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I want to complain about joe bags here stealing my thunder. He is clearly older than dirt!

And he would have gotten away with it, if it hadn't been for those meddling kids!

I poured a cup of coffee and got in the truck and it was frickin' hazelnut.


I hate frickin' hazelnut coffee.

Can't drink hazelnut, reminds me of this: 1:08


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"It's a bit nutty"

Isn't that what beatniks smoke to feel groovy?


Oh yeah, my complaint. People here complain about winter saying how they hate to shovel snow. C'mon. You maybe have to shovel here four times a winter...maybe. Yet you have to mow the freakin' lawn every week because it grows so fast.


Did I mention I hate Summer?


Not to basically repeat myself but:


Summer? What's that?


We've had high 40s, low 50s here over the last couple days. I really don't mind all that much, it's just strange.

Not to basically repeat myself but:


Summer? What's that?


We've had high 40s, low 50s here over the last couple days. I really don't mind all that much, it's just strange.

And it's not technically summer yet, either.


One more complaint....why do I have to deal with people (who make more money than me) that try to dish off their work on me?

And it's not technically summer yet, either.


One more complaint....why do I have to deal with people (who make more money than me) that try to dish off their work on me?



shiit rolls downhill.

And it's not technically summer yet, either.


Yeah, so I'll just stick with a below average May. A couple 90 degree days in April and now this. Someone up there is messing with our heads.


I'm driving in to work today and my Ipod lands on Rush - La Villa Stangiato. It made me remember a complaint that has been eating at me for years. Rolling Stone did a list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time(yes I know these lists are stupid) and Alex Lifeson was not on the list. Personally, he's at least in my top twenty. Whatever, but then don't go and put Joan Jett on that list as well. Yes,... you read that correctly,... Joan Jett.

"Is it impossible to get a cup of coffee-flavored coffee? You can get every other flavor except coffee-flavored coffee! They got mochachino, cappuchino, frappachino, Al Pacino, what the F#$%?"


- Denis Leary


Maple Nut Crunnnnth!


Love that routine.

shiit rolls downhill.


Excellant complaint of the day and seconded ....


only if you form it in the shape of a wheel, otherwise it just sits there...
:w00t: beat me to it however I will add that it does not necessarily roll down hill if your full it..


Did I mention that I hate people that are 'Full of ..... it'


The other day when it was sunny and 72 degrees (with low humidity), I saw people driving around with their car windows up and (I assume) the air conditioning on. What? We wait all winter for a gorgeous day like that and then you don't even open the window for fresh air? Oh wait...that's because the wind noise will disrupt your cell phone conversation. Which is illegal. And annoying. Yeesh!

I'm driving in to work today and my Ipod lands on Rush - La Villa Stangiato. It made me remember a complaint that has been eating at me for years. Rolling Stone did a list of the 100 greatest guitarists of all time(yes I know these lists are stupid) and Alex Lifeson was not on the list. Personally, he's at least in my top twenty. Whatever, but then don't go and put Joan Jett on that list as well. Yes,... you read that correctly,... Joan Jett.


Is that the same list that didn't have Joe Satriani on it?

The other day when it was sunny and 72 degrees (with low humidity), I saw people driving around with their car windows up and (I assume) the air conditioning on. What? We wait all winter for a gorgeous day like that and then you don't even open the window for fresh air? Oh wait...that's because the wind noise will disrupt your cell phone conversation. Which is illegal. And annoying. Yeesh!


That bugs me as well. People bitch and moan about the weather all Winter long (even here in GA), but when it gets all nice, it's AC time. Open up the windows, air out the house, let the 65mph wind smack you in the face for a while!

The other day when it was sunny and 72 degrees (with low humidity), I saw people driving around with their car windows up and (I assume) the air conditioning on. What? We wait all winter for a gorgeous day like that and then you don't even open the window for fresh air? Oh wait...that's because the wind noise will disrupt your cell phone conversation. Which is illegal. And annoying. Yeesh!
That bugs me as well. People bitch and moan about the weather all Winter long (even here in GA), but when it gets all nice, it's AC time. Open up the windows, air out the house, let the 65mph wind smack you in the face for a while!

Thank you! Of course the a/c in my truck doesn't work so even on days like yesterday I have them down with buckets of rain pouring in. I'd rather be cool and wet than hot and dry. :unsure: :w00t:

B*tches are insane. All of them.

So find the one with the biggest titties and latch on... :thumbsup:






One of the worst things I've said on this board in a while... :lol:


People in those farging scooter things at the store.


Yes, I understand ur disabled and can't walk, but that's no reason to plug the isle with your motorized cart and run people over that don't get out of ur way.

So find the one with the biggest titties and latch on... :thumbsup:

One of the worst things I've said on this board in a while... :lol:

Freud would have fun with you.

People in those farging scooter things at the store.


Yes, I understand ur disabled and can't walk, but that's no reason to plug the isle with your motorized cart and run people over that don't get out of ur way.


How about the Vespa things that people are riding around on in the streets? Sure it saves gas and is a lot cheaper, but my god do they look stupid.

That bugs me as well. People bitch and moan about the weather all Winter long (even here in GA), but when it gets all nice, it's AC time. Open up the windows, air out the house, let the 65mph wind smack you in the face for a while!


I did that the first year I was here in NC. Then the "yellow death" of pine tree pollen hit. One day of leaving our windows open in early spring had everything in the house covered with a thick yellow residue. You can always tell who the newer northern transplants are in the neighborhood by looking for houses with their windows open during pollen season.

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