sunday and I haven't had much of a voice either. This is ridiculous.


I'm still sick. There's some strain of super-cold going around that doesn't go away. My sinuses have been draining since Sunday and I haven't had much of a voice either. This is ridiculous.


Mine lasted 3 weeks. Mucinex and theraflu helped immensly


Mine lasted 3 weeks. Mucinex and theraflu helped immensly


I've been all over the Mucinex. I discovered that a few years ago and I'll never fight a cold without it. But holy hell is this annoying. I would have rather had 4 days of the swine flu than this.


I've been all over the Mucinex. I discovered that a few years ago and I'll never fight a cold without it. But holy hell is this annoying. I would have rather had 4 days of the swine flu than this.


Give it time, you'll probably be able to compare the two before the winter's over.


Just out of curiosity, how do you know the other papers were less thought-out and not written as well?

With this place (I'm not sure if it's true of any school that does their stuff online), the papers are posted "publicly" for the entire class to see. She can actually download each of the other students' papers (Word docs) and read them - this includes the papers before & after they're graded.


I also looked through a few of them myself. I'm no expert, but when my wife's paper is a solid 4-5 pages that addresses everything the teacher wanted and other students' submissions are one whole page that's not much more than a bulleted list, it seems pretty clear that the grading is a tad inconsistent.


I don't know; that's a whole lot of pumpkins running towards him.


And there's no telling what that think off to the right is. Until mini-BM is safely at home in his giant bubble, we can never be sure.

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