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awesome!!! :chris:


Great, a new complaint: the fact that you so enjoy this thought so much.


And actually, it turns out that she was working a night shift at a hospital and just got back at around 7. That would explain everything. Still, annoying.

I had a game last night and and the middle of the 3rd period, our best player decided to randomly start screaming at people. He was going on and on about people not skating, so he can't pass to them... ironically enough, while coasting slowly towards the bench right after he refused to leave the ice at the previous whistle. It might mean a bit more if he wasn't completely drunk and floating the entire game. It also doesn't help that he'll only pass the puck to his cousin and the rest of us have gotten all too used to it. Yeah, it's not the right way to play, but since we know he'll never pass to us, we end up coasting a bit while he's carrying the puck. It's a real shame that he's such a d-bag on the ice, because we all get along really well off the ice. He also has just enough moments of actual team play so that we don't just boot him off the team.


Oh, and a ref with a stick up his ass who gives me attitude just because I asked him what a call was. That "A' on the front of my jersey? Yeah, that means I can ask you stuff like that. I know it's a recipe for disaster, but this guy was so bad that I had to actually ask him for a little less attitude next time. When you pull a guy off the bench for something that happened about 30 seconds ago, there's bound to be a few questions.

Drunk and playing hockey would seem on the surface not to go well together.




I don't want this thread turning ugly, but plain and simple both sides suck, and this country's people are misrepresented. What the hell do the NY senate republicans doing deciding to vote themselves into power? the people elected the democrats and they should hold the higher ranks. Of course they had to recruit 2 crooked dem's to achieve it which makes it even that much better.


BTW I hate both parties very much, and today I sent in my change of party form. I'm not longer republican and it feels good


Next complaint...


I'm now independant, which I hate that too. I will now be grouped with the "oh you're independant" tag meaning either too dumb or to radical to pick a side. There shouldn't be a term called independant, should just be not registered under a party.

Golf. I think that is the only reason i like going.


Double that vote, Bowling is another favorite that goes better with Beer, than theirs always Softball playing for a beer league and have you ever tried Frisbee football while holding a beer object not to spill it...... I could ramble on forever.. imagine that,, better to stick with what doesn't go well,,, Shooting firearms, :bag: , although I've done that too

Yeah, I'd regret hitting this:

I agree with Eleven that you're talkin' crazy lately and I'm guessing that it's probably due to some change in medication, but that is F'n funny.


Ruff and Robbie talking about prostate cancer


And the worry of the possibility that the NHL's golden boy may get his ring, cup and MVP even though he has done very little in the finals.

And the worry of the possibility that the NHL's golden boy may get his ring, cup and MVP even though he has done very little in the finals.

It's a team game, after all.


My complaint (albeit late) is that I had something great to complain about, but completely forgot what it was.


It's one of the two times during the year when Eklund rumors are posted non-stop. God I'm sick of it. Please do us all a favor and hit up Barnes and Noble for their fiction section instead.


Microsoft Access - our outfit uses many databases with this and it's nearly unusable over a wide-area network. Us network support techies get the complaints (people think the network is slow) because Access is horrible.


Rain. Sure we're well under where our average rain total for June should be, but I've been getting a lot of bike riding in, and today is one of my cardio days that I so desperately need. Now I'll have to go to the gym. I hate the gym. :censored:

Rain. Sure we're well under where our average rain total for June should be, but I've been getting a lot of bike riding in, and today is one of my cardio days that I so desperately need. Now I'll have to go to the gym. I hate the gym. :censored:


We saw the sun yesterday for the first time in about a month out here in Boston. It's gone again.


The salesman for the product line I work in is a retard and pisses me off a lot. He really enjoys twisting my words into to sales speak so he can look good in front of the customer and makes me look bad. :wallbash:


On a positive note:

My brother's friend was squatting at my house but found a different job in a different city so he will no longer wake the house up in the morning when he re-enacts the running of the bulls every morning. Yay more sleep.

On a positive note:

My brother's friend was squatting at my house but found a different job in a different city so he will no longer wake the house up in the morning when he re-enacts the running of the bulls every morning. Yay more sleep.

Is that anything like leaving a topper?


Why do the majority of my support calls come between noon and 1:00 when I am at lunch (well, supposed to be, anyway)? I've had days when my phone rang ONLY during that hour. (Yes, I tried taking lunch later but the calls shifted too - I swear!)

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