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Everything posted by Doohicksie

  1. And then Dahlin pitchforks Oshie down, Patches comes in toward Dahlin but Tage takes on Patches, and that's how Tommer ended up with Patches.
  2. He reached double digit goals tonight. I thought he played well early in the season but it seemed like he just couldn't score. He's learning that touch.
  3. Realistically it was over with when we couldn't beat the Red Wings.
  4. I kept waiting for Patches to rally and get the better of Tage, but Tage ruled this fight.
  5. 4-2 Sabres final. Brawl at the end of the game, Tage dropped some right handed bombs on Pacioretty!
  6. He's played well all year but it's really been the second half when the scoring has started to come. It's obviously Krebs making him a better player.
  7. Fan Appreciation Kniggit lines up with Complaint Thursday. Coincidence? I think not. If my job was to right about the Sabres my nerves would be worn pretty thin by now too.
  8. You know I don't care, not one bit. All those teams are Not The Sabres and that's all I care about.
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