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Everything posted by Doohicksie

  1. They pay his salary, but likely just a small fraction of it compared to the actual cap hit. His compensation this year is $3.5 million but his cap hit is $4.9 million. Assuming LTIR the majority of that would be paid by insurance to they'll probably pay Bishop less than a mil. No, not necessarily. If most of his salary is paid by insurance due to LTIR, it will be less an a mil. That he does.
  2. Bold prediction: The player selected with that pick will score a Stanley Cup winning goal for the Buffalo Sabres. (Hey I was right about Tage.... think about it.)
  3. So... not even a single. Let's see how the inning works out; maybe we can call it a productive out. Meh. It's just a Boychuk move.
  4. I disagree. He might need to go to ownership for a final signoff but at this point I expect that to be more of a courtesy to the Pegulas than anything else. As far as running the Sabres goes, this is Kevyn's team.
  5. I know, not fun. I'm one of those contractors and even for us the rules are very strict.
  6. We're approaching awesome. They called him and want to interview him Monday.
  7. No... we're going for the slow build through development. Over the long haul it may be the better way to build but I know it feels like we've waited long enough. I think that's exactly what it indicates. I just hope he brings in a real goalie; if so the Sabres might have a fighting chance to at least be relevant.
  8. That's really the question: What's in it for us? Does this mean Kevyn is not looking to sign any significant free agents or acquire any salary in a hockey trade? If he does nothing else, I want to see him address the goalie situation, but signing the dead cap of a goalie who can't play is not the answer.
  9. We pay him $3.5 but he counts $4.9 for toward the floor. This year's Johnny Boychuk (which was only $1.25 million paid to get $6 million in cap. Total compensation was $4 million but the Sabres acquired him after his signing bonus was paid.)
  10. Well *he* can still wear his number, just no one else. You've been pushing it for a while, and with that it's time to put you on ignore for the summer. See you the fall... maybe.
  11. I've been to conferences hosted by federal contractors and attended by federal employees; they set it up so that they can pay a very nominal fee (like $3 breakfast, $5 lunch) so that the employees are "paying their own way" to avoid conflict of interest. Sometimes there was not even a formal payment, just a jar (like a tip jar) to make voluntary payment. I wouldn't be surprised if they put out buffets with a similar payment system.
  12. Oh it'll be in the awesome thread if he actually gets the job. The awesome part is his enthusiasm. He's gone to college three or four times; this is the first time that he actually likes the subject matter.
  13. So my older son, who's working on a degree in video/broadcasting, has a job lead at a local* television station. Someone he's been in class with works there and told him about the position. It would be working in the control room. My son said, "I haven't taken that class yet." His friend replied, "It doesn't matter; if they like you, they'll train you." *In this case, local means in Dallas. He'd have to drive to downtown Ft Worth (about 15 minute drive), then ride the train for an hour. It so happens that it's a Spanish language station, but his friend said that doesn't matter that my son doesn't speak Spanish. This isn't awesome thread material.... at least not until he gets an interview.
  14. Yeah, it's a totally different feel. It's hard to tell it's even your own hand. The English countryside is stunningly beautiful. Are you in London, or touring around?
  15. I don't want to be overconfident, but bear in mind that Detroit is changing coaches and that since March 1 the Sabres a hella lot better than Detroit. Over their last 28 games, the Sabres earned 35 points to the Wings' 20.
  16. Lots of people do that around here (walk/run on the left on the trail). Drives me nuts. There are signs that say to walk on the right but people don't pay attention.
  17. Can we all agree that it's fun watching a heated rival fall off the table? 😄
  18. TBH I am more drawn in by cricket than soccer.
  19. Yeah, this is me, although replace Dodgers with Texas Rangers/Dallas Mavericks. But why do you follow the Sabres? Or are you on other team forums too?
  20. I can appreciate the skill required to play the sport and the difficulty of playing in a game with no/limited substitutions. But I don't find watching play at all compelling. I do enjoy when friends post up on FB good goals made by some team. The goals are beautiful. The rest of the game... not so much. I'm not sure why they call it The Beautiful Game. Eh. I've already got plenty to do with my time. No thanks.
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