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  Buffalo Wings said:
We're still doing these, right?


Complaint #1 - Nobody had started this thread yet.


Complaint #2 - Overhead electronic road signs. We've had them on I-87 in the Albany area for several years, but about 99% of the time, they're blank. The idea (which is a good one, IMO) is to inform motorists of any potential accident or upcoming road work that would affect their commute or travel. Unfortunately, it backfires...every time the sign has an announcement, people slow down to a crawl just before they reach the sign (as if they have to study it), then move on. We could be cruising along at 65mph with no problems, then we hit the brakes and slow to about 20 just before the sign, then speed up and resume our normal speed.


THe twins bridges on the Northway there are god awful, never in my life have i seen a place where people slow down to a crawl to cross a bridge with no toll booths!!!!

  Patty16 said:
THe twins bridges on the Northway there are god awful, never in my life have i seen a place where people slow down to a crawl to cross a bridge with no toll booths!!!!


And the particular sign I'm thinking of is the one that's about a half-mile from those bridges on the southbound lanes. That usually makes crossing the bridges that much more difficult.

  Buffalo Wings said:
And the particular sign I'm thinking of is the one that's about a half-mile from those bridges on the southbound lanes. That usually makes crossing the bridges that much more difficult.

Yea those lovely CP drivers make the morning commute a fun one.

  RayFinkle said:
I am going to the game tonight and hoping that the Sabres can somehow pull it off. There is nothing worse than being heckled by some fair weather hick who doesn't even know what icing is.


And that's the truth! Most of their fan base has returned to the local hick population, back when they had their cup run they had a lot of team swappers amongst all the other transplants around here. All those fans have gone back to following their hometown teams.


A few today...


1. People that go off on how ridiculous religion is when they're reminded Lent just started. Why do this? What's the point? Whatever my beliefs are aside, I don't care whether you think organized religion is a crock or not. Do you expected the devoted Catholic that has ashes on his forehead to just up and say, "By God you're right! To hell with this!?" Smile, nod, and leave it at that. If you really believe people are going to be convinced, have a go at telling the Muslim extremists to stop blowing sh*t up.


2. The $700 I spent last week on fixing my truck that has 2,100 miles on it. I hit a damn chunk of metal on the way home from work. Two tires and a rim.


3. I had yesterday off and woke up *sure* today was Sunday. I made my cup of coffee and parked my ass on the couch for some TV when my wife asked me when I planned on going to work. Why the hell did she ask me that? She ruined my Sunday.


4. My *slowly* improving ice skating skills. I want to play some freaking hockey.

  MattPie said:
Well, what do you expect from the Albanians? :) :)


The have them here in the Philly Suburbs and they generally list the time and distance to some exit up ahead. It's really nice since it'll be "Time to US322: 5 miles 6 minutes" if it's clear ahead, or "5 miles 15 minutes" if it's all hosed up. Plus they do announce accidents. My only gripe is they don't always update them quickly, so it'll say there's a problem and I'll be on the back road looking over at an empty highway. :(


They use the ones in Atlanta for missing child alerts, which I think is a *great* idea.... i.e.. "Child Abuduction Alert... Mazda 626 NC Plate #123abc. Call 911."


Being sick. I'm afraid that this is more than a garden-variety cold, because I feel worse than I have in a long time.

  Bmwolf21 said:
Being sick. I'm afraid that this is more than a garden-variety cold, because I feel worse than I have in a long time.



Stop hanging out with Lalime.

  shrader said:
It's officially idiot season on this board (not that it hasn't been for a while now).

Yeah it is. I'm hoping some of the mods do a little pruning of idiot tree real soon. It would be one thing if they were at least entertaining, but they're not even a little funny.


Having to rehash every week the deals I am going to close this qtr with my manager. My weekly meeting with him starts in 3 minutes, so this is what I hate the MOST in life right now. Foe those in sales, is there anything worse than a first line manager with nothing better to do than pick apart your deals to prove how smart he is?????????


OK folks. All day I have been trying to put to keyboard a few of my many complaints. I really believe in this thread! I do! I feel that we all need an outlet for our random gripes, and this space has meaning for me. For all of us!


But today I just can't. I live across from Ashland University's practice field and for the first time since October I HEAR THE CRACK OF A BAT! It is such a lovely sound -it means SPRING. And my 11 year old daughter is right now in the kitchen making me a smoothie because she loves me. My husband will do anything I ask of him and someone on this board is a real SWEETHEART SOFTIE (you know who you are :wub:)


So even thought my hockey team is going through a rough patch (I'm trying to be gentle here), and I have to go to the dentist for scaling and root planing tomorrow, AND my in-laws are still a$$holes, I am (dare I say?) complaint free. For the moment at least. :)

  Ohiofan said:
OK folks. All day I have been trying to put to keyboard a few of my many complaints. I really believe in this thread! I do! I feel that we all need an outlet for our random gripes, and this space has meaning for me. For all of us!


But today I just can't. I live across from Ashland University's practice field and for the first time since October I HEAR THE CRACK OF A BAT! It is such a lovely sound -it means SPRING. And my 11 year old daughter is right now in the kitchen making me a smoothie because she loves me. My husband will do anything I ask of him and someone on this board is a real SWEETHEART SOFTIE (you know who you are :wub:)


So even thought my hockey team is going through a rough patch (I'm trying to be gentle here), and I have to go to the dentist for scaling and root planing tomorrow, AND my in-laws are still a$$holes, I am (dare I say?) complaint free. For the moment at least. :)

If you guys get STO you can catch the Tribe-Dbacks spring training game, which is on right now.

  Bmwolf21 said:
If you guys get STO you can catch the Tribe-Dbacks spring training game, which is on right now.

Thanks Wolfie, we've got it on.


I hope you feel better soon.

  Ohiofan said:
OK folks. All day I have been trying to put to keyboard a few of my many complaints. I really believe in this thread! I do! I feel that we all need an outlet for our random gripes, and this space has meaning for me. For all of us!


But today I just can't. I live across from Ashland University's practice field and for the first time since October I HEAR THE CRACK OF A BAT! It is such a lovely sound -it means SPRING. And my 11 year old daughter is right now in the kitchen making me a smoothie because she loves me. My husband will do anything I ask of him and someone on this board is a real SWEETHEART SOFTIE (you know who you are :wub:)


So even thought my hockey team is going through a rough patch (I'm trying to be gentle here), and I have to go to the dentist for scaling and root planing tomorrow, AND my in-laws are still a$$holes, I am (dare I say?) complaint free. For the moment at least. :)


#5. People that complain about not having anything to complain about. ;)


+: Cal Thomas. When he writes his syndicated column or puts out his 1-2 minute daily radio commentary, he makes perfect sense just about all of the time. Sometimes, I think he's way better than Sean Hannity.


-: Funny how all of the anti-war protesting disappeared after the 2008 elections. :wallbash: I noticed that hardly anyone is protesting against Obama's surge into Afghanistan - except this guy. IIRC, history is not kind to Afghanistan's invaders. Just ask the Soviets.


On top of that, Sean Penn. Here's why.

  d4rksabre said:
Where does he even say anything about Christians? He says shame on the protesters. Were the protesters Christian homophobes?


Bald guy is full of himself.

The protesters were from that Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, KS which is headed by none other than Fred Phelps. They are an aberration to say the least. A majority of conservative Christians would say that WBC is definitely on the fringe. Unfortunately, they provide fodder and make genuine Christ-followers appear negatively in the eyes of the public.


As for the bald guy, his logic and cogent reasoning are very astute. But then again, I wouldn't expect anyone who does not understand what he is talking about to agree with him.

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