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Just leave it open all weekend so everyone can blow off the steam.


New Darcy interview: he was busy last night


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlUc78NE_mI&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlUc78NE_mI&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Just leave it open all weekend so everyone can blow off the steam.


New Darcy interview: he was busy last night


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlUc78NE_mI&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlUc78NE_mI&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Did you have to do that??? :rolleyes: Man people will shoot video of and post anything these days..

Just leave it open all weekend so everyone can blow off the steam.


New Darcy interview: he was busy last night


<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlUc78NE_mI&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlUc78NE_mI&hl=en&fs=1&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>



You are one twisted chick. I love it :blush:

You are one twisted chick. I love it :blush:




Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a new catch phrase here. Next season, whenever the Sabres diddle too much with the puck on the power play... WILBUR! Whenever a defenseman tries a cute pass up the middle and it ends up behind Millsie... WILBUR! Whenever the Sabres slumber, in general, thinking about postgame sex instead of the game... WILBUR!


He is named Wilbur. He lives in a dark house with wood paneling, with a judgmental woman. Let him have some fun.


I wish I could be in Geneva, Switzerland tomorrow for the 500th birthday celebrations of this great Frenchman. Maybe some major media outlet will have some coverage of the festivities.


It's just a bummer for me that I have to miss out on it.

I wish I could be in Geneva, Switzerland tomorrow for the 500th birthday celebrations of this great Frenchman. Maybe some major media outlet will have some coverage of the festivities.


It's just a bummer for me that I have to miss out on it.


That's a neat little tidbit of history. Nice.


My complaint for this week is lace bite. The ice at RIT opened today for weekly Wednesday open skates until the fall. It's no secret that I hate wearing hockey skates, which makes playing my favorite sport a painful experience. I have bony, weak ankles and bad circulation because I'm lanky. I have to tie my skates super tight to get enough support, which in turn makes my feet go numb (sometimes) and usually always makes the tops of my feet (where the ankle curves), sore and red. I have these nifty gel pads that I bought by a company named Maltese and they help a little with the bite and support, but it still leaves me wishing for a fifth of whiskey after about an hour on the ice. I don't know if maybe these super nice Easton's are just not right for me or what, but they were all I could get that came in a wider boot size. Maybe I need something with a different liner, who knows. All I know is I hate lace bite.

I wish I could be in Geneva, Switzerland tomorrow for the 500th birthday celebrations of this great Frenchman. Maybe some major media outlet will have some coverage of the festivities.


It's just a bummer for me that I have to miss out on it.

I've always thought that Calvinism was just a way to use religion as a means to justify greed,"God knows everything, so he must have wanted me to have all this material crap, otherwise he would not have allowed me to have it." Seeing as Ben Franklin was a Calvinist it's no wonder that a lot of American ideals are based on this very concept.


Me personally, I don't need to exploit others and have more stuff than someone else in order to feel good about myself.


My complaint, Hockey refs. I know they have a tough job, but c'mon. I play defense. In our game on Monday, the opposing team's guy takes a shot, so I bring my stick down on the guy in front of the net's stick, so that if there is a rebound he can't get to it. That guy then gets mad and punches me in the face. The ref yells at me. Apparently, Hockey USA changed the rules and what I did is now deemed slashing. I say,"but he punched me in the face", he says,"but you slashed him and could have broken his stick." It is the same move I have made twenty times a game since I started playing hockey. I wasn't going to break his stick and it wasn't slashing. And I don't see how you equate a hockey play like tying up a guy's stick, with punching someone in the face. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I should come to the realization that punching someone in the face is a hockey play.

Maybe some major media outlet will have some coverage of the festivities.


Unless he put out an album that sold over a hundred million copies, I wouldn't bet on it this week.


MJ media saturation and insomnia are my complaints.

Unless he put out an album that sold over a hundred million copies, I wouldn't bet on it this week.


MJ media saturation and insomnia are my complaints.


:worthy: :worthy:


I was annoyed he upstaged Farrah the day he died... I just can't believe it is still in the news.


Cars stradddling 2 traffic lanes during the morning commute driven by woman driver's who put their makeup on while driving to work :wallbash: Gimmee a freakin break Madonna wannabe, do that while at home and you have a better chance at being presentable.....


Close second same MO(straddling 2 lanes) is that text freak that insists on texting his/her replies while flying down the parkway.. Give it rest really, some things are not meant to be done when driving....... :rolleyes: although..... I did have this girlfriend once .........

I've always thought that Calvinism was just a way to use religion as a means to justify greed,"God knows everything, so he must have wanted me to have all this material crap, otherwise he would not have allowed me to have it." Seeing as Ben Franklin was a Calvinist it's no wonder that a lot of American ideals are based on this very concept.

Calvinism was used to justify material success, but it wasn't all bad at all. It may have evolved into that later when people got tired of its strict life style, but originally it was a rejection of worldly pleasures that seemed to be perverting society since the Renissance and how it was flaunted by some and led to "ungodleness" in others. "Protest"ant "Reform"ation, protest and reform, they saw society--and the Catholic Church especially, as hoplessly corrupt and wanted the individual to have a way to salvation through his own actions, even if he was chosen by God to act that way [Predestination]. It taught the middle class "Bourgeois" type of life style. You are responsible for you! I've always seen it as one big tax revolt. The new urban middle classes--commercial people involved in the flourshing trade that had sprang up--did not want to be taxed by the church which provided horrible services anyway. This is one reason why the Protestant Churches didn't have gold crosses or own vast tracts of land, because it wasn't seen as the duty of the church to be wealthy. Ben Franklin and John Calvin would not have gotten along. Though, Franklin really was a benefator of the Reformation--we all are-- in the since that Calvinism very much pushed education so that the chuirch goer could read and understand the bible himself and thus have a personal relationship with God. So greater education for all was a result of Calvinism...which actually connects to the industrial revolution because many of the early inventions that helped blast off the IR came out of Calvinist Scotland. And you see that same spirit in Franklin who was one of the most well respected scientist of his time, at least for a colonial.



Ok, I didn't plan on discussing the Reformation when I woke up this morning :unsure:

I've always thought that Calvinism was just a way to use religion as a means to justify greed,"God knows everything, so he must have wanted me to have all this material crap, otherwise he would not have allowed me to have it." Seeing as Ben Franklin was a Calvinist it's no wonder that a lot of American ideals are based on this very concept.


Me personally, I don't need to exploit others and have more stuff than someone else in order to feel good about myself.


My complaint, Hockey refs. I know they have a tough job, but c'mon. I play defense. In our game on Monday, the opposing team's guy takes a shot, so I bring my stick down on the guy in front of the net's stick, so that if there is a rebound he can't get to it. That guy then gets mad and punches me in the face. The ref yells at me. Apparently, Hockey USA changed the rules and what I did is now deemed slashing. I say,"but he punched me in the face", he says,"but you slashed him and could have broken his stick." It is the same move I have made twenty times a game since I started playing hockey. I wasn't going to break his stick and it wasn't slashing. And I don't see how you equate a hockey play like tying up a guy's stick, with punching someone in the face. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I should come to the realization that punching someone in the face is a hockey play.


Next time there's a guy in front of the net just sock him one in the face. If the ref gives you sh*t just tell him you were doing what he told you to last time.


I hate carpet cleaners. I am borrowing my neighbor's hoover cleaner, and its doing a good job on the baby room, but the byproduct is a chocolate milk like substance that makes me want to vomit. Also, why is the solution so damn expensive? Can someone please give me a good recipe? I've looked online and combinations of hot water, ammonia, and white vinegar are mentioned a bunch. I'd love to use it, but I don't want to go making this crap if it doesn't work. Also, the carpet is pretty much clean, its just extracting the sand/dust that's the problem. I could do 100 treatments and the water still would look like coffee with milk in it. People who don't think allergies are related to carpet dust, smoking, etc. should be thrown off of a bridge. I'd love to rip out all the carpets in the house, but we lack the funds for anything right now. I may just go buy my own cleaner and do the house once a month or so. But, I need a good recipe for cleaning solution. $15 for a quart of rug doctor stuff is absolute Bullpoop.

I hate carpet cleaners. I am borrowing my neighbor's hoover cleaner, and its doing a good job on the baby room, but the byproduct is a chocolate milk like substance that makes me want to vomit. Also, why is the solution so damn expensive? Can someone please give me a good recipe? I've looked online and combinations of hot water, ammonia, and white vinegar are mentioned a bunch. I'd love to use it, but I don't want to go making this crap if it doesn't work. Also, the carpet is pretty much clean, its just extracting the sand/dust that's the problem. I could do 100 treatments and the water still would look like coffee with milk in it. People who don't think allergies are related to carpet dust, smoking, etc. should be thrown off of a bridge. I'd love to rip out all the carpets in the house, but we lack the funds for anything right now. I may just go buy my own cleaner and do the house once a month or so. But, I need a good recipe for cleaning solution. $15 for a quart of rug doctor stuff is absolute Bullpoop.


You have a Grainger Industrial Supply in Fayetteville.




Grainger will have anything you want. It's pretty much my favorite store ever. A warehouse with a small storefront. Typically used by businesses but any old joe can walk in there and buy stuff.

My complaint, Hockey refs. I know they have a tough job, but c'mon. I play defense. In our game on Monday, the opposing team's guy takes a shot, so I bring my stick down on the guy in front of the net's stick, so that if there is a rebound he can't get to it. That guy then gets mad and punches me in the face. The ref yells at me. Apparently, Hockey USA changed the rules and what I did is now deemed slashing. I say,"but he punched me in the face", he says,"but you slashed him and could have broken his stick." It is the same move I have made twenty times a game since I started playing hockey. I wasn't going to break his stick and it wasn't slashing. And I don't see how you equate a hockey play like tying up a guy's stick, with punching someone in the face. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I should come to the realization that punching someone in the face is a hockey play.


We've got a guy who, if he sees a female, it doesn't matter who, it doesn't matter where, he has to flirt. 5 years old? Sure. 80 years old? Sure. On the ice or in the stands, anything's fair game. We have a girl who plays for us sometimes and she's playing tonight. I'm sure we'll get this ref. It's always an adventure with him when the ladies show up. I've seen him standing at the opposite blue line talking to people in the stands while the game is in play. He'll also chat up the scorekeeper during play too. The first game the girl played for us, he's over by our bench the whole time trying to figure out how she wound up on our team. Eventually I told the guy we're not paying him to flirt. Luckily this guy is around enough and there are always witty comments going back and forth, so he didn't decide to respond with a chain of bad calls.


The hockey offseason is the only sport I care about for another 60 days or so, and until the Sabres make another move, all I'm left with is arguing with DeLuca and PAFan about whether Darcy sucks. And the possibility exists that they won't make another move, in which case it's all darkness.


I've been fortunate enough to have missed 99% of the MJ coverage these last couple days. I came in the other night and every station I flipped to was signing off on their MJ special. I went into a 7-11 and counted 18 different periodicals with all different MJ faces on the cover.


The man was an entertainer I get that. But there are enough taboo subjects floating around him that we shouldn't be lionizing what turns out to be a junkie..


This coverage has been over the freakin top. Make it stop.

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