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Everything posted by TheMadCap

  1. I want to believe. But knowing this team, they will come out and lose the next two in horrific fashion...
  2. At himself or the team? Or Lindy? Or Darcy? Was listening on XM while running errands, got home, turned on the tv just in time to see the Pens score the game winner. Mutha forker!
  3. No doubt. In fact, everytime I see him out there with a minute to go down a goal, I think of the JPG someone around here had with Lindy's smiling face and the caption: "Down a goal late in the 3rd, sends out the Hecht line"...
  4. sweet! This will be my 7th show for Rush!
  5. Rush Clockwork Angels at PNC in Raleigh, May 3rd!
  6. Exactly whom I was thinking of...
  7. I believe the official designation is, "The Candyland Gang"...
  8. Jesus, Mary and Joesph, you've got to be kidding me!!!
  9. did not buy CI this year after the free period expired. I've seen this tired act before, and just like the Bills, I refuse to waste time and emotion into a product that the handlers don't seem to want to take the steps necessary for the team to improve. Just as I might tune in a game or two with the Bills, I don't really get all that emotionally invested anymore. This took me 40 years to get to that point, but in all honesty, I have a lot more important things going on that sports. With two very young children, I cannot really justify spending the meat of a weekend or a night investing in an inferior product that is just going to piss me off. Therefore, I am happy when they win, and someone ambivalent when they lose. But until the Bills have a new owner, and the Sabres have a new coach/GM, I am just not going to care as much. Sorry if that makes me a crappy fan, but like others have pointed out, at some point, the battered spouse has to fight back...
  10. I can already see the Ted Black, DR, Terry Pegula spin machine at work: "well, it wasn't a full season, it wouldn't be fair to fire Lindy, blah, blah, blah, let's give him a full season after the lock-out, blah, blah, blah, new carpet, etc"
  11. It's so quiet in there, I believe I just heard the Canes dude say " are you kidding me, F you"!!!!!
  12. Just about scarred the crap out of my dog who was lulled to sleep by this boring ass game...
  13. Cannot get MSGHD, but everything else seems to work...
  14. ah! I always wondered if that would work, Obviously, you would only get, theoretically, one team instead of all the NHL games, but I was hoping that was a viable option. Glad to know it does not before I tried it...
  15. Can one of you super smarties give us an injury update for the team? It has been so long, I am not sure who's hurting and how long they are out. Thanks!
  16. Glad this came up actually. I called DTV for my once a year shakedown for lowering my bill, and asked if they had a price for the half season of NHL Center Ice. They told me it was free this year, although the guy did not specifically say so, it sounded like it was standard for customers that have had it previously. You might want to make a quick call to confirm. Enjoy!
  17. Good to be back! So are they going to make a new schedule, or just start from where they should have been on Jan 19th?
  18. No doubt, this astounded me as well. However, I have never seen this confirmed, I believe it is speculation, I just can't see Darcy saying no to that. But what really makes me suspicious is why the Avs would have offered that?
  19. Ummm, yeeeahhh, I'm gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you there: I watched many Kings games this past season due to the fact that they are my West Coast team. There is no way that team even makes the playoffs without supreme goaltending. You have to remember that the Kings were one of the most offensively challenged teams for most of the year. They steamrolled though the playoffs, yes, but they did so because they were shutting teams out with defense and goal keeping...
  20. Florida? Yeah, that's his wife talking...
  21. I am pretty sure that bites, scratches, etc kill you from secondary infections, then the virus reanimates you. The virus is definitely airborne, no other way to turn unbitten people into zombies...
  22. Which kind of makes it more realistic when you think about it. Having this show with five supermodel women on it would be ridiculous...
  23. Agree with the last two, they bring nothing interesting to the show at all. The wife is nice to look at, but I don't like her character at all. The kid however can be very interesting, Especially with the idea that they have to keep him from turning into an animal. A common theme in the comics, as you know...
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