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Everything posted by Doohicksie

  1. He has the value of a late second round pick next year so.... worth.... something.
  3. I just paste the YouTube link and it renders as the preview. Your link: Maybe you have a setting somewhere set to tell links not to render?
  4. My older relatives said it that way. They were Poles or children of Poles, so I tend to think it was accurate somehow. Then again they pronounced the radio home of the Buffalo Sabres as Dubja Gee Arr. So who knows.
  5. Don't gimme that baloney. I want WARDINSKI'S!
  6. I guess I'll be going to the game on Jan 23.
  7. Don't feel bad, his brother William was wrong about him too. I remember William saying Alex would be better than him. (Tried to find the citation, unsuccessful.)
  8. Yeah, I saw a tweet about this a few days ago. Looks like Matt saw it too.
  9. The one article mentions "smoke screen". I think if there is any linkage at all to Kevyn Adams it's probably exactly that. Still I wouldn't mind seeing him make a splash in either a top goalie at high $ for short term (2-3 years) or a top skater (RHD or scoring forward).... or a combination thereof.
  10. It's life. We all go through down times. I feel fortunate that we're getting through them. It's just hard to see my wife in so much pain. We both know it will pass and she will be fine in a number of weeks but in the meantime we deal with what we're given. I appreciate your kind words. You sure it wasn't an invitation?
  11. Extended cut: No blood clots. No (massive) infection.... some infection markers are expected after a knee replacement. Just post-operative swelling probably triggered by physical therapy. They upped her dose of nerve medicine. And actually every medical professional who's seen the wound says that for a knee replacement two weeks after surgery, it looks great. Knee replacement is not for the faint of heart. I appreciate the offer for information but the Dr.'s office has 24/7 phone support and they've been wonderful. There is always a nurse on call, and if it's something more serious, a doctor on call. What happened is that she had therapy Mon, Wed and Fri last week. Each day after therapy she was wiped out but you could see the progress. Then over the weekend (this stuff always happens over the weekend), it started to get painful, the joint swelled up in localized spots, and she lost her already limited range of motion. So she called the dr. Monday and after doing several "field tests" (my term), he said a blood clot wasn't likely. The doctor called her Tuesday morning and after they talked about it, she went to the ER to get bloodwork done and to rule out any blood clot. We were in the ER for 5 hours for that, then she went to her orthopedic appointment. So it was basically a full day of waiting around in medical facilities. My wife has fibromyalgia (autoimmune condition involving the nerves) and Raynaud's syndrome (affecting circulation in her extremities) which are complicating factors in her recovery. The other thing that popped up is our dog woke up yelping in pain and couldn't move. I called the vet and they said to bring him by. Apparently he either bruised a rib or strained a muscle on July 4 as we were returning from our early evening walk; the fireworks started popping and he hates that so he strained against his harness. He's 12 so when he woke up yelping I feared the worst (some kind of internal organ issue or cancer). Anyway, yesterday was pretty stressful.
  12. Back at the ER this morning. Possible infection, want to rule out blood clots. And...
  13. I don't think it will be that rich..... unless MAF demands it and will sign elsewhere without it. I think it would be a good deal; it would make up for last season's debacle.
  14. Except he's the anti-Risto: Good skater, good puck mover, small size, not dumb as a brick. It makes sense to use him as a trade chip. He's a 2nd/3rd pair dman just coming into his own but he's a lefty on a left-heavy D corps. He did pretty well playing the right side with a LH shot, but finding a situation where he can play his natural side may be the best spot for him. I think he's a good player and if another team is looking for a puck moving LHD, we might be able to get something good back that fills one of the Sabres' needs.
  15. Yeah, I think the bump has more to do with last season than this season. More of a "thank you very much" if you will.
  16. Just about every trade scenario I read about involves moving Bryson...
  17. The whole point of the thread is to be bold!
  18. Not if he's already crossed over into Finland....
  19. Sometimes it's best to refer someone to UrbanDictionary.com.
  20. Doing much better than with the first knee. Still, it's a very painful recovery. The swelling is receding which is leading to other pains from all the tendons and stuff settling into their new homes.
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