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Everything posted by SabresFanInRochester

  1. I appreciate that. I hate being labeled as racist because I want more State's rights than a bureaucratic Federal government. Thank you. During the RNC, Trump signed the pledge as did all the other Republican candidates. Cruz balked on his pledge. To me, to say you are going to do something and then not follow through is wrong. If Trump answered that with a simple yes, there would be media painting the picture that the election is definitive towards Hillary, even if it is close or contested. I have no problem with him leaving wiggle room. It's a process and the time when someone ultimately concedes will depend on the situation. I think there is too much gray area for someone to just say "yes or no" to that question because if the results are muddled, it will come back to bite them. Oh, so Hillary is not a gun-toting 2nd Amendment lover? I disagree with how NC did this. (I did not read the article, but I am assuming your premise is valid.) Someone above stated that college students have a hard time voting. For decades, college students have been one of the most organized political targets. I do not have numbers to back it, but MTV and campuses have traditionally advocated mail-in ballots and made it easy for students to vote. I don't think that is considered challenging when the resources are there. LGR4GM -- if you allow anyone to vote, how can you ensure that fraud is not taking place? If someone walks in off the street and they are not registered, should they be allowed to vote if they cannot prove Citizenship or even who they are?
  2. Bob - it was LGR4GM that brought racism into it. I said that race shouldn't matter. It's a question of legitimacy. You cherry picked one of my sentences. Read the whole thing -- "I don't mind black and minority voting, as long as it is legitimate. If someone cannot prove they are a citizen, it should not be assumed and simply give them the benefit of the doubt. And that is not just limited to black and minority. I don't know why this had to turn into a race issue. (It's the Republicans that are supposed to be racist.) If I am lazy or irresponsible and forget to register, I should not be allowed to vote. (I am a white male.)"
  3. Does private industry make the drugs to cure cancer or does the government? I am not saying that the Federal government does not have a place. My statement is that if the Federal government is not granted the right to do something in the Constitution, then the responsibility falls to the State. Each state can decide and solve the issues that you describe. If you don't like what a State is doing, move to another State. I think this would make a more unified country -- 50 States standing together.
  4. I didn't want Obama and I accepted those results. Why would this be any different? My point is that on election night, if someone says the race is too close to call, but Hillary is ahead by a handful of electoral votes -- no, I want to see it play out. If that is not the case, yeah. Let me guess -- I didn't answer the questions because I left gray area in it. You will not accept anything other than yes or no? So I will turn it back to you. Election night. Trump appears to win by 1 vote. Do you advocate for Hillary to concede and will you do the same? Yes or no.
  5. The question to Trump in the debate was "would you concede?" Not if you lose by 9%, would you concede. That question would include the scenario that the results are close and recounts need to be addressed. Which in your above statement justified why Gore delayed his concession. Why is it that something that happened in the past is acceptable but this time it is cut and dry -- yes or no? Trump is not going to do anything to delay the inauguration if he loses by 9% so what does it matter if he agrees to concede or not. I have witnessed voter fraud -- in the City of Rochester, organizers walk the streets and pull people to the local polling place with the promise of food. You mean to tell me that each of the people that arrive at the polling place are legally registered? I doubt that there are sufficient illegal votes to make a difference, but they should not be allowed. I don't mind black and minority voting, as long as it is legitimate. If someone cannot prove they are a citizen, it should not be assumed and simply give them the benefit of the doubt. And that is not just limited to black and minority. I don't know why this had to turn into a race issue. (It's the Republicans that are supposed to be racist.) If I am lazy or irresponsible and forget to register, I should not be allowed to vote. (I am a white male.) If I were to write a sarcastic piece, it would be penned using these words -- well done!
  6. I imagine I will be banned from SS by the end of the day, so I will bid you all adieu and wish you well... I will tackle this question, even though it was directed to the author. It is a difference in philosophy and beliefs, and that is why politics strikes each of us so personally and each side has difficulty seeing the other side's point of view. As an example, at the debate when Hillary was talking about late-term abortions and how difficult it is for a woman to make that choice and that the government should not interfere... maybe it's a difficult decision because that decision results in murdering a baby. And although I have never murdered a person, I would imagine there is guilt. I think it is immoral. There are just vast differences in people's beliefs. Some people think that it's not murder if there is something wrong with the baby. Or that it is not a life until a baby takes a breath on his/her own. I will not accept you telling me that the baby doesn't know or feel while it is still in the womb. It is murder. Another freedom is regarding the taking of my tax dollars. There are some things that I should pay a tax on, but the federal government oversteps their reach and I am very against income redistribution. I am not a fan of the government running programs, agencies, or departments instead of the private sector. There are some things that government should do, but in my opinion, if it is not in the Constitution, they do not have the right to impose their authority. Back off an let the States figure it out. It is a philosophical difference and interpretation of the Constitution. Regarding Trump, I have stated before that he is not the Conservative that I wish he would be -- I want term limits for the House and Senate, I want an end to lobbying, and reform of the tax code, just to name a few. I don't know if I will get any of these from Donald. But I know I cannot trust Hillary. She has a long history of lying and padding her pockets with her interest above all others. Giving her the title of President would make me feel like my interests are compromised -- my personal safety, the security of the Country, and the future of my children. I cannot vote for that. I will take the lesser of two evils.
  7. And for the life of me, I don't know why this was such a jaw-dropper. There are still Democrats to this day that refuse to accept that Bush defeated Gore. Yes, Gore ultimately conceded but not before whining about Florida and demanding recounts and threatening lawsuits. Isn't part of the Democracy making sure that the election was done fairly?
  8. I will let you know when that time comes... :w00t:
  9. :thumbsup: Yeah, don't ready that opinion. Read something from the mainstream media that must be fact, and paints Hillary as a savior... no, I'm mistaken -- Obama was the savior. Hillary is the second coming. You'll find all your pandering from the media and love what you read. When I am faced with a differing opinion, I also bury my head in the sand and pretend it is flawed or doesn't exist -- It makes it a lot easier for me to believe the fantasy that I have created in my mind.
  10. I second that.
  11. I am changing my vote to Hillary -- I didn't realize that she was such an advocate of the 2nd Amendment. What an amazing and versatile woman!
  12. I had a feeling this At the end of last season, the line of Gionta, Larsson, and Foligno had a strong showing. I thought that was one line that would not be tinkered with -- you found chemistry; figure it out for the other lines. Is it too obvious to keep them together? I know it's preseason, but why not let that line play together? wtf
  13. I didn't vote for Obama
  14. I couldn't resist coming back, but only to post something that I promised to d4rksabre. I pitched a television reality show called "American's Next President -- you can see the sizzle reel here -- http://youtu.be/9UYCVX98Cr8. Think along the lines of America's Got Talent with the winner being placed on the ballot instead of getting a show in Vegas. It would not be positioned to make a mockery of candidates and the system, but to truly find a popular candidate who people relate to. People who hate politics told me that they would not only watch that but get involved because it solves what they hate about politics. I wanted to lead a grassroots movement to generate a STRONG 3rd party -- to appeal to the Americans who are tired of the candidates that are supposed to represent us. Strange enough, 2016 had two candidates that fit the bill. I would argue that Bernie and Trump are outliers to their party, and have a cultish following. I think we are getting ready for the 3rd party in America. My project is not DOA yet, but there are some steps that I would have to take to make it work for 2020. Cheers!
  15. Psst... I can assure you that I am me, and no one else here is involved in my posts or shenanigans. I was really looking forward to a great political conversation but the notion to "simmer down" was more than I needed. Now, if you would excuse me, I need to get back to my Black Lives Matter rally. ;)
  16. I am tapping out -- Commenting in the political forum is not worth me having my SabresSpace membership suspended. Go Sabres.
  17. I will put a couple quotes together... but your accusation that I am attacking people??? I simply said "You are too biased for me to continue conversations if you refuse to acknowledge the obvious." That's not a personal attack. That is me saying that if you are going to continuously repeat party lines (which are a joke) then I am not going to waste my time responding to your comments. I don't mind having a conversation with someone who has their own opinion. I do have a problem speaking with someone who is regurgitating party lines.
  18. Careful -- you're insinuating that Wall Street is in Hillary's pockets. You're going to have a lot of old school leftists screaming that is a position reserved for the Republicans and Trump. Let's not look at facts while we try to have an intelligent conversation. Let's just make broad sweeps with generalized out-dated political rants.
  19. I am trying to think back to your Sabres posts. I think I used to value your opinion, but based on your incorrect and biased view of politics, I will have to read your posts with a grain of salt.
  20. Hillary calling Trump followers "deplorable" labels them and puts her on a pedestal. That is my problem with Hillary, and when you go back to the hacked emails out of the DNC, you can see instances when they talk about Hispanics, gays, and blacks in a very unsavory manner. You are too biased for me to continue conversations if you refuse to acknowledge the obvious.
  21. I am leaving soon so I will catch up more tomorrow, but... I am hoping he transforms the system enough that new parties develop out of it. If he cuts lobbying interests, we might actually get politicians doing it for the right reason. I will elaborate more. Remind me to share my "plan" for the 2020 election.
  22. I am viewing you as Statler or Waldorf from the Muppets. Perched up high in the good seats and adding chatter but not related to the actual show. Not a criticism. I wish I stayed out of it. IMO, a 3rd party will only split a party and result in a dominant remaining party. I wish a strong enough 3rd party would rise from the ashes and take control but I don't think there's enough grass roots to dispel the demons of the existing parties. I do not see how someone could look at Hillary and say she is stable. It is being called pneumonia, but there are some serious health issues being covered up. For her sake, I hope she is okay. Her Foundation is one of fraud. She accepts donations for favors. If she makes a speech in the process, it looks legit. A complete sham. I do not want someone who is more comfortable lying because it is convenient and a way of life. Trump speaks his mind and says STUPID stuff, but at least you know where he stands. HRC has an ugly past to her that is simply being ignored if you refuse to acknowledge it.
  23. http://downtrend.com/71superb/top-ten-examples-of-hillary-clintons-racism-the-media-chooses-to-ignore But you will just discount these as being out of context, so what's the point?
  24. My original statement is that I am an independent because GOP preaches small government and then get into office and it's the same old song and dance. I am not happy that the GOP watched Obamacare get implemented. I want a strong enough 3rd party candidate to change politics. Trump is that 3rd party candidate, who happens to be on the GOP ticket.
  25. Oh, Hillary can carry hot sauce, talk about fried chicken and watermelon, and she is simply "fitting in with her people." It isn't racism when your camp acts that way, right? Hillary could never be racist, that would reflect poorly on you, right? What Trump says and what Hillary says are held to two different standards. You can find as many examples as Hillary being racist as Trump being racist. Are either really racist. Probably not. But your party line says Republicans are racist and Trump is running for that party so he must be. Again, spare me your politically myopic and slanted view.
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