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Questionable call followed by the special teams f :censored: ing up again...

Although I am happy about the road point, it would be nice if the Sabres' special teams wouldn't actively cost them games...

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Watching Atlanta today, they are not a team I would want to play in the postseason. I think they have just enough scary offensive players in Kovalchuk, Hossa and yes, even Tkachuk; Lehtonen just seems solid, he doesn't get rattled; the team can skate; and they have enough veteran leaders to make some noise in the playoffs. I hope someone knocks them out before they get to us with some confidence...

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To NHL referees: Diving is an either/or situation, not both/and. One or the other; two players should not go to the box.





Why not? You have two penalties. A hook. And a dive. What's the problem?

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