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What a POS. I feel like you and ChileanSeaBass (if he's still around) will have a lot in common.


Yup, I'm around.  Not as much as I used to be, but I'm around.  Dealing with non-existent biological fathers is my hobby  :rolleyes:  

Posted (edited)

Sorry to hear about that Josie. Same thing happened to my friend last year. Dealing with death is never easy, but there's something about that way to go that's just very hard to accept


S'posed to be my wedding anniversary today.

Remember the good times and drink to them then. You've been through a lot, pretty impressive honestly. Just keep going

Edited by WildCard

Somehow my bank card was used for 700 Plus dollars of Uber rides. I’ve never used Uber.


You should!


It's a great way to get around.


Last time my credit info was stolen was by a taxi driver in Miami. The dam transit industry is filled with nothing but thieves. 


Yup, I'm around.  Not as much as I used to be, but I'm around.  Dealing with non-existent biological fathers is my hobby  :rolleyes:  

Good to see you!


Heavy in here today.  :(


Yeah, tough day in here.


I'll put my relatively minor gripe in anyway. With all the misery on the board, I think I have to go back to just reading the OT topics. The actual Sabres-related topics are too much negativity and totally harshing what little buzz I had. I'll still do the countdown math, that's enjoyable.


<3 to you 11. 


Sorry bout the downer on my end guys. I guess thanks for being an outlet for it. I don't post much on anything besides OT here and probably won't until the fortunes start to turn the other way for the team. Still, I'd have a beer with just about any of ya. 


I've been to 12 weddings since 2005. 4 have already ended in divorce and 1 may be forthcoming. 

Josie is wondering if I shouldn't attend our future wedding. Just in case.  :unsure:


I've been to 12 weddings since 2005. 4 have already ended in divorce and 1 may be forthcoming. 


Josie is wondering if I shouldn't attend our future wedding. Just in case.  :unsure:

I have 5 married friends. 3 of them I would bet my life on end in divorce


I've been to 12 weddings since 2005. 4 have already ended in divorce and 1 may be forthcoming. 


Josie is wondering if I shouldn't attend our future wedding. Just in case.  :unsure:

I'll get a cardboard cutout of you with one of those magnetic wooly beard boards so guests can draw different facial hair on you all night


Just in case 


I'll get a cardboard cutout of you with one of those magnetic wooly beard boards so guests can draw different facial hair on you all night


Just in case 

We should just do that anyway. 


I've been to 12 weddings since 2005. 4 have already ended in divorce and 1 may be forthcoming. 

Josie is wondering if I shouldn't attend our future wedding. Just in case.  :unsure:

It'd be cheaper, anyway...


I've been to 12 weddings since 2005. 4 have already ended in divorce and 1 may be forthcoming.


Josie is wondering if I shouldn't attend our future wedding. Just in case. :unsure:

Desperately fighting the urge to rant against marriage as a whole...


..."shut up, ubkev! It's none of your business what makes other people happy, ubkev. Just smile and raise your f'n glass."


Once you get past the voices, anything is possible.


Desperately fighting the urge to rant against marriage as a whole...


..."shut up, ubkev! It's none of your business what makes other people happy, ubkev. Just smile and raise your f'n glass."


Once you get past the voices, anything is possible.

It's official: looks like that 5th divorce is happening.


I feel better every day that Josie and I have had neither the time nor the money to get married yet. I think after all this time we're not in any danger of splitting up, but it's been really weird watching 5 marriages die in the time we've been dating.


Desperately fighting the urge to rant against marriage as a whole...


..."shut up, ubkev! It's none of your business what makes other people happy, ubkev. Just smile and raise your f'n glass."


Once you get past the voices, anything is possible.

We almost signed the paperwork this year just so I could get health insurance that wasn't financially murdering me. Super romantic. 


By the time we get to it, I'll be around or over 30 (yeah, no hot young brides here, sorry)... We'll have been together 10ish years, so... it'll be more of a "thanks for being in our lives, here's some fun n drink and a reason to actually see each other" plus some legal plusses for signing the papers n . I won't change my name, I don't want a white dress. 


I feel like a bit of a shmuck for actually wanting one, even a tiny one. There's still a touch of dumb girl in me I guess. 


Maybe I'll get my circus pals to perform during it. 


But yeah, I know a tooon of folks who got hitched for the wrong reasons. From "omg i want a huge party where it's all about meeeeee" to "yeah you'll do, we're the right age to do it, better do it now" to insane religious pressure... 

It's official: looks like that 5th divorce is happening.


I feel better every day that Josie and I have had neither the time nor the money to get married yet. I think after all this time we're not in any danger of splitting up, but it's been really weird watching 5 marriages die in the time we've been dating.

To be fair... none of those divorces were even the least bit surprising. 


They were all "well.. ok, wonder if this'll last" sorta deals in some regard. 


We almost signed the paperwork this year just so I could get health insurance that wasn't financially murdering me. Super romantic.


By the time we get to it, I'll be around or over 30 (yeah, no hot young brides here, sorry)... We'll have been together 10ish years, so... it'll be more of a "thanks for being in our lives, here's some fun n drink and a reason to actually see each other" plus some legal plusses for signing the papers n ######. I won't change my name, I don't want a white dress.


I feel like a bit of a shmuck for actually wanting one, even a tiny one. There's still a touch of dumb girl in me I guess.


Maybe I'll get my circus pals to perform during it.


But yeah, I know a tooon of folks who got hitched for the wrong reasons. From "omg i want a huge party where it's all about meeeeee" to "yeah you'll do, we're the right age to do it, better do it now" to insane religious pressure...


To be fair... none of those divorces were even the least bit surprising.


They were all "well.. ok, wonder if this'll last" sorta deals in some regard.

I'm looking forward to our eventual wedding. It'll be fun.


I'm not looking forward to more friend weddings. Might be time to start buying the bride and groom separate gifts...

Posted (edited)

It's official: looks like that 5th divorce is happening.


I feel better every day that Josie and I have had neither the time nor the money to get married yet. I think after all this time we're not in any danger of splitting up, but it's been really weird watching 5 marriages die in the time we've been dating.


Be careful about jinxing yourself on that one. I've known 2 couples that "lived in sin" for  5-10 years each with absolutely no issues. Both couples eventually got married and both couples started the process for divorce within the first year of getting married (in North Carolina you have to be separated for 1 year before you can actually go to court to get divorced). I'm not sure what changed other than the marriage certificate but something had to have.

Edited by Alkoholist

Be careful about jinxing yourself on that one. I've known 2 couples that "lived in sin" for 5-10 years with absolutely no issues. Both couples eventually got married and both couples started the process for divorce within the first year of getting married (in North Carolina you have to be separated for 1 year before you can actually go to court to get divorced). I'm not sure what changed other than the marriage certificate but something had to have.

I think it's mostly a crap shoot based on what things in life you value, shared priorities, etc. Something like taking a new job or discovering your spouse is terrible with money once you combine accounts. Who knows.


I'm not worried either way I guess.


Be careful about jinxing yourself on that one. I've known 2 couples that "lived in sin" for  5-10 years each with absolutely no issues. Both couples eventually got married and both couples started the process for divorce within the first year of getting married (in North Carolina you have to be separated for 1 year before you can actually go to court to get divorced). I'm not sure what changed other than the marriage certificate but something had to have.

Being married has to have a different mentality to it. It's the same from the outside sure, but the mentality on how you view your relationship has to change a lot. Course, I've never been married, so what the hell do I know


Be careful about jinxing yourself on that one. I've known 2 couples that "lived in sin" for  5-10 years with absolutely no issues. Both couples eventually got married and both couples started the process for divorce within the first year of getting married (in North Carolina you have to be separated for 1 year before you can actually go to court to get divorced). I'm not sure what changed other than the marriage certificate but something had to have.

I dunno. I've known a few couples that seemingly fit that bill, and the wedding/marriage in one case was a "we need to make this official to solidify things/make them more special" and it failed, because marriage changes virtually nothing (and that can be a huge rude awakening to many people it seems), the other was "wellp, guess we better do this, cuz I'm stuck with you for life" resignation sort of thing. It's like they were holding their breath and putting up to hit the Big Milestone that would magically Make It All Work, hooray we did it! And then they did it, exhaled, and went... oh. Well. Doing over... I'd... ok, see ya. 


Success and failure at anything is as individual as the person(s) involved. 


Being married has to have a different mentality to it. It's the same from the outside sure, but the mentality on how you view your relationship has to change a lot. Course, I've never been married, so what the hell do I know

I don't think being married should change things too dramatically. But who knows. People are complicated and the slightest things can screw up their heads. Imagine someone suddenly becoming a control freak like a switch flipped? I bet it happens. But who the hell can predict it?

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