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Everything posted by Doohicksie

  1. I was just about to post this. Cozens is quickly turning into Okie Jr.
  2. ...and VGK which was in a playoff position at the time... and other teams that were in the hunt.
  3. Dude. A slight upgrade over Toker may be all the Sabres need.
  4. Player by player you might make that argument, but Buffalo (for a change) has stable chemistry and stability behind the bench. I could see where Detroit in particular is a hot mess early due to the coaching change. The new players the Sabres brought in should "plug the leaks" in the roster, but the rest of the team was already playing at a playoff clip at the end of last season while Detroit and Ottawa were struggling at the end. Momentum from one season doesn't often carry into the next but in this case I think the relatively minor changes to the Sabres roster will enable them to pick up where they left off last season, which was in a pretty good spot.... and a playoff point pace. So I will concede that player-by-player, Detroit and Ottawa may have improved more than the Sabres but would counter that there are factors outside of the roster that will make the Sabres a better team than them out of the gate.
  5. He wanted out. Why would he come back?
  6. So this is the Reinhart pick, right? It would be amazing if we got a Reino replacement (1 for 1) *and* a starting goalie in return for Samson.
  7. Lesson learned from Ryan Johnson, innit? Rectum? He barely knew 'im.
  8. I'm aware. Did you see my response to @inkman in the other thread?
  9. If his legs are that bad it's going to happen wherever he plays.
  10. Hockey Related Revenue. It's a new buzz word apparently.
  11. Really, don't forget the ROR trade.
  12. It won't happen. KO will never age out! I think he will be a Kyle Williams situation... make the playoffs and retire before they seriously challenge.
  13. It was UPL/Subban. I guess the implication is go with whoever's hot when needed.
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