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Everything posted by Doohicksie

  1. Last October just before the season started, I came out with this nugget: Tage exceeded that prediction. This year I'm going to make three Bold Predictions. Feel free to do the same. At the end of the season we can see who was the best Bold Predictor. Tage scores 50 Anderson gets 20 wins as the backup JJ nets 25 goals
  2. Yeah, On Your Left is pretty common around here too. I don't usually do that myself; I typically use a bell on my bike. My experience is that for someone unfamiliar with the practice, when they hear someone behind them say "On your left!" they often turn around to the left to look and a lot of time end up leaning/moving toward the left, which is the opposite of what I want. If I ring the bell they know someone is back and they hold their line (generally). But if there's any doubt I will say "On your left!" I know that's only a gif but.... ouch!
  3. Does that preclude Rosen coming to prospect camp?
  4. It doesn't get any better on the multi-use paths, at least around here. When riding my bike, people pull the same *****.
  5. I know, which is why I peek at them when they're on Ignore 😛 What Ignore really does for me is make me take a step back and take a deep breath before reading a particular person's posts so that I can try to take it in a more positive light. Some people that works for; others remain on Ignore indefinitely.
  6. Given the choice I think I'm happier with Tuch.
  7. You just now noticed that? How long have you been on this forum? Pro tip: If they grind you down too much, put 'em on ignore. Then slowly reintroduce them to your diet by peeking at some of their posts if you're curious what they're saying. In most cases I take them back off ignore after a while but by then I've developed a tolerance for their, umm, style.
  8. I think it's a one-way deal. Not sure Girgs would be better at center than Malone.
  9. Why? He was totally wrong about the Eichel-Tkachuk trade with Calgary. This was immediately denied by the Flames. A day later the deal with VGK was done. I'm pretty sure it was smoke to push VGK over the edge and pull the trigger. Whether Adams "leaked" the information to his old teammate Weekes or whether Weekes himself knew it was smoke and was helping his homie out is not known.
  10. Yeah, it's been posted on the forum repeatedly, often in GDTs when Gus scores.
  11. Yes, and the Sabres developed Ullmark through his hip surgery and allowed him leave from the team when his father was sick and dying. Surely he wants to stay with the team that was so good to him when he was down. 🙄 Players might go for that kind of drivel but their agents don't, unfortunately.
  12. Ummm, Mike Modano is from Livonia, MI. So you're saying he won't be blocking any prospects?
  13. Welp. Season's over. This thread is a wrap.
  14. She seems like she's.... well, not over the hump yet, but progressing. I noticed she actually rolled over in her sleep last night. She's been sleeping flat on her back since the surgery. I take it as a good sign that she feels well enough to roll over. I will admit to this forum (but not to her) that I'm a little slow in responding and a little lax in helping her move. I want her to do it herself. She can be impatient and stubborn; I try to use those characteristics of per personality to motivate her.
  15. Really, the biggest complaint I have is that it's out-patient surgery. My wife likes that; she'd rather be home. But I'm not a nurse and don't really do medical care well, and especially for the first day or two after the surgery I felt fully unqualified to determine if her pain was just the expected boo-boo or if it meant her leg was going to fall off.
  16. That's okay, I had a whole argument with @SwampD only to get down to the point where he realized that Kane will be a free agent in July 2023 regardless of whether the Hawks trade him (unless he signs before then). My gut feel is that there will be some talks between the teams, but that Adams won't pull the trigger unless it's a sweet deal for the Sabres. He will, however, use the trade negotiations to determine the parameters for a Kane contract for next summer. I don't know how Kevyn views Kane. I know that he stresses character and Kane has some antics on his permanent record. So maybe he's not really at all interested in Kane. Even if he *is* interested in acquiring him, I don't think he will be looking to Kane to be a major part of the team's future, just a complementary piece. As such I don't expect him to spend a crap-ton of assets to acquire him.
  17. With her first knee replacement, we were really in that territory. It was weird AF. The second time around, the pain is the same, but there is a better familiarity with the process which seems to make it easier to get through it (definitely for me, seems that way for her). For instance, she ran a low fever the first time around and we were pretty freaked out. This time she ran a low fever most of yesterday and we just monitored it and today it's come down. We have a better sense of the thresholds to watch out for. Another indication that the second time is easier to deal with: the first time she was taking the maximum pain killers as soon as she could. This time she's taking fewer pain pills and at greater intervals.
  18. Or, they trade him this off-season and he decides to re-up with the team he gets traded to. A lot of people seem to be assuming it’s now or next off-season but there’s no guarantee he’s free next year. Yep. Covered that in the bolded part.
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