Backstory from the history books about a controversial Sabres deal...
One of the biggest busts when it came to Sabre trades was when Peter McNabb was peddled to the Bruins for Andre Savard in 1976. McNabb was a budding star for the Sabres who became a great goal scorer for the Bruins while Savard became a mediocrity for the Sabres.
I revisted the 1976 Buffalo-Soviet exhibition game that the Sabres won 12-6 and noticed at the end that McNabb was interviewed and he said that he was playing for the people of Canada... did not even mention playing this game for the people of Buffalo.
Funny thing is Rick Martin was also interviewed and also said he was playing 100 percent for Canada and also never mentioned playing for the city of Buffalo...
Something clicked and I picked up the Punch Imlach book "Heaven and Hell in the NHL" and found this passage: