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Montreal has 2 goals on 2 PP. Man I wish we had our team and their PP.. Montreal 2 - Pitt 2 end of second..

Their second goal was an absolute BOMB from the point by Souray...the announcers called it the old "radio" shot - you hear it but can't see it...

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that call on dan boyle for the hook on briere may have been the single worst call i have ever witnessed by an NHL official.


i've seen bad calls where i can think perhaps what the official may have percieved happen, but i don't know what 'ole Mick saw on that play...

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that call on dan boyle for the hook on briere may have been the single worst call i have ever witnessed by an NHL official.


i've seen bad calls where i can think perhaps what the official may have percieved happen, but i don't know what 'ole Mick saw on that play...

I agree. Danny can be a pesky player..


Koharski made up for it on the Roy call...

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:wallbash: :wallbash: Isn't B-lo on the PP???

Tampa's PK has outshot our PP tonight, according to the Tampa announcers (4-0, I think)


Bad turn over leads to a Tampa goal

Buffalo: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: Tampa :death: :death:

MacArthur was already at the penalty box area waiting for Roy(?) to win the 1-on-2 battle...someone explain to the Amerk that he needs to play in our end, too...


geesh, a softie trickles through Miller's legs - lack of focus?
I don't think that's a lack of focus - he tried to break up the cross-pass and caught it on the wrong spot of his stick. Bad goal, sure, but would the result have been any different if it went through to St Louis and he banged it in?
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