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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Levi with a huge gaffe in front of the net but the hockey gods smiled on him favorably.
  2. It's breakfast for dinner as Levi is saving their bacon.
  3. Exactly. They are killing what little flow this game has had. It's beyond annoying.
  4. Girgs had a sweet look that could have given them the lead.
  5. This is getting ridiculous. These damn refs have taken any flow out of this game.
  6. That was more like the Sabres PP we've come to know and hate.
  7. Without benefit of a replay, that penalty seemed iffy at first blush. Levi gets to go to work. Help him out, fellas.
  8. Devon Levi should start against Florida, IMO. Personally, I wouldn't start Anderson again unless they are eliminated from the playoffs and then I would start him in the last game of the year.
  9. Charging Sabres In: Miami Neuter the cats.
  10. Inconsistency. The sign of a young, growing team currently trending in the right direction.
  12. Tuch with a great steal almost scored what would have been an amazing shorty. Wow, great effort.
  13. Need to dig deep for five more!
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