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Here's my pet peeve of the complaint bonus hours:


People who ride the brakes down any decline or hill.


I'm not talking going down a mountain, but people around here burn out their brake lights riding the horizontal pedal going down any slight decline. Meanwhile I'm behind them and doing my best not to rear-end them as they erratically and randomly pump the brakes.


I swear I'm gonna start doing a little NASCAR rubbin' on some of these people's back bumpers and see if they get the point.


They will not get the point, so don't bother. People are idiots, just deal with it.


Slow down, don't follow so close. There's almost no place you're going that wont be there in another five minutes.

As to my complaint... WTF... it's Thursday already?!?!?


This has been the longest week ever. I'm in a ridiculously boring class that I don't want to be in and won't benefit me in the future. And it's a much longer commute to this place than to work. SUCKS!

Why is it still Thursday?


I agree. The only thing good about this Thursday is that I get to play hockey tonight!


Yeah, but how about when people brake while going uphill? :wallbash:


MORONS! Why the hell do they do that?


Marshmallow Peeps.


Never liked them, never will.


I hate kandy korn and circus peanuts, too. Phooey! I'm stuck on Jelly Bellies right now. Yummy!


don't even mention that effing "grandma got rear-ended by a reindeer" song. another month or two and we'll have to hear that crap all the time.


I like the barking dogs better. I'm a dog lover. Can't help myself! No, NOT a dog fornicator, a dog aficionado.


I like dogs way better than I like people!


So when grandma starts riding her brakes all the way down the hill, it forces everyone to do the same thing - so not only am I concerned with rear-ending her,


Here's a hint - when you hover your pointer over underlined text and the pointer doesn't change from the arrow to the finger, that means it's probably not a link


People who click wildly hoping that any underlined text is a hyperlink, and is not just plain old underlined text.


But I cleaned it up for the Internet-impaired.




People who put "grandma" and "rear-ending her" in the same sentence.




I got your finger right here.



Thanks guy's I needed that laugh...


Speaking of riding the brakes, I hate how so many people forget how to drive rationally and normally when that mysterious clear liquid falls from the heavens, no matter how hard or little. On that note, I also hate when people refuse to put on their headlights when it rains and is still daylight. I know you can still see the road, idiot, but it helps other drivers see you!!


I also am getting sick of Phelps-mania. I like the guy and wish the best for him, but does NBC really need the blurb in the corner of the screen that says "Michael Phelps in 5 minutes!"? And why are they cutting away from a medal round of gymnastics to qualifying heats they know Phelps will qualify in?


Also on the Olympics, is anyone else getting really sick of beach volleyball? Let's see some of the lesser-shown sports like handball, cycling, table tennis, etc. Personally, I really like the cycling event where they try to go as slow as possible for the first lap to force the other guy into the lead. That just is so crazy, it is something they should show: winning a race by going as slow as possible.


Again on the Olympics, I know the "Redeem Team" is trying to get back to gold and show the world the NBA belongs at the Olympics, but does anyone else think the US men's basketball team is still quite a bit pompous and arrogant (like they almost always are)? China makes three pointers and slap each other on the backs and high-five. The US team takes the ball back down and slam dunks one and the player walks away - no, showboat stomps away - growling and snarling and beating his own chest.


Lastly, and off the Olympics finally, am I the only one that thinks summer seemed to last so much longer as a kid than it does now? When I was a kid on summer vacation, it seemed to go on forever and now the months just blur together and it feels like it's been just a few short weeks...

Don't where a T-Shirt that can be read. Or put a disclaimer at the bottom saying "don't read out loud"


You know that it bothers you, too.


On another note. I'm sort of into the Olympics, but only certain events. What's the deal with telling us, either in the TV description or on the website, that an event will be on for a certain time, but then not showing it? I recorded 3 hours of USA last night expecting to see some rowing. The website said that's when it would be on. It wasn't and I had field hockey, fencing, and caber toss on my DVR. It's like waiting for the cable guy.

I like the barking dogs better. I'm a dog lover. Can't help myself! No, NOT a dog fornicator, a dog aficionado.


I like dogs way better than I like people!

Wow, how'd you get there? I wouldn't have gone there on my own.. Now you got me thinkin' thee "doth protest too much".. :rolleyes:

Speaking of riding the brakes, I hate how so many people forget how to drive rationally and normally when that mysterious clear liquid falls from the heavens, no matter how hard or little. On that note, I also hate when people refuse to put on their headlights when it rains and is still daylight. I know you can still see the road, idiot, but it helps other drivers see you!!


I also am getting sick of Phelps-mania. I like the guy and wish the best for him, but does NBC really need the blurb in the corner of the screen that says "Michael Phelps in 5 minutes!"? And why are they cutting away from a medal round of gymnastics to qualifying heats they know Phelps will qualify in?


Also on the Olympics, is anyone else getting really sick of beach volleyball? Let's see some of the lesser-shown sports like handball, cycling, table tennis, etc. Personally, I really like the cycling event where they try to go as slow as possible for the first lap to force the other guy into the lead. That just is so crazy, it is something they should show: winning a race by going as slow as possible.


Again on the Olympics, I know the "Redeem Team" is trying to get back to gold and show the world the NBA belongs at the Olympics, but does anyone else think the US men's basketball team is still quite a bit pompous and arrogant (like they almost always are)? China makes three pointers and slap each other on the backs and high-five. The US team takes the ball back down and slam dunks one and the player walks away - no, showboat stomps away - growling and snarling and beating his own chest.


Lastly, and off the Olympics finally, am I the only one that thinks summer seemed to last so much longer as a kid than it does now? When I was a kid on summer vacation, it seemed to go on forever and now the months just blur together and it feels like it's been just a few short weeks...

I know the genies out of the bottle, but I would really like to see Americans revert the status of the Olympians back to amateurs. I could care less whether the rest of the world follows or not. The reason the Miracle on Ice was so amazing was because the amateur Americans beat the unofficially-pro Russians. I really don't like the NBA and the NHL playing in the Olympics. I don't like that pro skaters and swimmers compete. Take the whole thing back to what it was intended to be, a competition of amateurs. We sent 700+ athletes to China. That's beyond ridiculous. Team sizes should be capped regardless of your economic might. And finally, someone please tell me how one of the uniformly smallest group of people on the planet can dominate the weight lifting medals to this point? That's crazy..

People who put "grandma" and "rear-ending her" in the same sentence.




I got your finger right here.

Settle down, Andy Rooney.


Aren't those the people who lead to that damn fairy link being posted non-stop over at TSW?

I think you're right.

just wanted to throw this one out there..... call centers located in india.


Too bad this isn't Complaint Thursdays like 3 years ago when i used to work at Rite Aid. LOL i used to have to deal with those guys all the time to fix our Kodak picture maker, which was like a brand new technology and kodak had all their staff located in India. I always got so upset with them. But some of those guys were cool though. Barley understood wtf they were saying though. lol


But here today, i have no complaints. Had a day off today. Nice day for a change. Weekend should be nice. Bills play tonight. Teppo is back. I got nothing guys. See ya next Thursday!

I know the genies out of the bottle, but I would really like to see Americans revert the status of the Olympians back to amateurs. I could care less whether the rest of the world follows or not. The reason the Miracle on Ice was so amazing was because the amateur Americans beat the unofficially-pro Russians. I really don't like the NBA and the NHL playing in the Olympics. I don't like that pro skaters and swimmers compete. Take the whole thing back to what it was intended to be, a competition of amateurs. We sent 700+ athletes to China. That's beyond ridiculous. Team sizes should be capped regardless of your economic might. And finally, someone please tell me how one of the uniformly smallest group of people on the planet can dominate the weight lifting medals to this point? That's crazy..

Team sizes are capped, as far as I know. However, playing devil's advocate, shouldn't the best in the world compete regardless of whether they come from 10 different countries or whether 9 come from one country and 1 from a second country?


Onto your main point concertning amateurs: it won't revert to that regardless of what it was "intended to be." To be honest, that concept of "amateurs only" itself is out of date, too. The main reason for the change to allow professionals is, actually, beacause what it was "intended to be" was extremely inaccurate as time moved forward. When the modern Olympics were started in 1896, the thinking was that professionals were cheaters. People were supposed to participate to be part of the (Olympic) event, not to win. Professional athletes of the time were considered "win at all costs" and "practice makes perfect;" both of which were frowned upon by the founders of the IOC. How excited would you be to watch players that played pond hockey only compete? That is what the Olympics were originally "intended to be" by their founders. Not quite "the best in the world," which is what the modern Olympics are now.


Another crucial point in the argument to allow pros was, as you mentioned, "full-time, state-sponsored" amateurs. It is not so much a question is how can true amatuers hockey players compete with the Red Army team, but how can self-financed amateur hockey players afford to compete with state-sponsored amateurs.


Lastly, the IOC has kind of protected themselvs in this debate by allowing the governing bodies of the sports themselves decide, ie: IIHF, FIFA, etc. The only two (summer, anyway) sports that still do not allow pros are baseball and boxing. However, many governing bodies also place restrictions while still allowing pros. For example, FIFA allows pros, but only 3 per team may be 23 years old or older.

Team sizes are capped, as far as I know. However, playing devil's advocate, shouldn't the best in the world compete regardless of whether they come from 10 different countries or whether 9 come from one country and 1 from a second country?


Onto your main point concertning amateurs: it won't revert to that regardless of what it was "intended to be." To be honest, that concept of "amateurs only" itself is out of date, too. The main reason for the change to allow professionals is, actually, beacause what it was "intended to be" was extremely inaccurate as time moved forward. When the modern Olympics were started in 1896, the thinking was that professionals were cheaters. People were supposed to participate to be part of the (Olympic) event, not to win. Professional athletes of the time were considered "win at all costs" and "practice makes perfect;" both of which were frowned upon by the founders of the IOC. How excited would you be to watch players that played pond hockey only compete? That is what the Olympics were originally "intended to be" by their founders. Not quite "the best in the world," which is what the modern Olympics are now.


Another crucial point in the argument to allow pros was, as you mentioned, "full-time, state-sponsored" amateurs. It is not so much a question is how can true amatuers hockey players compete with the Red Army team, but how can self-financed amateur hockey players afford to compete with state-sponsored amateurs.


Lastly, the IOC has kind of protected themselvs in this debate by allowing the governing bodies of the sports themselves decide, ie: IIHF, FIFA, etc. The only two (summer, anyway) sports that still do not allow pros are baseball and boxing. However, many governing bodies also place restrictions while still allowing pros. For example, FIFA allows pros, but only 3 per team may be 23 years old or older.

The issue I have w/ that statement is by the time the Western countries really started sending pros to the games ('92), is when the Iron Curtain had fallen. They actually COULD have made the Olympics for amateurs. (Athough it's my understanding that track athletes and skiers had pretty big endorsement contracts in Europe, so there definitely were issues to be worked out.) Not saying it could have been easy to get everything "amateur", just find it ironic that once the Soviets stopped sending pros, we started.


This dude at the Olympics:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kjvz4UVOQY&color1=11645361&color2=13619151&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Kjvz4UVOQY&color1=11645361&color2=13619151&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>


"Me don't want bronze me want Gold, you ake dis medal and shove opaz"


Nice way to represent your country. :thumbdown:

I've been saving this one up. I like the freecreditreport.com commercials where the dude sings. But I guess I overanalyze things. I can't just enjoy the catchy tunes.


Why does he end up serving chowder and ice tea because his identity was stolen?


How would knowing his girlfriend's credit was "whack" ahead of time have kept him and her from living in the basement at her mom and dad's?

Now we find out that not only is he not actually singing in those commercials, he's not even American. Damn you, FreeCreditReport.com...:wallbash:

In fact, Baby-faced Everyman?s sweet folk rock voice ? one that would fit perfectly opening for Superchunk in Chapel Hill, NC sometime in 1992 or narrating a ?School House Rock? lesson ? isn?t even his voice. Because, get this. Dude isn?t even American. Talk about identity theft!


Baby-faced Everyman is played with heartbreaking adorability by French Canadian actor Eric Violette ? who is also a skilled singer and musician. So while the 27-year-old isn?t faking the guitar he?s playing on camera, he certainly doesn?t sound like that.


Now that you know that, check him out. Violette looks totally different, right? Suddenly he?s Hot Foreign Guy, right? (And ladies, he's single!) Meanwhile, upon gaining this information, a co-worker claimed he could see Eric lip syncing with a French accent, which is totally not true. The guy ? and the commercials ? are just that good.




I hate lazy people I work with who will not do their job, but won't explain the reasoning behind being a lazy POS

I may have more later depending on how the day goes

I hate feeling guilty about wasting time at work even though my boss wont give me anything to do. :(

To the person that passes everyone in the right hand lane, then the road merges to one lane, and you decide you need to make a left and hold everyone up... DIE!

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