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GM Stock... Grrrr... Why the heck is it still be traded?????

IIRC, the value of a particular stock has to trade at under $1 for at least 30 consecutive days before it gets delisted. I only happen to remember this from when Enron collapsed.



Ok, aside from my plus/minus rant, this is a legitimate complaint: When in the world are we going to stop hearing about Jon and Kate Gosselin? I am so sick of their continuing trivial saga thrown in everyone's faces! :sick: :chris: :wallbash: :death:

5 steps to the Gosselin's, it's the new Bacon. My friend cousin knows someone who knows someone who went to school with her. FWIW, I'm on his side.

Oh yeah, they are doing way too much editing on WipeOut this year and now showing enough WipeOuts. Last night they didn't have to cross the wall of boxing gloves. Can't get enough of some old person taking a shot right to the kisser and falling in the mud. Last night, nada..

OMG I love the slow-mo's. It hurts to watch but we laugh our ars off.

What makes me really irate over the whole situation is that the book Multiple Blessings is STILL being sold in Christian bookstores - in spite of all the buzz at the Wal-Mart tabloids!


What I am about to say will probably draw a bunch of "who cares" replies from you guys. However, please hear me out. All of you know just how far to the right I tilt on just about everything - including this book. From all of the book reviews I perused through on amazon.com, quite a few people brought up the fact that Bible verses were being scattered throughout the manuscript. I could careless just how many verses an author throws in there (which, BTW, they had assistance in writing this book). Their lives don't back up what's written in there (and a very big reason why I don't trust what's being sold in Christian bookstores for the most part - but that's an entirely different topic that I won't bring up on this forum).


Ok, ok. Some of you may be saying, "just like the pot calling the kettle black." Yes, I make mistakes and I own up to them. It's all a part of my pilgrimage. OTOH, I don't see them owning up to anything - except when they get caught!

On a related note, I get a kick out of these women that get implanted with all these embryos because they can't get pregnant, then when they all survive and the doctors tell them they should remove a couple because it is safer for them and the mother, they say,"No. God gave me all these miracles and I'm going to have all of them." Bullsweet! Man and Science gave you all those babies, not God. If it was up to him you wouldn't have any kids.


As for J+K+8. I have one daughter. Having spent the last three days traveling between work and the hospital, it really pisses me off when I see them treating 8 healthy kids like accessories or paychecks. I know I'm probably just jealous, but they don't know how good they've got it.


EDIT:Sorry for bringin' the Heavy to the party. Just had to get it out.

On a related note, I get a kick out of these women that get implanted with all these embryos because they can't get pregnant, then when they all survive and the doctors tell them they should remove a couple because it is safer for them and the mother, they say,"No. God gave me all these miracles and I'm going to have all of them." Bullsweet! Man and Science gave you all those babies, not God. If it was up to him you wouldn't have any kids.


As for J+K+8. I have one daughter. Having spent the last three days traveling between work and the hospital, it really pisses me off when I see them treating 8 healthy kids like accessories or paychecks. I know I'm probably just jealous, but they don't know how good they've got it.


EDIT:Sorry for bringin' the Heavy to the party. Just had to get it out.

1, Haven't you heard? Ye shall be as gods.


2, I completely understand. I went a bit over the top about my much-needed complaint about these CINO bookstores and their fawning over this anomalic family.


Oh, and here is an article that rightly indicts us Americans. This time, they told the Truth!

1, Haven't you heard? Ye shall be as gods.


2, I completely understand. I went a bit over the top about my much-needed complaint about these CINO bookstores and their fawning over this anomalic family.


Oh, and here is an article that rightly indicts us Americans. This time, they told the Truth!


I like this more:







On a related note, I get a kick out of these women that get implanted with all these embryos because they can't get pregnant, then when they all survive and the doctors tell them they should remove a couple because it is safer for them and the mother, they say,"No. God gave me all these miracles and I'm going to have all of them." Bullsweet! Man and Science gave you all those babies, not God. If it was up to him you wouldn't have any kids.


As for J+K+8. I have one daughter. Having spent the last three days traveling between work and the hospital, it really pisses me off when I see them treating 8 healthy kids like accessories or paychecks. I know I'm probably just jealous, but they don't know how good they've got it.


EDIT:Sorry for bringin' the Heavy to the party. Just had to get it out.

What burns me the most about things like this is that I can't have kids and I watch this garbage all the time. JK+8, OctoMom, & people like who Swamp speaks of just annoy me. Seems like they have kids just to get the attention. Even my irresponsible brother-in-law has a baby boy about a year old.


Don't get me wrong...as much as I was disappointed with our situation, I'm over it and the wife & I are enjoying our life as just the two of us (and dogs & cat). But this stuff I can't stand.


I have no idea who the Gosselins are. But...



... F China for not acknowledging what happened to thousands of students at Tianmen 20 years ago.


Skinny people.


Every time I am checking out at Wegmans buying healthy food so I can drop a few pounds [ok more than a few (12 so far thank you very much)], there is usually some skinny bitch with a tight little package in front of me buying chocolate covered pretzels or ice cream or a big box of cookies or a giant frickin sub.


:fyou: and your rodent metabolism.

Skinny people.


Every time I am checking out at Wegmans buying healthy food so I can drop a few pounds [ok more than a few (12 so far thank you very much)], there is usually some skinny bitch with a tight little package in front of me buying chocolate covered pretzels or ice cream or a big box of cookies or a giant frickin sub.




Oh, you need to ask to share her cookies.


I was just forced to sit through an episode of Family Guy. How is that show popular? It was the most obnoxious piece of crap I've ever seen. They beat jokes into the ground and pretend to be smart by making obscure references. I guess I'd be the funniest poster around here if I started talking about Viktor Gordiouk.

Guest Sloth

Ok, here's a complaint that has been eating and eating and eating at me for an immeasureable time period. I CAN'T stand racist people. The fire department I work at uses the "N" word left and right. It sickens me. Every shift a new "N" related joke is brought up. How can racist people claim to be Christian? God created us all equal. How can a racist person say they have their faith in God? They are going against Christianity w/ the racist beliefs they have. On my shift, I am literally the only person who claims to be against racism. And what do I get for that? Nothing. I'm also the only person on my shift who supports a diverse Supreme Court. They are pissed off that a latino-american female is about to be sworn in. I just cannot stand people who dislike someone else because of their skin color and/or heritage. I cannot stand people who apply a stereotype to a race or religion. A guy on my shift literally said the only terrorists in the world are Muslim. I simply said you have to be kidding me. Last I checked Timothy McVeigh wasn't muslim. I know I'm rambling on and on, but I am tired of people who hold some form of prejudice or have developed some type of stereotype. Racist people make me want to puke all over of them. It is wrong for them to have the beliefs they have!


*Anyone have something I should say to some of the racist puckheads on my shift? I'd really like for them to know how puckin' stupid they are.

Ok, here's a complaint that has been eating and eating and eating at me for an immeasureable time period. I CAN'T stand racist people. The fire department I work at uses the "N" word left and right. It sickens me. Every shift a new "N" related joke is brought up. How can racist people claim to be Christian? God created us all equal. How can a racist person say they have their faith in God? They are going against Christianity w/ the racist beliefs they have. On my shift, I am literally the only person who claims to be against racism. And what do I get for that? Nothing. I'm also the only person on my shift who supports a diverse Supreme Court. They are pissed off that a latino-american female is about to be sworn in. I just cannot stand people who dislike someone else because of their skin color and/or heritage. I cannot stand people who apply a stereotype to a race or religion. A guy on my shift literally said the only terrorists in the world are Muslim. I simply said you have to be kidding me. Last I checked Timothy McVeigh wasn't muslim. I know I'm rambling on and on, but I am tired of people who hold some form of prejudice or have developed some type of stereotype. Racist people make me want to puke all over of them. It is wrong for them to have the beliefs they have!


*Anyone have something I should say to some of the racist puckheads on my shift? I'd really like for them to know how puckin' stupid they are.

I never miss an opportunity to tell someone not to use that word in front of me. When they ask why I just say,"because I don't like it." If they need more of a reason I put it on them,"It makes you sound stupid and you're smarter than that."


It was only hard the first time. It's real easy for me to say it now.


I had a game last night and and the middle of the 3rd period, our best player decided to randomly start screaming at people. He was going on and on about people not skating, so he can't pass to them... ironically enough, while coasting slowly towards the bench right after he refused to leave the ice at the previous whistle. It might mean a bit more if he wasn't completely drunk and floating the entire game. It also doesn't help that he'll only pass the puck to his cousin and the rest of us have gotten all too used to it. Yeah, it's not the right way to play, but since we know he'll never pass to us, we end up coasting a bit while he's carrying the puck. It's a real shame that he's such a d-bag on the ice, because we all get along really well off the ice. He also has just enough moments of actual team play so that we don't just boot him off the team.


Oh, and a ref with a stick up his ass who gives me attitude just because I asked him what a call was. That "A' on the front of my jersey? Yeah, that means I can ask you stuff like that. I know it's a recipe for disaster, but this guy was so bad that I had to actually ask him for a little less attitude next time. When you pull a guy off the bench for something that happened about 30 seconds ago, there's bound to be a few questions.


Another partial tear of my MCL. I'll probably miss two games. But the worst part is that I went to watch our game on Monday and there were only 6 guys there. There I am wishing I could play and half the team hung the other half out to dry because it was a 10:45 start. How much sleep do people need?


Those late starts are brutal. I had a 10:20 last night. I'm still not completely awake today.


Oh yeah, I just remembered another thing. My roommate's girlfriend is living in the apartment for the summer. I really don't mind all that much, except that they're not around a lot more than they were before and have this nasty habit of changing the tv station on me whenever they walk in. But anyway, I was a bit late for work this morning because she was in the shower when I woke up. Ok, it happens sometimes, but since the roommate and I are on completely different schedules, I've never had to wait for a shower. The strange thing though, she took the shower and then immediately went back to sleep. What the hell is that?

Those late starts are brutal. I had a 10:20 last night. I'm still not completely awake today.


Oh yeah, I just remembered another thing. My roommate's girlfriend is living in the apartment for the summer. I really don't mind all that much, except that they're not around a lot more than they were before and have this nasty habit of changing the tv station on me whenever they walk in. But anyway, I was a bit late for work this morning because she was in the shower when I woke up. Ok, it happens sometimes, but since the roommate and I are on completely different schedules, I've never had to wait for a shower. The strange thing though, she took the shower and then immediately went back to sleep. What the hell is that?



maybe she felt....dirty.

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