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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. I'm not sure about all teams. I'm pretty sure they said that the 50th is 'retired' (one and done) so don't get your hopes up for that as a third. These two new iterations are what you're getting for next season.
  2. Agreed. Just another glaring example of how Bettman and his cronies continue to consistently miss the mark and why they are a second rate pro league compared to the other three major sports. They arrogantly dismiss the fans' voice at every turn. Their abomination of a draft was an absolute embarrassment. How exactly do they end up having none of the seven teams who missed their jacked up playoff format drafting first overall??
  3. I get that. The original jersey didn't have them either but I think they tie everything together and make it pop. Again, they did a great job and I'm still good.
  4. I think you're in the minority on that one but that's certainly your prerogative as we all like what we like. I won't penalize them too much for an otherwise perfect jersey. A two-minute minor at most.
  5. I hope that's from your eye...
  6. You won't get a true appreciation for the royal until it's under the arena lights and on TV, IMO. Laptops and phones may tend to make it look darker than it actually is. They should really pop on TV. Can't wait to see them live.
  7. Maybe because Bettman is a complete moron and a buffoon?
  8. Can't introduce a third until next year, per NHL.
  9. I believe they said that since the home and roads were new, they were not eligible to introduce a third at this time. Some stupid NHL uni 'law', I guess.
  10. The detail on the crest is great but they missed an opportunity to make the sweater perfect by not adding the shoulder patches, IMO. Other than that, I love it. Now let's get it right on the ice.
  11. Can't wait for this!
  12. Please bring back the shoulder logos next year, as well.
  13. I was 5. I just told my kids today that this was the very first thing I ever remember watching on television. It's quite a first memory to have.
  14. Welcome to the board, Chevy. I see that you finally crossed over from TBD. I lurked here for years before posting. I'm sure people wish I'd kept it that way (not that I post much anyway). ??
  15. NP, it's all good. I've seen many a poster get flamed over the years on TBD for posting anything from 'Bleacher Report'. I think that they are mostly hacks at BR but I understand/accept that when I see them referenced by someone with good intentions.
  16. Disagree, Hoss. The title of the thread is 'Trade Rumors and Speculation'. Rumors and speculation, by their very nature, tend to be mostly inaccurate and should be taken with a grain of salt anyway, IMHO. I'd rather have what is being heard posted here and then let each individual further pursue what he or she thinks passes the 'smell test'.
  17. We should ask this guy...
  18. I immensely disliked this change on so many levels. A complete departure from the original color scheme and logo was ridiculous and epitomized the crooked Rigas era, IMO. A complete betrayal and money grab. As much as the 'goat head' bothered me, I would take it any day of the week and twice on Sunday over the complete abomination that was the 'slug'. Gimme back those original blue unis, please. The nameplates and shoulder logos, which were added later in the '70s, were nice additions and can/should remain, as well.
  19. And the long, slow spiral into the abyss continues. What a shite show this team is.
  20. A Sabres win makes it an F'n fantastic Friday for sure. ?
  21. I thought for sure they were dead. Gritty win.
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