Watching this movie for the first time (celebrating my birthday) was one of the top 5 film experiences of my life, if not the best. I love to hear peoples opinions on this masterpiece, as it has been somewhat polarizing, receiving mixed critical feedback. The themes it explores, the relative scientific realism it maintains (and the bravery when it speculates), the cinematography and the cosmic shots were just mesmerizing. The idea that gravity, in the broadest sense, is the ubiquitous force many associate with the will of god; that thing that binds matter in all magnitudes, binds galaxies to black holes, solar systems to galaxies, planets to suns, people to the earth, people to each other.. gives form to fields that constitute our existence at the most basic levels, its really enjoyable to ponder. Even in a metaphysical sense, where we are all just being "drawn" to and from each other/ places/ times, thoughts, levels of consciousness etc., this portrays a beautiful, hypothetical but rational picture of a potential higher order of the 4 dimensions we experience and possible connections between those we are yet to perceive.
I would love to hear others experience and thoughts about the movie or if you haven't seen it, your address, so I can mail you my copy.