Korab was no goon. He was a talented player who could skate and shoot. Just happened to be big and a good fighter. To me a goon is someone with little talent whose only job is to fight......Ray for example
Interesting comment about Nolan. I'm thinking LaFontaine wants Nolan long-term. Glad Murray is taking his time.....let Nolan finish the year and then decide.
It's not so much about being wrong but there have been many changes over the last few years that gave us reason to be optimistic and there has been more disappointment. I'm hoping these latest moves turn this team around but I'm just not going to get all caught up in it just yet.
I can enjoy it but have been promised too many times and disappointed every time. This time it seems like we actually have smart hockey people in charge so i hope it works. It also sucks that I get blasted on here every time I don't agree with everyone here 100%.
Obviously I didn't phrase everything properly and I upset some but excuse me if I don't care that my opinion means nothing to you. I'm not here for you.
Relax. I figured I'd get this response. Ok. How long do I wait? I am optimistic with todays events but excuse me if I don't start jumping up and down. Not saying I expect immediate benefits but I certainly didn't expect to be the worst team in the NHL.
Just being realistic. Sorry if you don't agree.
What makes me laugh is the people who destroy English are the one's most critical of foreigners not speaking English. My wife is from Nicaragua and her English is better than most people here.