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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. And after all that bs, NJ goes to the PP. SSDY...Same Sabres Different Year.
  2. If that KO to JJ doesn't light a fire under this team then nothing will. For Lindy's own mental health, he should resign and go enjoy the rest of his life.
  3. Tuch got 5 for fighting. That was fighting?? So the Sabres net 2 minutes after a cheap head shot on one of their best players. smdh
  4. Didn't have the opportunity to check into the GDT yesterday. Hoping today makes a difference in their play. 😁
  5. Malenstyn, Aube-Kubel, & Lafferty...fun to watch that speed in action.
  6. Lafferty with the Sabres first marker!
  7. Lindy sporting the German Alpine Bavarian hat. πŸ˜€
  8. Nice looking arena. Those LED boards should be interesting.
  9. I used to dream they'd make the playoffs again in my lifetime. Those dreams have all turned to night terrors...
  10. ...if coaching really was the reason for this team repeatedly falling short and Lindy is the difference. ...if they actually accumulate some of the many "loser points" they left on the table last season. ...if they play like a real home team on home ice. ...if UPL wasn't a flash in the pan.
  11. The wife just saw something that said Costco will be raising their membership fee. Yay... Then again, it's still a better deal than a Sabres membership. πŸ˜‡ πŸ˜‚
  12. It will be interesting to see where his career arc goes. I was travelling yesterday and heard it speculated (can't remember where, sorry) that he may end up being "an AHL lifer". Just one person's opinion so take it with a grain of salt. As with all of these prospects, time will tell.
  13. As long as Adams isn't planning to sink or swim with him, it's all good.
  14. Wal-Mart and Costco both sell Detroit-style pizza by the 'Motor City Pizza Co'. Of course, it's in the frozen section but it will give you an idea of the concept. https://www.motorcitypizzacompany.com/our-products
  15. Well then, I guess I can accept my first wait list with pride. πŸ˜‰ 😁
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