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This always bothers me. Please, when the Sabres go visit the sick kids in the hospital, leave the cameras behind. Every time. I understand that the players often go without cameras. I really do. It's great. But one trip into the hospital for the shallow purpose of promoting the team to the public (in the coldest analysis, to sell sh*t like tickets and jerseys) is one trip too many. I guess the argument can be made that publicizing the trips increases giving to the hospitals. If that can be proven, I will tolerate the cameras. Otherwise, I find it shameful.

  inkman said:
no wonder you didn't respond to my pm :(


I need to make a list of the inkman haters around here


I respond to all pm's. Sure, anything from you I would just respond to with a string of insults, but that still counts.


Chistmas Parties that you later get invited too that you were NOT originally invited too only because you happen to be around when the invitee is talking about it to someone else who was invited already... <_< , Not that hard to figure out ...

Fergetta aboutit ! I can take it , I'm a big boy and I don't have a problem that I'm not on your A team...... :rolleyes:....... What a minute maybe it's because I am on your A- team :lol: , .... but doesn't matter cause I don't care anyways and would only come at that point in time to be a jack a$$..... so do not tempt me.. :ph34r:


20% off "Going Out of Business" sales... I show up to your crappy store to pick over your bones and all you can offer me is 20%? :angry:

  PASabreFan said:
This always bothers me. Please, when the Sabres go visit the sick kids in the hospital, leave the cameras behind. Every time. I understand that the players often go without cameras. I really do. It's great. But one trip into the hospital for the shallow purpose of promoting the team to the public (in the coldest analysis, to sell sh*t like tickets and jerseys) is one trip too many. I guess the argument can be made that publicizing the trips increases giving to the hospitals. If that can be proven, I will tolerate the cameras. Otherwise, I find it shameful.

Overuse of hysterical adjectives like "shameful". Crosschecking was a frequent perpetrator of this horrendous crime against humanity.

  nfreeman said:
Overuse of hysterical adjectives like "shameful". Crosschecking was a frequent perpetrator of this horrendous crime against humanity.


Well, if using kids with cancer to sell hockey tickets isn't shameful, I don't know what is. I choose my words carefully. I don't blame the players at all. I blame the marketing snakes who say, "Ya know what would be a great idea?"


At our company Christmas party, the "employees" had to pay for drinks, while the executive team got them for free. We're a medium-sized company, around 500 people on payroll. What a self-important ass thing to do.

  McJeff215 said:
At our company Christmas party, the "employees" had to pay for drinks, while the executive team got them for free. We're a medium-sized company, around 500 people on payroll. What a self-important ass thing to do.

Our Christmas party budget was all but eliminated, so we're having a BYO everything at a local restaurant tomorrow night. Oh, and they just told us tonight. Thanks for nothing.


My daughter started throwing up(among other things) last friday during the Sabre's game. It lasted six hours. My wife started throwing up(among other things) sunday at 11am and I started at 12pm. It lasted six hours for both of us and we are STILL feeling it. This stomach virus that's going through the NYC area is like nothing I have ever experienced before.


All I really wanted for Christmas was a yule Log. No such luck.


My snowblower broke last Friday during the first big blast of snow here in WNY. All my neighbors(at least two houses down on each side and across the street) have snowblowers. You would think that at some point(between all the snow on Friday and Sunday) of me breaking my back, that one of them would have come out and at least taken care of the apron(we get dumped on really bad because the plow picks up the snow as it comes around 150 ft. curve where there are no driveways).


To all my immediate neighbors who didn't bail me out except for one quick blast on Monday( I had to ask him while he was out doing his driveway), I got no help. I'm always out there with my snowblower ready to lend a hand if someone else is in a similar situation and was hoping for how a little common courtesy in return.


What happened to the "City of Good Neighbors"? :angry:

  LabattBlue said:
...and the above mentioned snowblowers! :doh:


and then I go to Sears at 7am on Christmas Eve day after having been up the entire night, and the sales guy is trying to push the sears pump on me, which I don't want. Come on. I had all night to research what sump pump was going to replace the broken one. :censored: off and let me buy the one I'm carrying!



  LabattBlue said:
My snowblower broke last Friday during the first big blast of snow here in WNY. All my neighbors(at least two houses down on each side and across the street) have snowblowers. You would think that at some point(between all the snow on Friday and Sunday) of me breaking my back, that one of them would have come out and at least taken care of the apron(we get dumped on really bad because the plow picks up the snow as it comes around 150 ft. curve where there are no driveways).


To all my immediate neighbors who didn't bail me out except for one quick blast on Monday( I had to ask him while he was out doing his driveway), I got no help. I'm always out there with my snowblower ready to lend a hand if someone else is in a similar situation and was hoping for how a little common courtesy in return.


What happened to the "City of Good Neighbors"? :angry:


Yeah, get this... an old neighbor of mine (I moved in May) had a landscaping business. It wasn't just him, he has a small staff and owns his own "fleet" of vehicles. When my second daughter was born, I let my lawn go a couple/three weeks while getting used to the new baby.


This a$$hole tried to *charge me* to mow my lawn! Yes! No neighborly offer. No attempt to help. No Southern hospitality. He came over and tried to pitch his service. I've helped him carry furniture in when they bought the house, offered to help him out, fixed his computers.... and he tries to charge me.


He had a scumbag daughter, too. She was young, perhaps 14? Every time I'd wash my car, she'd put on a bikini and do the same. Talk about totally uncomfortable and somewhat gross. I'm glad I moved away from those idiots.


Now, my complaint:


(Well, Sean Hannity, but he's a given... a constant complaint, if you will).


I've been trying to start a small web-based company. I went into it with a guy that holds a PhD in the subject we're focusing on. I guess that makes him an expert in just about everything. I'm annoyed to the point of backing out. Your degree is in X, so leave Y and Z to me! And for Christ's sake, stop quoting Fortune 100 executives!! I probably ought to ditch him and just freelance systems work and software development... less irritation.


I have been sick as a dog with a cold and a cough that has kept me from sleeping for two nights running. I am so sick(no pun intended) of laying around the house that I came into work for a few hours today.


PS Cough is lingering, cold is pretty much gone.

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