SwampD Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 How is this page 7? You really are going senile. Quote
Stoner Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 You really are going senile. Apparently SDS is coming along for the ride. We plan to wander around today until our families call 911 at FRIGGIN 11 O'CLOCK TONIGHT. What's up with that? Quote
Bmwolf21 Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 I hate people at the gym who put their weights back on the closest rack possible. The whole thing is in order from lightest to heaviest, and they're even labeled. There is no reason to put something in the wrong slot other than pure laziness. You seriously couldn't take the one extra step it would've took to put those 35s in the right spot instead of the spot for the 40s? I just spent the last 5 minutes of my train ride home trying to ignore two screaming little kids. This woman brought them on the train while they were already screaming and they never stopped. The woman didn't even try to shut them up, just let them go crazy. Kids suck and so do lousy parents. I'm gonna dip back into last week's complaints and throw an AMEN at shrader's post. I work in a YMCA and am the guy who closes the facility most nights, and last night (like many others) I had to go on a search and rescue operation to find the missing dumbbells and return them to the rack. They were on the other side of the weight room by the other mirror and cable machine, and even near the cardio section. On point 2 - I got into work yesterday and my boss told me how he was at Friendly's the night before, and he heard a 3-year-old call his brother a f***er - to which his mother simply shook her head and called them both savages. Awesome parenting skills. Quote
shrader Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 I'm gonna dip back into last week's complaints and throw an AMEN at shrader's post. I work in a YMCA and am the guy who closes the facility most nights, and last night (like many others) I had to go on a search and rescue operation to find the missing dumbbells and return them to the rack. They were on the other side of the weight room by the other mirror and cable machine, and even near the cardio section. I always put re-order them when I can. I went with that complaint last week because I re-ordered a few and then this guy who sat there watching me then immediately put something back at the opposite end of the rack. What a jackass. So I'm on vacation now, yet I'm waking up earlier than I usually do. That's just not right. Quote
Buffalo Wings Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 On point 2 - I got into work yesterday and my boss told me how he was at Friendly's the night before, and he heard a 3-year-old call his brother a f***er - to which his mother simply shook her head and called them both savages. Awesome parenting skills. I keep wondering how some people in particular are able to procreate, while others (good people, IMO) can't. Quote
spndnchz Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 Cops and tasers. http://deadspin.com/...ight-in-oakland These cops would have everyone tasered at a Bills game. WTF? Quote
That Aud Smell Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 i fuggin hate the "me-ness" of modern therapy culture. a close family-member of mine, who has always been just a good sort of person, has recently gone through rounds of individual, couples, and group therapy -- precipitated by a painful divorce -- and has emerged as insufferably self-centered (in therapy speak i think that's called "self-actualized"). the therapy mantra i keep hearing is that "everyone is responsible for his or her own happiness, each individual is responsible for getting what he or she needs in life." the translation: don't expect *me* to be a got-dam mind-reader and figure out what's good, common, and decent as far as *you're* concerned -- if there's something you need, then speak up and say something -- otherwise, you shouldn't be heard to complain. that's not the way i was raised, that's not the way i live, and that's not how i try to teach my kids to behave. therapy can make real jerks of normal people. Quote
Stoner Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 I want to complain about the fact that a car is about to hit BM's kid... AND NO ONE'S DOING A DAMN THING ABOUT IT! Quote
McJeff215 Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 WORK,... the do more with less, be thankful you have a job mantra, all the while pooring on more projects than you have resources for or can complete and no one above will prioritize anything....... Why don't they understand when everything is a prioroty nothing is a priority......Arghhhh :wallbash: Suckage. The do-more-with-less and be thankful stuff is wearing on me as well. We've had our benefits slashed. Our 10Q from yesterday included a paragraph that said: "Net savings from benefits reduction and employee salary readjustments for the quarter ending on mm/dd/yyyy was $xxxx." And then not two paragraphs above? "Overall earnings were excellent this quarter, with profit numbers coming in above Q2 guidance." And then not two paragraphs below? "Administrative and managerial costs increased by xxx,xxx this quarter due to.." And then two paragraphs below that? "Company bought 200,000 shares of stock back from Executive X." So, the company is obviously not hurting. In fact, we're growing at a very impressive rate for the type of economy we're in now. But what do these scum bags do? Instead of making it a good place to work, providing a good benefits package, raises, and performance bonuses to us worker bees, they use they use the state of the economy as a reason to cut benefits *and* salaries. At the same time, their compensation cleared a million-per last year, before incentive stock options. They're actually looking to cut PPO next year altogether and just leave us with a crappy health savings account. The reason? The state of the health care industry. Jesus. That's a hell of a reward for 11 years of service and parking my ass in a college classroom. I have a hard time coming up with reasons why that crap shouldn't be criminal. At the same time, I'm free to up and go else where yet I put up with it. Moral of the story? If you work for a public company, read the SEC filings!! You'll avoid the corporate go-us drone and see what's actually going on without the execu-speak. RAWR! I feel better now. Quote
darksabre Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 Cops and tasers. http://deadspin.com/...ight-in-oakland These cops would have everyone tasered at a Bills game. WTF? I want to complain about people who complain about tasers. What did you want them to do? The old coot wasn't obliging their requests for him to leave without using force. In fact you can hear him in the video telling the officers "you better get away from me" repeatedly. Obviously they wanted to remove him and he was unwilling to comply. How would you have done it? Whipped out your baton or your flash light and cracked him in the skull a few times? A swift punch in a gut? Please, the guy is lucky that all he got was a couple shots from a taser. This is California we're talking about here. You can't dump hot coffee on everyone. And remember, don't hassle the police. If you act like a jackass, you're going to get tased or maced. Expecting anything less is naive. Quote
R_Dudley Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 I want to complain about the fact that a car is about to hit BM's kid... AND NO ONE'S DOING A DAMN THING ABOUT IT! :lol: Quick call 911 Cleveland, imminent child injury oh and add another call to the guy's with the nets, appears the old man is lose again. Quote
inkman Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 And remember, don't hassle the police. If you act like a jackass, you're going to get tased or maced. Expecting anything less is naive. Yep. There's my complaint. The lack of respect overall for the authorities. I've had several encounters with the law, and everyone of them I treated with the utmost respect and I was given the same treatment in return. Is it really all that hard? Quote
Hirly5 Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 Three complaints today 1) The usual complaint about people driving in the right lane slow causing a back up on the roads. 2) People who have flags of their origin hanging from their rear view mirrors. For some reason this is getting on my nerves this week. Maybe I am cranky because of complaint number 3. 3) I have been installing AutoCAD and Inventor software on computers for the last two days. This is not my job but I get volunteered for it because no one else is competent enough to do it. Since this takes me away from my real job, I now have people complaining that I havent got my work done this week that needed to be done. How can I babysit an install and still do my other job? I hate installing software. Plus, the interface is different and everyone is complaining to me about it. I need a snow shovel so I can start whoopin some ass. Quote
nfreeman Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 This might be a bit too serious for this thread, but I'm still in shock about the woman who went crazy around here last week and acted out her death wish with 5 kids in her van, killing 4 of them, herself and 3 other people. She was literally pounding vodka (the equivalent of 10 shots in 1 hour for a 130-pound woman) AND smoking weed behind the wheel. It sounds like she literally freaked out and decided to kill herself by driving the wrong way on a highway on a Sunday afternoon. Sure enough, a grisly head-on collision occurred within a few minutes. Suicide is bad enough, but how could she just decide it was OK to take a bunch of others with her? She killed her own young daughter and her brother's THREE young daughters, not to mention 3 random people in the other car. As one of the victim's relatives put it: rot in hell. Quote
Stoner Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 As long as nfreeman is dragging us down... I hate how the media always oversimplifies these mass shootings. The Columbine kids were bullied, were Goths. Some guy was mad about being laid off so he shot up the office. Another guy just got divorced. This latest nut couldn't attract women. Please. It has to run a helluva lot deeper than these "cosmetic" life problems. I think there has to be an epidemic of serious mental illness in this country, mental illness that is not being diagnosed or treated properly. Part of the problem is the stigma of mental illness that remains. A lot of us joke about it. I just called this guy a "nut." I know I shouldn't. I wouldn't joke about breast cancer. Anyway, look out. These things always come in clusters. Quote
SDS Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 These things always come in clusters. you mean like this: Quote
North Buffalo Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 This might be a bit too serious for this thread, but I'm still in shock about the woman who went crazy around here last week and acted out her death wish with 5 kids in her van, killing 4 of them, herself and 3 other people. She was literally pounding vodka (the equivalent of 10 shots in 1 hour for a 130-pound woman) AND smoking weed behind the wheel. It sounds like she literally freaked out and decided to kill herself by driving the wrong way on a highway on a Sunday afternoon. Sure enough, a grisly head-on collision occurred within a few minutes. Suicide is bad enough, but how could she just decide it was OK to take a bunch of others with her? She killed her own young daughter and her brother's THREE young daughters, not to mention 3 random people in the other car. As one of the victim's relatives put it: rot in hell. It is a tough one to swallow... and it happened just around the corner from me on the Taconic and route 35. Plus there have been a lot of bad accidents in the area in the last couple of weeks including a lot of bad drunk driving incidents and now the husband is claiming the wife had an illness and the tox reports are wrong. He is exuming the body.... He has to be totally heart broken if all that was going on and she was mentally ill... ooff. Sad. Quote
spndnchz Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 I want to complain about people who complain about tasers. What did you want them to do? The old coot wasn't obliging their requests for him to leave without using force. In fact you can hear him in the video telling the officers "you better get away from me" repeatedly. Obviously they wanted to remove him and he was unwilling to comply. How would you have done it? Whipped out your baton or your flash light and cracked him in the skull a few times? A swift punch in a gut? Please, the guy is lucky that all he got was a couple shots from a taser. This is California we're talking about here. You can't dump hot coffee on everyone. And remember, don't hassle the police. If you act like a jackass, you're going to get tased or maced. Expecting anything less is naive. The guy was a fan for the other team, voicing his opinion. The cops didn't like it and told him to leave. That's fair? The have no other 'arsenal' but to taser him? Tasers in general have tought police nothing. Instead of talking the person off the ledge- taser 'em. Instead of learning the right way to cuff somebody - taser 'em. Instead of learning better police procedures - taser 'em. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoDXuGvWDxM Fair to taser an 11 year old with disabilities because she won't sit still? Shocking a man to death after he doesn't obey police officers commands? You know why? He was having a seizure! Hundreds of people dying because of fatal arrhythmia triggered by tazers. Quote
inkman Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 The cops didn't like it and told him to leave. Taser etiquitte aside, if the police ask you to do something do it. If you have a problem, request to see management or send an email to the stadium management after the game. I'm guessing dude had plenty of warnings. Proving a point is nice but risking life and limb to do so is just plain stupid. Quote
spndnchz Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 Taser etiquitte aside, if the police ask you to do something do it. If you have a problem, request to see management or send an email to the stadium management after the game. I'm guessing dude had plenty of warnings. Proving a point is nice but risking life and limb to do so is just plain stupid. I'll agree with that. Just that tasering someone for butting in front of you in the lunch line seems a bit like a power trip. Quote
Buffalo Wings Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 More.... I'm not happy today... When you're in meetings at work, I'd suggest not interrupting the person currently talking or begin a side conversation, even though you're trying to keep it quiet. It's distracting to :angry: *everyone* in the meeting, especially when it's in a small enough room. I need a refill of my acid reflux medication, so I called my doctor's office last Friday and left a message (everyone does that with these guys, that's not the issue). I usually get a call back within 2 business days saying the script is ready...nothing. I call this afternoon and even though they won't admit it, they apparently never got the message or are too swamped. This is a long-term thing (90-day with 3 refills) that I use mail-order for, so it usually takes almost 2 weeks for me to get it. I'm almost out of the existing stuff, so I may be out before the new order shows up. I know I could pick up pepcid or zantac from the store, but that costs me a few more bucks and it doesn't work as well. :angry: :angry: :angry: Quote
chileanseabass Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 3) I have been installing AutoCAD and Inventor software on computers for the last two days. This is not my job but I get volunteered for it because no one else is competent enough to do it. Since this takes me away from my real job, I now have people complaining that I havent got my work done this week that needed to be done. How can I babysit an install and still do my other job? I hate installing software. Plus, the interface is different and everyone is complaining to me about it. I need a snow shovel so I can start whoopin some ass. oh i hear ya on #3. i'm the sales manager. i handle... sales. french boss's american wife is in charge of marketing and communications. while she's at their "vacation home" in hilton head (at least 3 weeks a month), her work gets dumped on me, and then i get bitched at when sales aren't as bossman would like them. tell your freakin wife to work on her vaycay and email it in, and let me do my damn job! Quote
RayFinkle Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 I work with a guy who literally screws up every report he compiles. It has gotten to the point that my boss does not trust any of the stats the guy comes up with. So now, I get to review all of this guys work and check it for accuracy in addition to my own work. Good times. I am so far behind now, I barely have enough time to check for Sabres updates. Quote
McJeff215 Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 The guy was a fan for the other team, voicing his opinion. The cops didn't like it and told him to leave. That's fair? The have no other 'arsenal' but to taser him? Tasers in general have tought police nothing. Instead of talking the person off the ledge- taser 'em. Instead of learning the right way to cuff somebody - taser 'em. Instead of learning better police procedures - taser 'em. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoDXuGvWDxM Fair to taser an 11 year old with disabilities because she won't sit still? Shocking a man to death after he doesn't obey police officers commands? You know why? He was having a seizure! Hundreds of people dying because of fatal arrhythmia triggered by tazers. I'm not complaining about your response per se, but it did trigger a nerve. I'm using the term 'you' generically. My apologies for thread hijacking. I'd like to add another one... "complaints about those that complain about police." Of course you don't taser an 11 year old (unless he's waving an AK-47 around). Before the taser, he'd have been smacked in the mouth with a night stick or knocked out cold with a flashlight. That's if he's lucky. That doesn't make it instantly okay, but understand that the taser isn't the root of all police-related evil. There's this gut response from so many people that the police are all about power trips, racial inequality, abusing the badge, and so forth. How many of you that are bold enough to share that opinion have ever done an ounce of police work? Been to the academy? Hell, have any of you ever gone on a night time ride-along? You can do this, you know, just ask your local police department or an officer if you know one. The lack of respect for these guys amazes me. The overwhelming majority them put up with the sh*t end of society on a daily basis. Fatal traffic accidents, domestic violence, crack heads. For that, they get to be consistently criticized by a bunch of know-betters. To top it off, they make crap for cash. Consider this: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16997772 That's 75 fatalities occurring since January of 2001. Of the 49% that had autopsy results available, 78.4% were doped up. Of that group, 86.2% were on some sort of stimulant. You're not exactly seeing hundreds of innocent Catholic school children zapped for not getting The Nicene Creed correct. I'm too lazy to look, but I wonder what the corresponding number of police shootings looks like when accounting for overall crime rate. My grandfather was a NY police officer (and a firefighter, and a WWII veteran), I've a cousin up in the city doing the same thing now and another cousin at the academy. The stuff these guys see would make you physically ill and they (at least these three) do it because they honestly have a desire to help you, whether you think that badge makes them the enemy or not. My grandfather was actually taken hostage at one point. Lastly, I'm certain that you're right and there are a subset of these guys that are total jerks. A subset of every population sucks. They should be taken care of. Removed. Given Therapy. Something. Look at it objectively, though. Try to put the "F the Police!" cultural response aside and think about it. I've never ever had a bad experience with the police (that I didn't deserve when I was a teenager). Quote
Bmwolf21 Posted August 6, 2009 Report Posted August 6, 2009 I want to complain about the fact that a car is about to hit BM's kid... AND NO ONE'S DOING A DAMN THING ABOUT IT! I had an ambulance chaser with me and we were trying to set up a lawsuit against a "reckless" driver. Quote
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