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  Ohiofan said:
My kid seems to get a lot of bloody noses.


We just can't seem to figure out why :unsure:

Get a humidifier.


Go to a equipment setup at 9:30 when it was scheduled. Appointment was spose to start at 10:00 and no one was there yet. Waited til 10:05. Left the room for not more than 2 minutes and get a call from the help desk saying that they canceled the appointment cuz no one was there to help set up the equipment. End up getting bitched at by my boss cuz I wasn't there. Awesome!!! :wallbash:


I hate people who write checks at the grocery store. Hey Grandma, go to the #%^$#!ing bank and get one of those plastic thing-ama-jigs called a debit card. If that is too complicated get some cash.





...and BTW, don't spend 10 minutes counting out your change, handing over your coupons individually and telling the cashier she reminds you of your great-grand daughter.


Got direct TV set up just this last weekend because they carry center ice (convinced wife early x-mas present for me) and my cable did not. It worked for 1 1/2 days till It started getting an access card error. After back and forth with tech support now waiting 3-5 days for new access card to be sent in mail. First opening night that I would have got too see in 17 years now in doubt. :wallbash:


Another thing that bothers me. Sissified men. If you have a runny nose, sore throat, or headache; this does not qualify you sick. Calling the doctor is not the #%^$#!ing answer. Suck it up, pound some OJ, take a couple pills of your choice and get some sleep. Hearing my mommas boy 40 year old co-worker tell the doctor he has a sore throat, congestion and maybe a fever makes me want to slap this sissy. The doc recommends he take some ibuprofin or acetomenaphine and he says in a little kid voice, "I don't like that stuff, don't you have some anti-biotics". Suck it up, loser.


I spent an entire week running to the shitter every hour, but I never called the doc to fix my ass ailment. Be a #%^$#!ing man for Christs sake.

  Ohiofan said:
My kid seems to get a lot of bloody noses.


We just can't seem to figure out why :unsure:


could just be a bad vein in the nose, i used to get em all the time when i was younger. take your kid to ear, nose and throat doctor and see if they need to have the vein cauterized. If it's not serious enough for that, just keep puttin neosporin up in there and maybe itll heal.


having an assload of baseball on saturday/sunday (3-4 games) only to have nothing for the rest of the week. I know some of you aren't baseball fans but waiting until friday for the sox game is killing me.


In addition - having the ALCS on at the same time as the sabres opener. thank god for dvr.


Ok, this is a follow-up to the class reunion drama that I started on last week:


Here's what I sent to the coordinator of the class reunion:

C.A. told me that you scheduled the class reunion for two days after Thanksgiving. Why wasn't this done for a summer date?


Her response:

Well J,

VERY FEW people came forward to help with the reunion. So I did the best I could with what I had.


This is the 3rd reunion I've planned and the only people who complain are those who don't help plan and don't show up.


I started 18 months ago posting on classmates and alumni web sites for help and got little support with the exception of Cortney. She lives 7 hours from Arcade and I live 2 hours from Arcade and it made it very difficult to plan.


If you refer to several class reunion planners they actually recommend the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Many (but certainly not myself) people "go home" that weekend AND traditionally on that Saturday few weddings are booked. Many restaurants are booked a minimum of one year in advance!


I do not feel that I need to explain my own personal hardships that made it impossible for me to plan a summer reunion without someone else stepping forward to take it over completely.


This discussion has ended.




My response for what will probably be the coup de grace:

Ok. Have fun. Doesn't look like you've changed one bit.


I admit that I went over the top in my response; but considering whom I remembered and her attitude during our Senior Year, it doesn't look like she's changed at all.


In all honesty, I hadn't planned on going. However, when I was alerted that it was coming up, I thought about changing my mind. Then, when I found out that they were holding it two days after Thanksgiving (and I've already made arrangements to be home in Virginia for that weekend), that sealed the deal right then and there. Furthermore, I have come to expect that this is the way that they are going to do things until everyone's six feet under.

Posted (edited)

"60 Minutes," or more specifically, CBS' insistence on wedging this show into their Sunday night post-NFL TV schedule no matter what, which constantly screws up the rest of the primetime lineup.


For the last two years I have set my DVR to record series that air on Sunday night after NFL football ended - Family Guy on Fox, and on CBS it was Shark (last year) and The Unit (moved to Sunday Nights this year.)


Over the last two years, every time CBS has two games and still shows 60 Minutes, the CBS DVR recording gets screwed up. Every damn time. Really sucks dialing up your DVR recording and realizing that not only didn't your show start on time, it started 30+ minutes late, so you'll miss a significant portion of the show, especially the end.


In that same two-year span, when Fox has two games? No problems. Once in two years has a recording of Family Guy been screwed up, and I think that was due to an overtime game.


Now I have to set my Sunday night CBS DVR recordings to run an extra 45 minutes to an hour to make sure I catch what I want. I forgot about it this week, and had to watch most of The Unit on CBS' InnerTube site.

Edited by Bmwolf21
  Bmwolf21 said:
"60 Minutes."


CBS' insistence on wedging this show into their Sunday night post-NFL TV schedule constantly screws up the rest of the primetime lineup. For the last two years I have set my DVR to record series that air on Sunday night after NFL football ended - Family Guy on Fox, and on CBS it was Shark (last year) and The Unit (moved to Sunday Nights this year.)


Over the last two years, every time CBS has two games and still shows 60 Minutes, the CBS DVR recording gets screwed up. Every damn time.


In that same two-year span, when Fox has two games? No problems. Once in two years has a recording of Family Guy been screwed up, and I think that was due to an overtime game.


Now I have to set my Sunday night CBS DVR recordings to run an extra 45 minutes to an hour to make sure I catch what I want. I forgot about it this week, and had to watch most of The Unit on CBS' InnerTube site.

I got my mind back when I quit watching that show (and noticed that Andy Rooney lost his a long time ago).


As Michael Savage would say, "No humongous amount of Omega-3 fatty acids can save this guy's mind."

  Crosschecking said:
I got my mind back when I quit watching that show (and noticed that Andy Rooney lost his a long time ago).


As Michael Savage would say, "No humongous amount of Omega-3 fatty acids can save this guy's mind."

I can honestly say that I have never watched a full episode of 60 Minutes and never have the show tuned in unless I fall asleep on the couch after football.



On a side note - I'm ticked that I am awake this early after getting home after 11 last night. Now that the wife and little guy are on the road I think I am going to head back to bed for a little bit.


wow, two of my biggest complaints are already posted... the check writer at the grocery store and the fact that CBS screws up the times of my shows on sunday's after football so I only recorded half of The Unit.


I hate that today is thursday and not friday! still have to wait another day to watch the Sab's :censored:


Note to construction managers who are in charge of resurfacing roads. If you don't take off enough of the old blacktop off and then pile 6 inches of new blacktop on, wherever there is a manhole, they become "pothole like". Can you at least attempt to taper the blacktop around the manhole.


Buying a movie that everyone tells you is a great one and you have to have it. Cloverfield is one of the stupidest movies I've ever seen. I could've spent that cash on some beer... :censored:


I absolutely hate missing the opener tomorrow. Sure, I'll be at the Icebreaker tournament watching a pair of legit contenders in North Dakota and Michigan State (oh, and those two other mediocre teams), but I'd rather be watching the Sabres. I guess it really can't be all that bad since I will then return home and watch the game on tape, but it's still not the same. It's opening night, I should be there on the couch watching the whole thing live. Now I have to skillfully dodge any phone calls or texts about the game. I know I'll be spoiled last second. I might as well guarantee it.



So every morning when I wake up I have the same exact routine. Monday-friday I'm always waking up at the same time. This morning I'm about to go put the contacts in and brush my teeth, the last thing before I walk out the door, my roommate decides to wake up about 2 hours before he ever does (I'm assuming, since I never actually run into him in the morning) and takes a 25 minute shower. How the hell can any male possibly spend that much time in the shower? And then after he's finished he walks out of there, only to turn around, go right back into the bathroom and spend another 5 minutes or so doing god knows what. And what was he awake early for? Some phone interview with a random hockey coach. So yeah, you need to make sure you're completely clean to have a brief conversation with someone on the phone. Me? I get to work around 45 minutes late, but hey, I'm sure the coach was impressed. "You sound clean. I like that."

  thanes16 said:
Buying a movie that everyone tells you is a great one and you have to have it. Cloverfield is one of the stupidest movies I've ever seen. I could've spent that cash on some beer... :censored:

I could have told you it sucked. It was Blair Witch meets Godzilla. It gave me a headache.


Can't wait for the sequel! :thumbdown: :rolleyes: :death:

  shrader said:
I absolutely hate missing the opener tomorrow. Sure, I'll be at the Icebreaker tournament watching a pair of legit contenders in North Dakota and Michigan State (oh, and those two other mediocre teams), but I'd rather be watching the Sabres. I guess it really can't be all that bad since I will then return home and watch the game on tape, but it's still not the same. It's opening night, I should be there on the couch watching the whole thing live. Now I have to skillfully dodge any phone calls or texts about the game. I know I'll be spoiled last second. I might as well guarantee it.

I get to miss it cause I got laid off. If I didn't, I would be watching it in person if I could get a ticket, or on CI since I can't watch it on TV without it accross the border.


It would have worked out great too, My girlfriend has a dinner thing with her co-workers for her last day at the store she was filling in at for the last year, so I could have gone and not been b*tched at for going by myself and not bringing her along. Also too, since we haven't finished the work to our house, we haven't moved anything in yet, and don't have phone or cable yet until we do move in

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