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huge win. the sabres go 2-0 in florida for the first time since i can remember... They were outshot by a wide margin again, but they showed they can hang with a quick team like the lightning. Ryan and Macarthur played very well i though... Pominville is johnny on the spot... Vanek played better. Spacek has a couple gaffes early, but he played solid. He had a gigantic hit too, which was cool. The power play continues to struggle horribly. Maybe a couple practices with spacek at the point again will energize them. who knows. Either way, the sabres played with a lot of heart and showed that they can hold a 3rd period lead. 2 wins in 24 hours... The sunday game is an afternoon game, so get your rest tomorrow sabres. I'm very pleased with tonight's game, despite the power play problems.


Is the Paetsch experiment on the PP over? Nathan got only a little over a minute of PP time, while Spacek got 4+. Leaves me scratching my head a bit.


For the record, the last time the Sabres swept the Panthers and Lightning in Florida was in April 2001.

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Is the Paetsch experiment on the PP over? Nathan got only a little over a minute of PP time, while Spacek got 4+. Leaves me scratching my head a bit.


For the record, the last time the Sabres swept the Panthers and Lightning in Florida was in April 2001.

Paestch only got 9:47 of total ice time, so I wonder if Lindy didn't like what he was seeing from young Nathan tonight.


For that matter, has anyone seen Adam Mair?

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Is the Paetsch experiment on the PP over? Nathan got only a little over a minute of PP time, while Spacek got 4+. Leaves me scratching my head a bit.


For the record, the last time the Sabres swept the Panthers and Lightning in Florida was in April 2001.



maybe lindy was just tinkering with the lines. He (or whichever assistant runs the PP) needs to drastically change the way they set up. It's just horrible, and right now its beyond fixing. You can't fix that, you have to just try something completely different. I'm not a coach or a pp specialist, so i'll leave the specifics up to another armchair coach, but it just has to change. However, paetsch has been solid on the pp till last week. He's slumping right now. hope he rights the ship. he's a very bright spot on a team full of bright spots.

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I cringe when the Sabres go on a power play...I always hope that somebody will slash the opponent


on the following faceoff to make it a 4 on 4...

that might be the best strategy at this point, jk. It seems that the passing just goes to shite everytime we get the man advantage. However, I was very pleased with the PK so at least half of the special teams has started clicking again.

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I was at the game. As usual in Florida, a huge contingent of Sabres fans and when the game was 3-1, the chants of "Let's go Buffalo" were very noticeable.


The PP was the absolute worst. The Lightning OUTSHOT the Sabres 4-0 on the power plays. I was hoping they would decline the penalty.


However, it was a good road game against a Tampa team fighting for the playoffs. The biggest problem with Tampa is they really only have LeCavelier, St Louis, and Richards. They need a few other guys to step up.

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A few observations:


1. I agree with Knightrider on Michael Ryan -- that was the best game I've seen him play. Even on a fast team he's one of the fastest skaters and he seems to have pretty good hockey sense. He had 17:35 of ice time tonight.


2. Speaking of Ryan, the Drury-Ryan-Zubrus line was effective again tonight.


3. Here's an ominous sign: Vanek got 11 min. of ice time, lowest among the top 9 forwards. He has zero goals, 3 assists and a minus-3 in his last 7 games.


4. One funny moment was when Bobby Taylor (the Tampa color guy) said "Peters doesn't usually play against the Lightning". How true.


5. News flash for those calling for Paetsch to play and Kalinin/Teppo/Spacek to sit once all the defensemen are healthy (as if total health on the D could ever happen): Paetsch had 9:47 of ice time tonight, Spacek had 13 in his 1st game back in 5 weeks, Teppo and Dmitri had 20 min. each, Tallinder had 25 and Soupy had almost 30. You can kid yourselves all you want, but Paetsch is #7. And I think Ryan (and Stafford and maybe Paille) plays in the playoffs before Paetsch takes his spot on the wing.


6. Pominville has 30!! Amazing. He cleared waivers LAST YEAR. He is 24. We have him locked up for 2 more years after this one at a cap number of $1.033 million per year.


7. Tampa really has some exciting players. And not just LeCavalier and St. Louis. That was a very enjoyable game to watch.


8. My 3 stars:


1. Miller

2. Ryan

3. Pominville


9. I think I might start Conklin on Sunday, but I think Lindy will start Miller.

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Pretty good post, n - I just have to comment on a couple points:


3. Here's an ominous sign: Vanek got 11 min. of ice time, lowest among the top 9 forwards. He has zero goals, 3 assists and a minus-3 in his last 7 games.

He only got 13:47 against Florida, as well. I think either Lindy is trying to send a message to Vanek, or he truly is banged up and Lindy is trying to spell him as much as possible. Given the Sabres' injury problems, I tend to think it's a combination of both, but more of the former. He just hasn't been noticeable (in a positive way) at all lately.


5. News flash for those calling for Paetsch to play and Kalinin/Teppo/Spacek to sit once all the defensemen are healthy (as if total health on the D could ever happen): Paetsch had 9:47 of ice time tonight, Spacek had 13 in his 1st game back in 5 weeks, Teppo and Dmitri had 20 min. each, Tallinder had 25 and Soupy had almost 30. You can kid yourselves all you want, but Paetsch is #7. And I think Ryan (and Stafford and maybe Paille) plays in the playoffs before Paetsch takes his spot on the wing.

I still think that Teppo needs a couple games off before the playoffs - at his age, he could get rundown pretty quickly...I also think that Campbell needs more ice time. He seems to get stronger with more responsibility, so I would make him the no.3 guy (behind Tallinder & Lydman) in ice time, and rotate the other three as much as possible. With Spacek, I am hoping that the time off will have helped him relax and refocus, and I think he'll be a big part of our success or failure in the playoffs.

I know Kalinin won't likely get scratched, but I think I am finally going to give up and stop (or at least limit how much) harping on Dmitri. With him, I think what you see is what you get - and I don't think we'll ever see him blossom into that steady, top-4 type defenseman that we know he has the potential to be. He'll likely always be the guy we see this year and parts of last year - struggling with his confidence and consistency...


9. I think I might start Conklin on Sunday, but I think Lindy will start Miller.

I think you're right, Lindy is probably going to come right back with Miller, and rightfully so, IMO. This will give him a good opportunity to build on his strong performance and start getting onto a roll heading into the stretch run.

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Nice of Kalinin to watch that shot.


Even nicer of him to deflect it by reaching out with his stick. That's why Miller gave that, "WTF can I do about that shot?" look after the goal. Watch it again, watch it closely.....


They've booed after every goal so far.


I think they were booing the Let's Go Buffalo chant.....


Ryan's playing his best game as a Sabre...


I have been amazed by his burst of speed. I knew he was fast, but WOW can that guy fly!


Hiyooooo. Good one. Nah, I'm not going to get on Miller's case tonight. I didn't care for the two goals, but I think he played very well. Confident-looking.



Kalinin deflected the first shot. Miller had the save on the original, low angle, but Kalinin changed all that.

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Even nicer of him to deflect it by reaching out with his stick. That's why Miller gave that, "WTF can I do about that shot?" look after the goal. Watch it again, watch it closely.....

I think they were booing the Let's Go Buffalo chant.....

I have been amazed by his burst of speed. I knew he was fast, but WOW can that guy fly!

Kalinin deflected the first shot. Miller had the save on the original, low angle, but Kalinin changed all that.

I think the intermission guys clearly showed that. The one thing you can say about Kalinin's play is he is involved in far more goals than he is given credit for. The NHL should keep a stat on own goals caused by deflections. I'd bet he would lead the league. :lol:

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was anyone else impressed with the tampa broadcast team? they did a pretty good job being objective and reporting on the sabres. I was impressed with the panthers crew too. Plus, who can call those broadcasts bad when we get to see rapcat commercials. That's some weird stuff right there... For those of you who didn't get to see the FSN florida coverage, go to www.rap-cat.com



totally awesome!

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:) :worthy: :) :worthy: :) :worthy: :) :thumbsup: :w00t: :beer:


From the Tampa Bay Tribune:


"TAMPA - The Lightning ended their two-week home hiatus Friday and were welcomed back to the Forum by several thousand refugees from the HSBC Arena. That is in Buffalo, N.Y., where the Sabres play their home games.


It snowed there Friday night. Meanwhile, in warm, inviting Florida: Sabres 3, Lightning 2.


This was, in fact, a home game for Tampa Bay, its first in 17 days - the frequent chants of "Let's go Buffalo" from about half the crowd of 21,264 notwithstanding. "


I loved the quip fom the TB announcers last night when they said something like many Sabres fans somehow slipped through security..

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was anyone else impressed with the tampa broadcast team? they did a pretty good job being objective and reporting on the sabres. I was impressed with the panthers crew too. Plus, who can call those broadcasts bad when we get to see rapcat commercials. That's some weird stuff right there... For those of you who didn't get to see the FSN florida coverage, go to www.rap-cat.com

totally awesome!

Having suffered through the Sun Sports broadcast team for over three seasons (while going to grad school in Florida, couldn't afford CI) I was very impressed at their call of the game last night. It almost seemed (at least to me) that someone told them to knock off the whining about opponents and the officials. It was night and day different in my eyes...


No reports of raping and pilaging? We are slacking.

Don't worry, I am sure that at some point we'll get reports of some drunk Buffalo fans tipping port-a-potties while nuns and orphans were inside, or crazed Sabres fans ripping jerseys off innocent Lightning fans and defecating on the jerseys, right in the concourse...

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was anyone else impressed with the tampa broadcast team? they did a pretty good job being objective and reporting on the sabres. I was impressed with the panthers crew too. Plus, who can call those broadcasts bad when we get to see rapcat commercials. That's some weird stuff right there... For those of you who didn't get to see the FSN florida coverage, go to www.rap-cat.com

totally awesome!


If you want to hear something absolutely awful down here, their radio guy, Dave Mishkin, has absolutely no rhythmn to his game and when they score a goal, he screetches. I am not exaggerating, he screetches like an owl getting a hot poker in the "you know where."


The TV guys aren't bad.


We are spoiled with Jeanerette and Lorentz. Rick may get over the top at times, but he really portrays the flow of the game well. He's a homer, but calls the game well.

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As much as Rick gets excited when the Sabres score...he also gets more excited for the opposing teams goals than most the announcers in the league. I was listening to an Islanders radio broadcast once where you could barely tell the other team scored. Also I think Rick and Jim are pretty objective when it comes to their analysis. They will fully admit when a Sabre gets away with a penalty, etc. A lot of other announcers around the league won't do that.

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As much as Rick gets excited when the Sabres score...he also gets more excited for the opposing teams goals than most the announcers in the league. I was listening to an Islanders radio broadcast once where you could barely tell the other team scored. Also I think Rick and Jim are pretty objective when it comes to their analysis. They will fully admit when a Sabre gets away with a penalty, etc. A lot of other announcers around the league won't do that.


I have no idea where they come in on the homer scale, and you are right, they at times call it like it is, but Lorentz especially does some things that get on my nerves. In the first 10 minutes of any broadcast -- you can just about set your watch to it -- Lorentz will say (insert name of opposing goalie) is "really struggling" or "looks shaky." This usually comes after the first time the goalie makes a save, loses the rebound a bit and has to smother it, something Miller will also do half a dozen times a night. As I've pointed out to the point of making people nauseous, I'm sure, Lorentz says the Buffalo goaltender "didn't have a chance" or "never saw the puck" when scored upon. Conversely, when a similar shot is saved, it's the save of the century, which makes no sense. How did the goalie see it? Then when the other team goes offside, Rick will chime in with "Holy mackerel, so and so was an acre offside! What was he thinking?" I absolutely want them to be homers, but they take it a bit too far, like when they claimed Mair shouldn't have gotten a penalty when he turned that Bruin's clock back a few months late.


I love this board. It's such good therapy. Now I don't have to punt the cat tonight. I will, however, be spanking the iguana, but I digress...

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