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Everything posted by Doohicksie

  1. Hella lot better smelling that tobacco smoke.
  2. He will by the end of the series.
  3. So... I guess I gotta take to to the next level. Not only put @Thorny on Ignore, but also everyone who quotes him.
  4. Good for you. Not everyone is the same. Anyway, cuddle buddies!
  5. How many of those were "didn't want to be here" vs. "Kevyn was turning over the culture"? I think Eichel, Reino and Risto were the latter. Ullmark is really the only one in the first group for sure. Montour.... probably the same thing and Ullmark... he was going to walk anyway so get what you can. Could be that the market wasn't there for Montour... either because his value was hurt by the Krueger stank, or because there were other more attractive trade targets.
  6. Which, if you're convinced is the case, you can acquire a war horse in his 30s, knowing he doesn't have to be a long term piece.
  7. Well then don't complain when you can't find workers.
  8. I think Kevyn saw him as part of the Eichel clique that needed to go. To me the 1 yr deal he gave Reino was the first concrete indication of the changes to come.
  9. Not only did he score but he was out on the ice late to protect the lead.
  10. I'm on a 4x40 schedule. Once in a great while I'll work on a Friday for something that I want to be over and done with and not weighing on my mind over the weekend... like maybe a couple times a year. I had a family crisis several years ago and while I took just a couple days off to deal with the acute phase of it, I got into the habit of working 40 hours and no more. Oddly in the aftermath of that I got promoted. It's not how much you work (at least in some fields), it's the quality of your work. If you're regularly working 60-70 hour weeks, quality drops off. By cutting back to 40 I was getting almost as much done insofar as the quality of my work was much better.
  11. You earned those sick days and should have been compensated for them. At my company people have two retirement dates: Their last day at work and their last day on the payroll. All you have to do is come in on that last day on the payroll and they cut you a check for all those sick days, personal days, vacation days that you didn't use while you were working. It's not "pride in being at work", it's being compensated for what you earned.
  12. There's a huge difference between "I don't want to work" and "I don't want to spend every waking hour at my job."
  13. A direct result of the philosophy of participation trophies. But it sounds like they're *not* participating. I'm sorry, but if you need people to work 70 hour weeks you don't have enough people.
  14. You could go back to my early reactions... I was hopeful like we always are when a new face shows up, but I always felt he sounded like a used car salesman.
  15. I'd rather have Kevyn's second round pick than JBott's first round pick.
  16. No way man. My neighbor did that once. Now he's on The List.
  17. That's the lifestyle I aspire to.
  18. They can plan just fine. Assume he's not going to be part of the Sabres org going forward. There. Done. If they make a trade for a 4D, how would the presence (or not) of Johnson affect that?
  19. I was with you until the last sentence.
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