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Everything posted by SabresFanInRochester

  1. I have built a backyard rink 5 out of the past six years. Last year, I built the frame, but never laid the tarp out and filled it with water because the weather never cooperated. This year, we had two great skates this past weekend and it looks like we will hit some rocky weather over the next couple weeks, but there should be additional ice time. I cannot get my kids off the ice -- it is totally worth it! I posted this pic to Twitter -- the one of my son shooting and daughter skating in the background. There were some great responses. The hockey community in and of itself is incredible, but I think I discovered a niche persona in this group of rink builders. One of the coolest photos I saw out of my Twitter post, was this guy who posted a photo of the rink his dad built, with a caption along this lines of "I haven't played hockey in 15 years but my dad still builds this rink out of tradition." I hope my fellow rink builders were able to get it going this year. Happy skating... go Sabres!
  2. MODO - I don't know you that well. I am not a frequent poster and not part of the clique that gets together. But, my heart goes out to you and your family. I loved your video/message -- you're right, everyone can relate and it is a disease. Comfort your mom and cherish your time with her. I wish you both the best! I am not part of the SabresSpace clique but, damn, I would go to Sweden and throw down a couple beers with you in a heartbeat. Go Sabres!
  3. If a team does not score during a 5v3 (that lasts for at least a minute) they will lose the game. I would love to see the actual stat on that. Players should be allowed to police the game and fighting should be the end-all. Bylsma over-coaches, mishandles line pairings, is a poor judge of talent, and puts a boring product on the ice. He should have been gone yesterday. When a team looks flat, and unmotivated, it reflects the gm/coach/system/culture and not the players. Watching a hockey game now, even non-Sabres, is not as fun as watching a game 10 years ago. The Winter Classic outdoor game needs to come back to Buffalo and then be reserved for play every 4-5 years.
  4. I am usually a little late in seeing things, but I have not seen this posted here -- maybe I missed it. Regardless, it is too good to risk not sharing. Buffalo Bills scout gives an inside look at their front office https://t.co/0huAhAkfcZ
  5. From an unnamed source, Homeland Security said LGR and Eleven are safe in asylum in Canada. Apparently they were on a bus full of Hollywood-types who fulfilled their promise to leave the country if Trump won. They are happily working on a co-op, contributing their fair share. :ph34r:
  6. I am envious that you were able to witness one of our franchise greats -- thank you for sharing that because I always wondered who was skilled and who was the beneficiary of the skilled player who got to just bang it home. I wish I could have watched Perreault, Schoenfeld, Ramsey, ... My first hockey experiences were with Barrasso, Housley, and Andrechuk. And I saw some great runs with during the Hasek years. I think we are seeing history repeat itself and it will be a couple years of ramping up before a repeat of the Hasek-years. I am thrilled that my kids are watching a superstar and team in the making. I cannot tell you how disappointed I was a couple months ago when my 9-year old daughter asked me "what are the playoffs?" Yeah, honey, you wouldn't know about them living in Buffalo. Soon, baby girl, soon.
  7. You're right -- that was a lazy post. I didn't read it until after I posted. And then, I was kind of... unimpressed. I was in the midst of portraying liberals as being whiney, and all of a sudden, when the daily pastajoe count comes in, I thought you (LGR) were posting something that explained the expense involved in a recount and was saying "enough!" Shame on me for assuming. After I read it, I realized that there is just another liberal whining about something else. How much did the government pay for Michele and the girls to fly around the country/world and join Obama on vacations because they had to leave at different times? So the timing isn't perfect for Melania and Barron to move into the White House in January -- let's automatically disqualify Trump because he is not a team player. He should have to disavow his business and force his family into hardship, right? Being the President sucks, but being on the opposite side of liberals has to be a living hell. :thumbdown: see above. Repeat offender.
  8. I would welcome you to pick through this political thread and point out instances where I did that. I am not an Obama fan. I was not happy with his policy. But, it happened and I had to deal with it. I did not (I should say I really do not recall) posting daily 'did you see what Obama did today? What an idiot!' I was livid when Obamacare passed with a backdoor exception from Louise Slaughter and I voiced unfairness in that passing without having to go for a vote. But, I was not on here daily pissing, moaning, and whining. How do liberals complain so much while picketing and protesting? Is that why the smartphone was truly invented... so they could multitask? I guess it is asking too much for the other side to have a little class. Ah, a liberal who listens to Rush... so you're one of those guys. I give you credit for listening to the other side. I can picture your blood boiling as you spend your productive time listening to the conservative lies day after day. You haven't snapped yet? Kind of funny I post a prophetic message about having a little class right ahead of this one. Carry on. I know what I am up against. You can't teach an old dog new tricks.
  9. http://www.insideindianabusiness.com/story/33844583/breaking-more-details-on-carrier-deal-indianas-offer Why is this a bad deal? Do you know that states -- this is a state deal, not Federal -- offer incentives to businesses all the time? People are going to criticize everything that happens, whether or not President-Elect Trump is responsible because he is not their President/party. That's a given from reading this message board. Once everyone moves on from a recount, attention is going to turn to full-on assault of cabinet members. And then, policy. And then, every natural disaster or problem will be Trump's fault. There can be no good out of his administration. Why do people choose to live the next eight years with such a myopic vision? It is a choice. :thumbsup: Let's make sure we get it right, but then it's time to move on. I am already there, but seeing a vote count from pastajoe every day of Trump's presidency will get old. Pastajoe, is there any result, other than someone else replacing Trump as President, that will be an acceptable outcome? If they do a recount, is it going to be flawed because a judge was a conservative? Or there will not be satisfactory evidence that the machines were not hacked? My point is nothing will result in a good outcome. And once the recounts confirm Trump won the electoral college, instead of conceding, are you going to start passing the petition to eliminate the electoral college?
  10. Eleven -- I think it is a little premature (since we are not technically in his first-year) and the topic does not pertain to Chinese trade, but the Carrier move makes me feel pretty good about my bet. President-Elect Trump is serious and all-business and will keep/bring companies here. And if they don't move back from countries, like China, then they will get hit with a tariff. More on the mark, is there anything in the Apple iPhone article that makes you think "Trump will do nothing to inhibit Chinese imports during his first year" is off the mark, where you would like to concede and donate to my charity now? I mean -- "DO NOTHING" is pretty easy bar. I think this article is pretty damning to a "do nothing" mentality. http://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/apple-iphone-us-manufacturing/
  11. Simple explanation: People die everyday. Dead people vote Democrat. By the inauguration, Hillary will have at least a 10,000,000 lead!
  12. You had to go back to the 60s and pull up an iconic figure? While you're at it, tell me more about Gandhi.
  13. Good point. I don't have an issue with a peaceful protest; just seems they don't stay that way. What I mean is, if it's a peaceful protest, nobody reports it and so I am oblivious to it. Now, whereas I do not have a problem with peaceful protests, I do think it is a waste of productivity. I understand the point that you are trying to make with the 1st versus 2nd Amendment, but I think the ACLU and NRA are equally vigilant in having their voices heard. I hear plenty of people bitching about the 2nd Amendment, similarly compared to Kaepernick or other voiced opines.
  14. She had the body of a 14-year old boy. I had a weakness for figure skaters as well -- for me it was Tonya Harding. (So who am I to judge.) I had a similar weakness for women's tennis -- anybody recall Gabriela Sabatini? Hmmm, and golf got into the mix too -- Annika Sorenstam. I loved the muscular, curvy body. And with the exception of golf, the outfits added to the allure. I guess with golf, my attraction goes back to that time I broke my leg on the golf course -- I fell off the ball washer.
  15. Simple 2-person case study -- which was selected purely for convenience of being the two most recent posters, but it proves my point.
  16. Sorry. I am so used to protesters, bitching and moaning, that I lost track of supporters. Trump protesters brought back memories. I remember Bush anti-war protests. Obama got into office and they magically stopped. Now that Trump is in, protests start again. It is pretty clear to see the party of hate and division. I thought Trump had a great acceptance speech and his "60 Minutes" interview was pretty nice. I don't know why I would expect Trump's speeches of his intentions to change the actions of the left. And I am not holding my breath that effective policy change will dissuade protesters either. Looks like it's going to be 8 years of driving around protesters, and listening to the left crying into their Cheerios. I guess I am going to have to learn to tune that out.
  17. Thank you for giving Trump a chance.
  18. d4rk - I NEVER thought we would see eye-to-eye, but your two above comments are very profound. Well stated! I was a sales guy for the better part of my life. Type A's dominate that field. You have to learn to coexist -- national meetings were a BLAST. Not because of people pounding their chest, but because we all knew how to get along with each other. You simply cannot ignore the other person or play petty games and talk trash about them because then it escalates. I think you are absolutely correct in your assessment, but I absolutely believe there a path to coexist AND keep each other in check resulting in a respectful acknowledgement of the other side.
  19. :flirt: Amen, brother. This is concept that is void from the minds of some people. I am really turned off by all the crap I am hearing from people like Seth Myers, and Miley Cyrus. Suck it up and pull together. That is what is preached when a Democrat wins. Such a double standard.
  20. Bob - Look at the poll on the front page. This board is VERY left-leaning. And there were people on this board who I think were fair in arguing their points, and I respected their opinions, and that made coming on here pleasant and worthwhile. There were also posters who did not behave that way. When Trump won, I felt a touch of "please give people like Eleven, and LGR the strength to get through this." Outside of here, I see protesting and people making rash decisions because their candidate lost, and I think -- did I behave like a child when my candidate lost to Obama? Did I throw a temper tantrum and protest. There are people on here who will sabotage anything Trump accomplishes and that lack of open-mindedness goes against the statement that you made. Trump is in for a rough ride, not because of who he is, but because of who the left is.
  21. d4rk - I believe you are too young to recall this, but the big campaign push against Reagan in the 80's was 'do you really want this guy to have access to the nuclear button.' Hell, even Genesis (Phil Collins) did a music video mocking that very imagery. The left cried that relations with Russia would turn apocalyptic. And what happened? An end to nuclear proliferation, the fall of the Berlin wall, and positive relationships with Russian government. Russian ties with the US strengthened; not the apocalypse that was preached by the left. Did this happen because Reagan had personal financial gain? No. I see a repeat performance. Fight, piss and moan, but just as both democrats and republicans celebrated when Bin Laden was finally captured, I hope that the left can celebrate when relations between Russia and the US improve. Unfortunately, my impression of the left, based on the protesting, pissing, and moaning that I already see will produce a smear campaign that Trump sold out. I hope I am wrong on my vision of the left.
  22. Right on. As plain and simple as you made this, they still will not get it. He shoots; he scores!!!!! :worthy:
  23. I was considering abandoning this thread but I would be onboard for this type of discussion. When I first expressed interest in Trump, it was because I didn't like what Hillary represented. Not to bash her character, but I was tired of the career politician. The machine. The pay to play. The lack of results. It seemed like the old boy's network, and the American people were left to fight over the scraps after politicians' personal interests were satisfied. Everyone just fought back by telling me that Trump is the bad guy, and Hillary is the true savior. I think one thing that needs to be looked at is source of information (media and polls.) I don't think this was trickery of big data. I think this was validation that the public does not trust the media. Surveys reflect that, but people who follow the media dismiss it. How can this be? Of course the media is right! Not this time. So, I wanted an outsider. Someone who could change the system. That's what did it for me. And, in reality, Bernie was the Democrats populist candidate. People related to him more so than the political choice.
  24. I woke up this morning, and looked out the window -- I did not see a mushroom cloud, and pigs were not flying through the sky. (The naysayers on here will tell me I have to wait until the inauguration for the apocalypse.) Over the past couple months, I have enjoyed my exchanges on this board, and although I felt I was in the minority, I was treated very fairly by a couple posters. Thank you to those people: Eleven -- we have a bet. It's a win-win for everyone. Great idea. Let's continue to monitor that. LGR -- You're a good man. I know you're devastated right now. I am sorry -- hang in there. As reflected by the vote on this page, the membership posting here is primarily Democrat. As I read through the comments, there is a lot of misery and I am not here to gloat. I am sorry you feel that way and I hope the next 8 years go quickly for you.
  25. Nah, you can be committed of a crime even though it wasn't intentional... unless you use the reason of insanity, and I think that would work for her. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Haven't you ever heard that? If I am trespassing, but don't realize, does not mean I didn't break the law? If I am intoxicated, and I hop in a car and kill someone, was it my intention to do that? You better believe I am going to jail. There are many instances where you can do something without realizing it is illegal and still be guilty.
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