Last night I deviated from my intended routine and felt compelled to catch up on "Parts Unknown". I grabbed a glass of whiskey (I almost always have something when watching this show) and loaded up the episode on Armenia.
This particular episode, for whatever reason, really stood out to me as some of the best work Anthony Bourdain had done.
This morning I woke up (after staying up until 1:40am talking to a friend whose mother died yesterday) to the announcement that Bourdain had committed suicide at age 61.
I'm know some people didn't like his style, his delivery. I found him to be pure genius. His approach to covering life in the world resonated perfectly with me. I found myself continually watching anything he created.
The man had a rough life, he pulled himself through a slog of crap and came out on top but it was clear he never fully shook his demons.
This really sucks.