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I missed my vehicle passing 100,000 miles. I feel your pain... :cry:



Mine is at 99987, as of 7 this morning!!! Of course it has two bad sensors for the transmition, needs the transmition fluid flushed and a new flex pipe on the exhaust. All to the tune of 550. Hell though its better than a car payment!

What industry? If it was any type of "businessy" interview, she probably thought it made her look sophisticated and ready to go get 'em. in reality, it just make her look like she feels overly important. Take it out. You're not that important. No one needs to get ahold of you that bad.


Cell phone etiquette needs to get better. Period. Ever miss what a guy said on an elevator, say "excuse me?", and then realize he's talking into a Bluetooth piece? My personal favorite is the dude that scowls at you in the hallway because you're being too loud for his phone conversation.


I work for a large medical technology company. This woman was interviewing for a research position so there was no way the bluetooth device was in any way appropriate. I really couldn't believe it.


I appreciate technology as much as the next guy but in my opinion for some people its gotten way out of control with the ipods, blackberrys and laptops. People need to find a way to sit quietly with just their thoughts every now and then.

I appreciate technology as much as the next guy but in my opinion for some people its gotten way out of control with the ipods, blackberrys and laptops. People need to find a way to sit quietly with just their thoughts every now and then.


I heard a term a few weeks back that made me gag a little. It was "weisure time." A combination of the words work and leisure. The concept was that because we're so connected, we can mix both our work and our play time. A good example would be golfing and answering emails on an iPhone. Perhaps taking the kids to the park but handling a conference call from a bench.


I really, honestly, hope that this doesn't become something that people learn to expect. I don't care if you're in a hot tub with a collection of twenty-somethings, it's not relaxing in the least if you've got to put your corporate facade on and handle business when you should be getting some relaxation in.


I've taken to just not doing anything work related after I leave. I'm honestly not paid for it and it just takes away from good old quiet relaxation. I'll see the little 'you have 15 new messages' indicator on the phone, but to hell with it, I'll get it on Monday.

I heard a term a few weeks back that made me gag a little. It was "weisure time." A combination of the words work and leisure. The concept was that because we're so connected, we can mix both our work and our play time. A good example would be golfing and answering emails on an iPhone. Perhaps taking the kids to the park but handling a conference call from a bench.


I dunno, I was working from a coffee shop on my laptop while my car was being worked on, that was kinda nice rather than rent a car for the day and go into the office.


I hate people who don't realize that the purpose of headphones is so that someone else doesn't have to listen to your music. I was stuck next to this guy at the gym and I could hear ever single word in whatever "music" he was listening too... and this was while I had my own ipod going. Absurd.

Although complaint Thursday was originally my idea (or was it Tuesday?), LB picked up the ball and ran with it here...


I'm pretty sure tehre is something here that we can use to open and close posts by date/time. i'll have to look.


Before any decisions are made...FWIW, I see some value in closing the threads. There's something to getting your complaint about and having the thread closed the next day. It's like burying the proverbial hatchet.


Plus, Complaint Thursday isn't Complaint Thursday if people can edit or respond or supplement or whatever on Sunday afternoon.

Before any decisions are made...FWIW, I see some value in closing the threads. There's something to getting your complaint about and having the thread closed the next day. It's like burying the proverbial hatchet.


Plus, Complaint Thursday isn't Complaint Thursday if people can edit or respond or supplement or whatever on Sunday afternoon.



But I said, close and reopen, close and reopen. I just see no need for a new thread every week.

I missed my vehicle passing 100,000 miles. I feel your pain... :cry:


I have a fun story about 100,000.


Feb. '08. My buddy, a pompous jackass Pats* fan, is hosting a Superbowl party for his then 18-0 team. At the time he was 20, so I had to get booze for his party, and he requested a nice big bottle of champagne.


Upon arrival, I realize that my car was at 99,994 miles. We exchange boozes and monies, and he's acting all confident that there's no way his Patsies* can lose. So eventually he tells me: Fine, I'll GIVE you this bottle of champagne if they lose.


So at halftime he brings out like a nice bucket of ice with the champagne, cigar in hand, etc., and he and his cohort of Pats* faithful are huddled in the corner all serious and whatnot. By the way, this is in Pittsburgh, so there were maybe 40 rooting for the Giants, and 5 or so in silence rooting for the Pats*.


I'm sure you could predict the rest of the story. We acquire the champagne, cruise around the city for the final 6 miles, pulling up to our place just as the ticker shows the five zeroes. Victory was ours!! The Merc won the Superbowl!!!

I hate people who don't realize that the purpose of headphones is so that someone else doesn't have to listen to your music. I was stuck next to this guy at the gym and I could hear ever single word in whatever "music" he was listening too... and this was while I had my own ipod going. Absurd.

I don't know anyone like that. :bag:


Home improvement projects! I installed a new outlet with its very own dedicated 15 amp breaker as well as a bunch of cat5e so i can house all of my network stuff in the giant closet we have downstairs. After hours of fishing lines, drilling holes, and doing the typical sweating cause the jumble of wires won't fit down the hole, I got it all done. The electrical stuff and data stuff works like a friggin charm. My major complaint is drywall patching. Talk about a horrible, messy job! It's not even the patching... It's the sanding. I feel like i'm in a sahara dust storm here. I'll be happy when this sh-- is all done!


Oh yeah, my wife was hell bent on getting one of those intex frame pools for her birthday in may. approximately 2 months and about $800 later in pool, water, chemicals, and supplies, I cut it down yesterday. The pump worked for about 3 weeks before it stopped pumping. Did all kinds of research, breakdown, tricks with the filter, etc. to no avail. Finally a couple weeks ago i drew the line in the sand and unplugged it and chalked it up as a learning experience. Since these sh---y pools don't even have an accessible drain plug (oh they do have a drain plug, but when its filled, the drain is half buried in the ground, making it totally useless). I just went at the liner with a pair of scissors. My lawn got a great algae water bath last night. Don't ever buy these stupid pools. Every time you want to impulse buy one of these things, put $500 into a pool fund, save up, and get the real deal. Literally, the biggest waste of money ever!


I hate people like the idiot yesterday who pulled out of her parking spot blocking traffic and proceeded to start texting... unbelievable how into their own little bubble some folks are. Actually she blocked two spots, the one she pulled out of and the one she pulled in front of and the worst is I "assumed" she was going to go so I almost hit her.

Home improvement projects! I installed a new outlet with its very own dedicated 15 amp breaker as well as a bunch of cat5e so i can house all of my network stuff in the giant closet we have downstairs. After hours of fishing lines, drilling holes, and doing the typical sweating cause the jumble of wires won't fit down the hole, I got it all done. The electrical stuff and data stuff works like a friggin charm. My major complaint is drywall patching. Talk about a horrible, messy job! It's not even the patching... It's the sanding. I feel like i'm in a sahara dust storm here. I'll be happy when this sh-- is all done!


Oh yeah, my wife was hell bent on getting one of those intex frame pools for her birthday in may. approximately 2 months and about $800 later in pool, water, chemicals, and supplies, I cut it down yesterday. The pump worked for about 3 weeks before it stopped pumping. Did all kinds of research, breakdown, tricks with the filter, etc. to no avail. Finally a couple weeks ago i drew the line in the sand and unplugged it and chalked it up as a learning experience. Since these sh---y pools don't even have an accessible drain plug (oh they do have a drain plug, but when its filled, the drain is half buried in the ground, making it totally useless). I just went at the liner with a pair of scissors. My lawn got a great algae water bath last night. Don't ever buy these stupid pools. Every time you want to impulse buy one of these things, put $500 into a pool fund, save up, and get the real deal. Literally, the biggest waste of money ever!

Wet sand it next time

Wet sand it next time



I'm waiting on a friend to lend me his drywall sander thing that hooked to the shop vac. Honestly, it's almost done. I'm just sick of this project!

Wet sand it next time

Even better are the low voltage pre-existing construction boxes. You can pull the cables without trashing the drywall. Cut the hole, put the box in and you're done with the drywall.


I stopped at a supermarket yesterday to reload the apartment. I also needed some contact lense solution. They just recently remodeled the place, so things have been moved around. When I got over to the little pharmacy department with all that kind of stuff, each aisle had these little subsections with different signs sticking out from every 4th or 5th shelf down the row. "Skin care", "Soap", "Deodorant"... things like that. I couldn't see anything that the contact lense stuff could possibly fall under. Eventually I just happened to walk by it. After I grabbed what I needed, I looked at the sign for future reference. What was it labeled as? "Foot / Eye Care". Obviously when I was looking around, I immediately stopped reading after "foot". Who came up with the bright idea of grouping those two together? Yeah, I'm sure it was an issue of shelf space, but man is that stupid. But hey, now I'm wondering if I were to go out and get a bad case of athlete's foot, maybe my lense solution could take care of it.

3rd shift blows...

I think it's the best ... summertime enjoy the day with some golf right after work, and hockey time = sleeping until 1/2 hour before game time and watching it all. And off to work. Couldn't imagine working any other shift.


Drivers who pay absolutely zero attention to others on the road.


I was trying to leave my parking lot after work on Monday. It's a relatively big one, since there are about 1,000 people in my building. I got behind this yahoo crawling along at about 5mph, who decided to brake at every point in the lot that could be considered an intersection (where a row meets a "main drag" of sorts). She then actually stopped about 50 feet from the traffic light where you leave the lot (looked like she wanted to turn into a spot in front of the building) while the light was a stale green, ready to turn yellow/red at any second. I honked, so she realized she better get out of my way. You got it...I missed the light.


No joke...it looked like she was sight-seeing instead of trying to find a parking spot. C'mon - it's not like I work at a major tourist attraction.

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