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If I want to drive the speed limit or slightly above it in the right hand lane and it is a multi lane road/freeway, pass me if you don't like, it instead of tailgating me.


<insert fu smiley>

That I don't mind, it is the idiots 5 miles per hour below the speed limit in the left lane or on a single lane road where the speed limit is already only 45 and I have to get to the highway and I find out the reason is that they are talking on their phone.... GRRRR!

Yes. I couldn't care less about eavesdropping on the conversations of strangers. I don't care if you are talking on your cell phone, to someone sitting right next to you or to the wall, if you are talking louder than conditions dictate then you will annoy others. For some reason though most people find it necessary to yell into their cell phones.

LOL ...Guilty as charged, bothers my wife all the time, but I had my hearing checked and I am fine, has more to do with fatherhood disease.

Never make them touch!!


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My first complaint is in the form of a question. Does the NHL Network own the rights to any other team's games than the Red Wings?


My second complaint is in regards to cell phones in general(also in the form of a question). Does anyone ever just sit quietly and think anymore? Whether it's walking the dog or driving somewhere, everyone I see is on the phone. Who are they talking too and about what? There's no way it's of anything important. It seems like they are so afraid to be alone with their own thoughts that they try and drown them out by yappin'. Heck, they may even come up with a thought of their own. Who knows?



Oh, and one more. Autistic kids that come over and smash the keyboard, making me have to start this post three times....she's just lucky she's cute.


I hate people at the gym who put their weights back on the closest rack possible. The whole thing is in order from lightest to heaviest, and they're even labeled. There is no reason to put something in the wrong slot other than pure laziness. You seriously couldn't take the one extra step it would've took to put those 35s in the right spot instead of the spot for the 40s?


I just spent the last 5 minutes of my train ride home trying to ignore two screaming little kids. This woman brought them on the train while they were already screaming and they never stopped. The woman didn't even try to shut them up, just let them go crazy. Kids suck and so do lousy parents.


Does Sony ever learn their lesson with proprietary products. You would have thought that after they lost the VHS vs. Beta war, that it would have been a lesson never forgotten.


Tonight I was looking for a digital point and shoot camera. I had it in hand and was ready to buy it until the clerk told me that it can only be used with Sony memory cards(Memory Stick Duo/PRO Duo Media) which were twice as expensive as the memory cards(SD/SDHC) for all the other cameras(at least this was the case in Target).


I put the camera back. What a joke.

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You da man, d4rk :thumbsup:


Okay.. I finally have a complaint...


I'm in Buffalo for a long weekend... Yeah... no that's not the complaint.


I was prepping to go when my kids reminded me that my volume no longer works on my favorite work laptop. They wanted to watch some DVDs on the way up. I took my laptop into get updated and whatever my CIO did, I can no longer get sound and I have zero privileges to fix anything.. Hell I can't even disk defrag anymore.


So I say, no worries, I have this new laptop which I hate cause it has Vista on it. But at least the sound works. Dad saves the day! Not quite. Seems those same CIO clowns have some how blocked the DVD. Click on My Computer and the DVD drive doesn't show up. Again, I have zero privileges on the computer to do anything.


So.. I take my wife's laptop. Full privileges on that one.. XP not Vista... Things are golden!! Get two blocks from the house and the kids can't get the DVD to fully play. Sqawking about a DirectX mismatch. Download by aircard a new DirectX.. Tic, toc, tic toc. Still doesn't solve the problem. Seems my kids have got three competing DVD programs on the laptop and not one of them works. Windows Media Player, Nope. HotLama, Nope. Interactive, Nope. They all hate each other. Install, de-install, tic toc, tic toc. After one hour on the side of the road, dad throws in the towel. Heads to Best Buy and gets a portable one for the roadie..

Does Sony ever learn their lesson with proprietary products. You would have thought that after they lost the VHS vs. Beta war, that it would have been a lesson never forgotten.


Tonight I was looking for a digital point and shoot camera. I had it in hand and was ready to buy it until the clerk told me that it can only be used with Sony memory cards(Memory Stick Duo/PRO Duo Media) which were twice as expensive as the memory cards(SD/SDHC) for all the other cameras(at least this was the case in Target).


I put the camera back. What a joke.

I could have told you that... My recommendation for a point and shoot is get an Olympus. For point and shoots they are the best for the money, Canon makes some good ones too, but you can often find a pretty good deal on an olympus. Go to C-NET.com and read the reviews.

Does Sony ever learn their lesson with proprietary products. You would have thought that after they lost the VHS vs. Beta war, that it would have been a lesson never forgotten.


Tonight I was looking for a digital point and shoot camera. I had it in hand and was ready to buy it until the clerk told me that it can only be used with Sony memory cards(Memory Stick Duo/PRO Duo Media) which were twice as expensive as the memory cards(SD/SDHC) for all the other cameras(at least this was the case in Target).


I put the camera back. What a joke.

I just bought a new digital camera today, and did the same thing, Blue. I was looking at a couple Sonys but as soon as I found out about the memory stick and cost, I scratched them off the list. My first digital camera was a Fuji that took those tiny xD cards but eventually other companies started making the xD format and the prices came down.


I could have told you that... My recommendation for a point and shoot is get an Olympus. For point and shoots they are the best for the money, Canon makes some good ones too, but you can often find a pretty good deal on an olympus. Go to C-NET.com and read the reviews.

I just bought a Canon point & shoot today. Good reviews, so far some good pics. A lot better than my Nikon Coolpix s210. Awful photos.

I think it's the best ... summertime enjoy the day with some golf right after work, and hockey time = sleeping until 1/2 hour before game time and watching it all. And off to work. Couldn't imagine working any other shift.


As much as I complain about overnights, it really is a great shift. I get differential, go home, sleep, and am up when the wife and kid get home. When they go to bed, I go to work. Actually, that's really the only bad thing about it, having to leave them home alone at night. My wife's choice for a guard dog you ask?? A friggin Yorkie (don't let me fool you, though, I love the little guy!)


I'm also the only boss at night, so I run the show. No one there to really answer to, only through e-mails. It's quieter as well, I get most of my work done towards the end of my shift, which gives me plenty of time to waste here!!!


Alas, since this is a complaint thread; The reality that "the squeaky wheel gets the grease". Squeaky wheels should get a slap in the face and a "how's your father"... unless you're squeaking on a complaint thread, then it's cool. :thumbsup:

It is so mind-numbing to see how the late, great U.S. of A. is rushing like lemmings into the sea of Fabian Socialism.


Fabian the Pope/Saint? Or the singer?


I hate summer.


If I'm just sitting in a chair,.. doing nothing,.. I SHOULDN'T BE SWEATING!


Sweating should be reserved for an activity, like mowing the lawn or playing hockey. Sitting should not illicit the kind of sweating that i've been subjected to this week....


I hate summer. It gets here,..'en it just sits there.


WORK,... the do more with less, be thankful you have a job mantra, all the while pooring on more projects than you have resources for or can complete and no one above will prioritize anything....... Why don't they understand when everything is a prioroty nothing is a priority......Arghhhh :wallbash:


WORK,... the do more with less, be thankful you have a job mantra, all the while pooring on more projects than you have resources for or can complete and no one above will prioritize anything....... Why don't they understand when everything is a prioroty nothing is a priority......Arghhhh :wallbash:

Speaking of work....


Paperwork. People where I work are falling in love with this concept of "write a summary of a project you're looking to work on and we'll decide if we should bring that to a formal meeting where the higher-ups then decide whether or not it you can invest the time in doing it". So what do we have to do...fill out a 3-page Word doc with summaries up the ying-yang, saying the same thing three times?



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