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A translated version of a german video? Unless it's Hitler talking about TO, I'm not watching it.


Korab, I'm pretty sure he was banned. That was the only thing that was going to shut him up. The part about responding to the same post 5 times was just for you. Hope you liked it.


A translated version of a german video? Unless it's Hitler talking about TO, I'm not watching it.


Korab, I'm pretty sure he was banned. That was the only thing that was going to shut him up. The part about responding to the same post 5 times was just for you. Hope you liked it.



I chuckled when I read it. Wasn't sure if he was banned or he returned to whence he came, maybe the Sabres boards.


I'm covering a HS football game on Friday night, and as I usually do, I called the schools to ask them to fax or email their roster to me. The one school sent it in a SNP format. I had no idea what the hell that was, and had to download an SNP Viewer in order to open the file. Thanks for making more work for me.


Every time I read his username, I just assumed he was some sort of satan worshiping klansman, only one letter away from it.



And one too many 6, but then his beef would have been with Grier instead of Goose.


Can you believe the Republican nutjob who screamed at the president last night? At a joint session of Congress? YOU LIE!


The president had said it was not true that his health care reform plan would give coverage to illegal immigrants. Unless it's written in the bill, or on record somewhere, who's the liar? Or do facts mean nothing anymore?


The president also chastised the politicians (unnamed reference to Sarah Palin) who scared senior citizens with this talk of "death panels" that would decide if granny lives or not. It's also a lie. But when Obama said so, a shot of the Republican side of the aisle showed the vast majority of them sitting on their hands while the Democrats and a few Republicans stood and applauded. What did remaining in their seats say about these guys?


I can't remember a more disgraceful era in politics. And that's saying a lot. I'm actually starting to fear what's next. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if some element of the neo-cons got together with some domestic nutjobs and rogue elements of the military and tried to stage a coup.


I can't remember a more disgraceful era in politics. And that's saying a lot. I'm actually starting to fear what's next. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if some element of the neo-cons got together with some domestic nutjobs and rogue elements of the military and tried to stage a coup.

The country is in a major divide. I can't remember a time when politics were so volatile. I've contemplated arming myself because of this very reason. The closemindedness and radicalism is frightening.


The country is in a major divide. I can't remember a time when politics were so volatile. I've contemplated arming myself because of this very reason. The closemindedness and radicalism is frightening.


But do you feel it "on the street"? Among average people? I'm not sure it's seeped down to that level.


The overt racism on display in the country is something to behold. It shouldn't surprise me, but it does.


I can't remember a more disgraceful era in politics. And that's saying a lot. I'm actually starting to fear what's next. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if some element of the neo-cons got together with some domestic nutjobs and rogue elements of the military and tried to stage a coup.


Thank you. It's simply irrational. I really chalk a lot of it up to the state of the media. It's not a news delivery game, it's a ratings game. With so many news outlets fighting for the viewership, journalistic integrity goes right out the window. For example, why does CNN cover Brittany Spears? Because it increases market share. Is it newsworthy? Hell no. Does it bring eyes to the screen? Yup, and that's what's important. Generating more profit.


I used to have a long standing complaint. Remember? It was Sean Hannity. It's just that kind of polarizing crap that causes this stuff. People take it to the bank. They eat it up as news. It's political commentary, but it's not presented that way. Lots of standard debate/argument tactics used as well:


1. Demonize the opposition. You know, "You're just one of those stupid Libs."

2. Elevate your position to a higher moral ground. Anyone been Hannitized? You're a Great American, Sean.


It goes on and on. But the more people hear this, the more they buy into it. The more they buy into it, the less likely they are to listen to the opposition in any type of constructive communication. I remember having discussions around the election regarding politics and it was simply impossible to talk to anyone that was further to the right. Obama was the antichrist. End of discussion. He's a baby killer. End of discussion. He's the enemy. When 40% of your population sees your leadership as a moral enemy, there is a serious problem.


I don't dislike either political viewpoint. I simply can't stand the polarization and the relentless bickering. It seems to be coming more and more from the right side, which is just driving me more and more to the left side. Stop.


The country is in a major divide. I can't remember a time when politics were so volatile. I've contemplated arming myself because of this very reason. The closemindedness and radicalism is frightening.

Yes indeed that is a complaint I agree with. It seems having a different opinion and being able to voice it and/or disagree agreeably is no longer the standard. Another complaint along that vein is those stoking the flames of class envy, suspicion across groups, races, ages and in general... New orleans hurricane showed us in a some ways we are just a natural disaster or man made crisis away from some level of anarchy and chaos in our own hood.....Indeed scary schittt....


But do you feel it "on the street"? Among average people? I'm not sure it's seeped down to that level.


The overt racism on display in the country is something to behold. It shouldn't surprise me, but it does.

Your average street thug, no they are just worried about eating. You typical NRA nut who wants to start a revolt with his drinkin buddies? I'm worried. If they come to my door asking if I'm in, I might want a better response than no.


But do you feel it "on the street"? Among average people? I'm not sure it's seeped down to that level.


The overt racism on display in the country is something to behold. It shouldn't surprise me, but it does.



What overt racism?


Can you believe the Republican nutjob who screamed at the president last night? At a joint session of Congress? YOU LIE!


The president had said it was not true that his health care reform plan would give coverage to illegal immigrants. Unless it's written in the bill, or on record somewhere, who's the liar? Or do facts mean nothing anymore?


The president also chastised the politicians (unnamed reference to Sarah Palin) who scared senior citizens with this talk of "death panels" that would decide if granny lives or not. It's also a lie. But when Obama said so, a shot of the Republican side of the aisle showed the vast majority of them sitting on their hands while the Democrats and a few Republicans stood and applauded. What did remaining in their seats say about these guys?


I can't remember a more disgraceful era in politics. And that's saying a lot. I'm actually starting to fear what's next. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if some element of the neo-cons got together with some domestic nutjobs and rogue elements of the military and tried to stage a coup.



Here is what I hate: I hate one-side evaluations of politics in this country being passed off as common sense.


Are you saying that no democrat has ever heckled or jeered a President during a speech to Congress?


Are you saying that no democrat has ever demonized a Republican over an issue they disagreed with: like, for example, saying Republicans wanted to make the elderly eat dog food?


Are you saying that in the health reform bill, well, bills since there are a few being bandied about, that there is no prevision for panels which will decide the extent of care an individual will receive?


How familiar are you with the legislation you're referring to, in which you use as a jumping off point to proclaim that this is the most "disgraceful era in politics"?


I hate it that people treat politics like sports. I want to complain about the lazy, sucking off the teat of the tax-payer masses, who complain when they don't get enough of that fat sow's milk. I want to complain about the politician's who give it to them, and then give them more, and do nothing but serve their own interests - which are only to remain in power.


What is this with Apple computer sycophants, who think their computer is best thing since Rosie Palms?


I can provide listings of articles referring to virus threats and OS bugs - but most Mac fans shut their eyes like little children cupping their ears and saying "nyah nyah nyah I can't hear you".


Mac computers suck ass. Over priced for off-the-shelf components you can get for nearly half the price, and the OS has hitherto been only mildly molested because the market penetration is so weak! In fact, one of the reasons why some virus coders decided to turn their attention to the Mac is because of the smarmy attitude Apple zealots have, as illustrated by the stupid commercials.


I don't know if I want to blame the media as much as I want to blame all the stupid sheep out there. I'd say it's 50/50.


On the surface I agree. But when it comes down to it, I tend to see a small group of pundits that are taking advantage of that blind trust. They know that if they speak to the value system, they've got a following. Then, they just build on via reenforcement. It really turns my stomach. It's kind of in the same vein as all of the country musicians that milked the patriotism over past decade, it's just more dangerous as these guys have a clear call to action. Disrupt town hall meetings. Burn Dixie Chicks albums. Have tea parties. What happens when one says "Revolt!", or tells us to stop going to work?


Here is what I hate: I hate one-side evaluations of politics in this country being passed off as common sense.


Are you saying that no democrat has ever heckled or jeered a President during a speech to Congress?


Are you saying that no democrat has ever demonized a Republican over an issue they disagreed with: like, for example, saying Republicans wanted to make the elderly eat dog food?


Are you saying that in the health reform bill, well, bills since there are a few being bandied about, that there is no prevision for panels which will decide the extent of care an individual will receive?


How familiar are you with the legislation you're referring to, in which you use as a jumping off point to proclaim that this is the most "disgraceful era in politics"?


I hate it that people treat politics like sports. I want to complain about the lazy, sucking off the teat of the tax-payer masses, who complain when they don't get enough of that fat sow's milk. I want to complain about the politician's who give it to them, and then give them more, and do nothing but serve their own interests - which are only to remain in power.


Of course Democrats have made fools of themselves. The criticisms hold true for both sides of the isle. This specific example is fresh so it's getting lots of attention. On the other side of the isle? Cynthia McKinney, Pelosi's jets, and Al Gore's hijacking of environmental issues. It's too polarized. It's "examples of the right" versus "examples of the left." Why not hold the individual lawmakers accountable versus tagging a party affiliation and bastardizing the entire side of the spectrum? Both sides have very valid points.


I hate it that people treat politics like sports. I want to complain about the lazy, sucking off the teat of the tax-payer masses, who complain when they don't get enough of that fat sow's milk. I want to complain about the politician's who give it to them, and then give them more, and do nothing but serve their own interests - which are only to remain in power.


The same thing happens on either side, just in different forms. No one likes leaches.


Of course Democrats have made fools of themselves. The criticisms hold true for both sides of the isle. This specific example is fresh so it's getting lots of attention. On the other side of the isle? Cynthia McKinney, Pelosi's jets, and Al Gore's hijacking of environmental issues. It's too polarized. It's "examples of the right" versus "examples of the left." Why not hold the individual lawmakers accountable versus tagging a party affiliation and bastardizing the entire side of the spectrum? Both sides have very valid points.


I've always wondered when "well someone else did it before" became a legitimate excuse for doing something wrong. Democrats have done it before. Republicans have done it before. Why does it matter? It was still stupid and wrong this time around.



I haven't had one smart ass comment yetfrom Patriots from Patriots fans this week while walking around with my Bills hat on. This team is in such bad shape right now, that people can't even be bothered to joke about them. That's just sad.


I've always wondered when "well someone else did it before" became a legitimate excuse for doing something wrong. Democrats have done it before. Republicans have done it before. Why does it matter? It was still stupid and wrong this time around.


That was kind of my point (though it may not have come out that way). Neither are immune. They all keep doing stupid stuff. Less focus on the party and more on holding each individual accountable.


That was kind of my point (though it may not have come out that way). Neither are immune. They all keep doing stupid stuff. Less focus on the party and more on holding each individual accountable.



What a novel concept. Let's hope it gains traction.

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