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Everything posted by Doohicksie

  1. Still the greatest late night performance ever.
  2. "in whatever combination"... meaning, yeah, Johnson in the top six. I think Bryson is fine as 7D. He played well to close out the season. Replace Joki with an upgrade? But I don't see the D in general as seriously lacking. I don't mind an upgrade but it's not the top priority. Replacing Mitts is the top priority in my book, and getting a 4th line that other teams hate playing against.
  3. I fully expect Johnson to be a top sixer this season anyway. Ville Leino made this happen.
  4. I'm surprised there was a soundtrack on the clip, as opposed to tin pan alley piano accompaniment and caption cards.
  5. Actually, you need to other choice. Something like "I've been hurt too many times by this team to harbor any hope"
  6. My initial reaction was "Not really but it could work I suppose" so I checked that box. But I'm coming around to "I'm ok with it, not super happy" and hoping it becomes "Yes, its a good move" when the season starts.
  7. 2 defenders? You don't think Dahlin-Byram Power-Joki Clifton-Muel Johnson-Bryson in whatever combination is enough? Especially with some good coaching?
  8. Kevyn Adams is really three kids in a trench coat.
  9. Nope, sorry Lindy, the "right time" was two years ago.
  10. He didn't have to. I got laid off from a position and six years later they rehired me based on a fifteen minute phone call. That said, I'm sure they talked more than that.
  11. Lindy said yelling and screaming isn't the way anymore. I'm a little disappointed.
  12. Kevyn: talked to double-digit coaches Twitter works fine.
  13. Sorry, was talking about Lindy. Now that he's past the prepared remarks and taking questions he sounds more like Lindy.
  14. So far he sounds like he double dosed his beta blockers this morning.
  15. Since he's taken the Sabres HC position, his pay by the Devils drops to a small fraction of what his contract was for.
  16. https://eprinkside.com/2024/04/22/arrival-of-lindy-ruff-only-raises-more-questions-than-answers-for-buffalo-sabres This is so on point it hurts. "lack of imagination"? I'm fine with that. Using your imagination when hiring a coach gives you Ralph Krueger.
  17. I think the fact that Lindy was here previously brings certain considerations. For Kevyn and TPegs there are several positives. But I also saw negatives, particularly that it is a nostalgic hire which makes me wonder if it's the right hire. And if he struggles out of the gate it will get really ugly; does the nostalgia factor affect the timing of his firing, should it become necessary (i.e., stubbornly hold on longer than they should)? I think of these things. I'm sure Kevyn did too. Without talking to him personally, it just seems like he and I disagree on the preference for Lindy.
  18. We have no idea what the process was. If the plan all along was to replace Donny at the end of the season, Kevyn could have conceivably been in talks/interviews with several candidates but because Donny was still employed they maintained confidentiality.
  19. Darn that Kevyn Adams to heck! No. Complimenting Kevyn Adams is verboten.
  20. Thoughts on losing 21 pounds: . Waist size down from 40 to 38 . All the permanent aches and pains I've been living with are going away . I literally feel like I have a spring in my step. My gait is perceptibly faster . I can do a full squat. Previously one of my knees hurt bad enough that I couldn't fully flex it; now I can . Can't quite stand up from a full squat though. Not yet. One last thing: The yardio is working. When I first started working out in the yard it was exhausting, especially the bending down and getting back up, lifting bags of mulch/soil/whatever. It's a good rehab program. And the yard looks nicer than it has in a couple years.
  21. No thanks. That's why Muel is always hurt.
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