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The Ford CEO....why will he only work for $1 next year IF the government bails him out?


Greed aside, wouldn't he think that if his salary was $1 next year, that the company could use the other $99,999,999 (or whatever the actual number is) towards salaries of the assembly line workers that are losing their jobs?

  Buffalo Wings said:
The Ford CEO....why will he only work for $1 next year IF the government bails him out?


Greed aside, wouldn't he think that if his salary was $1 next year, that the company could use the other $99,999,999 (or whatever the actual number is) towards salaries of the assembly line workers that are losing their jobs?



How come it took him so long to accept that offer? They ask him the first time the big 3 came to congress and he said, "I think I'm okay where I am now." Besides that he's already made millions and what about stock options and the rest of the comp. he gets. I'm not asking him to go bankrupt and get nothing, but come on. Again they just echo the gov't words "o yeah I'll work for $1" instead of thinking of their own ways out of it.


If they don't redo their cost structure and get bailout money, give them 5 years and they'll end up back beggin' for more. We are setting a bad example for crappy business.

  Buffalo Wings said:
The Ford CEO....why will he only work for $1 next year IF the government bails him out?


Greed aside, wouldn't he think that if his salary was $1 next year, that the company could use the other $99,999,999 (or whatever the actual number is) towards salaries of the assembly line workers that are losing their jobs?

Or if he was really smart, he would make cars that actual got over 30 MPG city and then they wouldnt have to worry about everyone doing the "un-American thing" and buying cars from Toyota and Honda that actually work like their spose to.


But the good news is, i saw gas for under $2 at a Byrne Dairy near me so i can't complain about gas prices.


I came into Bflo last weekend and sat in the rain and watched that pathetic Bills Game instead of staying home and doing the traditional "put up the Christmas lights after Thanksgiving." Now I have the kids nagging me about putting up the lights and the forecast for weather this weekend is "Sucks" just like the Bills. :wallbash:


Last I did give my beer muscles a really good workout but now I need a liver transplant. ;)


I stabbed myself in the hand last night on a knife in the dishwasher that was hidden point up in between a couple spoons and forks. I think my roommate is trying to kill me. Luckily he's not very smart. While it is annoying, a tiny cut on my hand from a knife really doesn't put me at much risk. Worst case scenario, it becomes infected and I lose my hand. I'll take my chances.

  shrader said:
I stabbed myself in the hand last night on a knife in the dishwasher that was hidden point up in between a couple spoons and forks. I think my roommate is trying to kill me. Luckily he's not very smart. While it is annoying, a tiny cut on my hand from a knife really doesn't put me at much risk. Worst case scenario, it becomes infected and I lose my hand. I'll take my chances.

My In-Laws purposely place their knives in the dishwasher blade side up as they think, "It gets them more clean". :blink: Every time I go to their house I stab myself. :censored:

  inkman said:
My In-Laws purposely place their knives in the dishwasher blade side up as they think, "It gets them more clean". :blink: Every time I go to their house I stab myself. :censored:


He puts everything else handle up but the knives. It makes no sense. The forks are used far more often, so wouldn't you want them to be the cleanest thing in there?

  ROC Sabres said:
Or if he was really smart, he would make cars that actual got over 30 MPG city and then they wouldnt have to worry about everyone doing the "un-American thing" and buying cars from Toyota and Honda that actually work like their spose to.


But the good news is, i saw gas for under $2 at a Byrne Dairy near me so i can't complain about gas prices.


Before you bag on Toyota (and maybe other manufacturers), you should read this:



Executive summary: Toyota hasn't laid any full-timers off in the US since 2006. They have their workers take classes, do drills, etc. in hopes that they'll be productive and happy when the production lines start rolling again. Estimated cost? $50mil, or one CEO golden parachute.

  LabattBlue said:
It really sucks that so many people are losing their jobs because of the economy and it is even a bigger kick in the nuts that it is happening around the holidays!

Agreed. :(


  ROC Sabres said:
Or if he was really smart, he would make cars that actual got over 30 MPG city and then they wouldnt have to worry about everyone doing the "un-American thing" and buying cars from Toyota and Honda that actually work like their spose to.


But the good news is, i saw gas for under $2 at a Byrne Dairy near me so i can't complain about gas prices.

I might have brought this up before, but I saw another one the other day - a beat-up old Ford pickup truck had a bumper sticker that had a picture of the flag and the words "Please Don't Put My Flag on a Foreign Car." :wallbash:


I can only assume that the driver was referring to Hondas and Toyotas, but since both companies employ a ton of American workers and have assembly plants in the US, it seems a little stupid to make that comment....

  MattPie said:
Before you bag on Toyota (and maybe other manufacturers), you should read this:



Executive summary: Toyota hasn't laid any full-timers off in the US since 2006. They have their workers take classes, do drills, etc. in hopes that they'll be productive and happy when the production lines start rolling again. Estimated cost? $50mil, or one CEO golden parachute.

You might want to duck, EiI is going to come in and start the anti-Toyota crusade.


The "Artificial Intelligence" in video games. WTF? I'm playing NCAA Football on my PS2 and beating the computer pretty badly - 55-14 with less than two minutes to play, and the computer is still calling timeouts and trying to recover onsides kicks. The games are long enough as it is, no need for the computer to drag it out with unnecessary timeouts and delays....

  MarkAF43 said:
Come on, my Corolla is still made in the US!

You should duck too. Get ready for a lecture about how often you change your oil and sludge.

  LabattBlue said:
It really sucks that so many people are losing their jobs because of the economy and it is even a bigger kick in the nuts that it is happening around the holidays!

We just went through a round of layoffs today. I'm safe(for the time being) but, boy, it sure isn't a fun place to be today.


Bill's Games. Not the way they are playing (we all know that sucks) but the ignorant, drunk, indecent fans at the game. I went to the last Bill's game, had someone offer suite tickets behind the rockpile. it started walking through the parking lot. I'm walking about 10 yards behind a family of four, only to hear some d-bag yell at one of the pre-teen kids "Hey come here little lady I'll give you something to get excited about". :sick: And then all his friends laugh it up.


I get to the suite and sit behind my glass watching time after time people starting fights, asking girls to show'm their boobs, and people throwing things at Bills and 49er fans alike. :censored: WTF?


Then on the road getting out some other D-bag decides he owns the road and decides to merge into my lane clicking our sideview mirrors together.


I for one will not be going to any more games anytime soon.

  spndnchz said:
I get to the suite and sit behind my glass watching time after time people starting fights, asking girls to show'm their boobs, and people throwing things at Bills and 49er fans alike. :censored: WTF?



This is what happens when you combine Canadians and tailgating.

  spndnchz said:
Bill's Games. Not the way they are playing (we all know that sucks) but the ignorant, drunk, indecent fans at the game. I went to the last Bill's game, had someone offer suite tickets behind the rockpile. it started walking through the parking lot. I'm walking about 10 yards behind a family of four, only to hear some d-bag yell at one of the pre-teen kids "Hey come here little lady I'll give you something to get excited about". :sick: And then all his friends laugh it up.


I get to the suite and sit behind my glass watching time after time people starting fights, asking girls to show'm their boobs, and people throwing things at Bills and 49er fans alike. :censored: WTF?


Then on the road getting out some other D-bag decides he owns the road and decides to merge into my lane clicking our sideview mirrors together.


I for one will not be going to any more games anytime soon.



I agree, the normal idiots i expect, but when we were walking through the parking lot some idiot picked up a barrel that had a fire going inside, and tossed it, missing me and my gf by a couple of inches... I was pissed

  inkman said:
My In-Laws purposely place their knives in the dishwasher blade side up as they think, "It gets them more clean". :blink: Every time I go to their house I stab myself. :censored:

I see you haven't gotten the hint yet. B-)

  LabattBlue said:
It really sucks that so many people are losing their jobs because of the economy and it is even a bigger kick in the nuts that it is happening around the holidays!

Layoffs happen EVERY year during the holidays.. This year may have more, but this is corporate book keeping...


I'm going back to my favorite rant.


How does DirecTV justify charging $100 extra per season to watch football games in HD? Every NFL game on CBS/Fox is broadcast free in HD. So if I turn on the Ravens in Baltimore I get a very nice HD picture. If I turn on the Bills on DirecTV I get a crappy SD signal.. It ain't right.

  wjag said:
How does DirecTV justify charging $100 extra per season to watch football games in HD? Every NFL game on CBS/Fox is broadcast free in HD. So if I turn on the Ravens in Baltimore I get a very nice HD picture. If I turn on the Bills on DirecTV I get a crappy SD signal.. It ain't right.


I could go into a technical explanation on how HD signals require 4x times the bandwidth, and satellites are expensive, but they have something you want, and they can charge you for it. Capitalism, baby.

  MattPie said:
I could go into a technical explanation on how HD signals require 4x times the bandwidth, and satellites are expensive, but they have something you want, and they can charge you for it. Capitalism, baby.

Point is I want it, but refuse to pay for what is essentially free else where.


Speaking of capitalism, or what passes as capitalism these days, it's time for the Buffalo Bills to apply for their bailout.


I got cut off tonight by a guy driving one of those late 80's/early 90's Chevy Cavaliers...this thing barely made it up the hill, sounded awful - and had a GPS mounted on the dash. The GPS was probably worth more than the vehicle. Not really a complaint, but more of an intersting observation.


But I am pissed he cut me off.

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