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It's gamenight at the HSBC arena! Do the real buffalo sabres show up, or do we get that crap from 2 weeks ago? Does kotalik appear from the smokescreen, or is he really out 2 more weeks? Who's in goal tomorrow? i say miller, but wouldn't mind conks. The sabres have to win tomorrow to send me off great for the weekend. I'm actually going to miss the two toronto games because of my sister's wedding... They have to win tomorrow, and i think they will.

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He better do something!


Quick, otherwise half of the league will be his old team.

I see Stu Barnes in your sig who took time to adjust after he was traded...I think he had 0 goals after the trade but came alive in the playoffs

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...and how will Zubrus do against his old team?


The real question that deserves its own thread is how NOVOTNY will do against his old team. Please dont overload this thread with Jiri sediments, my cpu might lock up. :cry:



PA...could we get this documented on Sabres day in history 2007 please.. Thanks!

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i think since miller has been playing well you play him tomorrow and then maybe play conks against toronto since they can't take our playoff spot away from us.

Conks finishes out the season, undefeated.


of course, only because of the new helmet :)

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I see Stu Barnes in your sig who took time to adjust after he was traded...I think he had 0 goals after the trade but came alive in the playoffs

that's why i loved the guy...he was on a huge goal drought when we signed him, and he just kept working harder and harder until he became our best player in the 99 playoffs.


not to mention that we ripped off shittsbugh by trading that pain in the ass barnaby for him. he was a huge reason we turned it around that year and i don't think the 99 cup run would have happened without him.


one of my all-time favorite sabres.

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I see Stu Barnes in your sig who took time to adjust after he was traded...I think he had 0 goals after the trade but came alive in the playoffs


Lindy seems to be pleased with his performance thus far, and that's good enough for me. I'm willing to show a little patience. The guy has a new city, new teammates, new position, etc. let's give him a chance to adapt. I have a feeling he will be a contribiutor in the playoffs.

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I wouldn't be surprised to see Zoolander have his best game as a Sabre and get a few points tonight. I would also hope Lindy plays Miller and starts Conklin at home against the Leafs. I wouldn't want to see Ty start in Toronto and have him fall behind with the fans up there. They would be all over him and that wouldn't help his confidence level after that great 1st game he played.

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Sabres need to play this game tonight with their A game. These 2 pts are HUGE to keep Ottawa off our tails. No excuse to not get 2 pts tonight. If Kolzig makes 45 saves and shuts us down then so be it but Miller and his team had better show up tonight or I will be very nervous about the playoffs.

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