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Everything posted by Doohicksie

  1. Nope, hadn't heard of those yet. Intriguing. My new bike has tubeless tires. I wonder what it will be like when I get a puncture. Supposedly small holes self-seal with the sealant inside the tire. For larger holes I have a plug kit that can quickly inject a plug in a hole, and yes I have a coupla CO2 cartridges to fill the tire afterward.
  2. I'm not quite up for that. I've reached an age where bones take way too long to heal. You had an ankle problem, right? Cycling is much lower impact than running.
  3. I went to buy a road bike, ended up going for a gravel bike. It just felt more "me". Loving it so far.
  4. Out of my goal memes, this one was a special edition, used only once and will never be used again. The night Risto, Dahlin and Asplund all scored a goal. It was a Rastrick. April 6, 2021
  5. Isak Rosen has a better chance to make the Sabres roster than some think per Chad DeDominicis TLDR: Although he plays a top six role in the AHL, he is likely a bottom six guy in the NHL, so if injuries strike the bottom six he might be chosen as first callup over such players as Rousek, Kulich and Helenius. Chad states Rosen is further along in his development curve than Kulich and Helenius and has higher upside than Rousek.
  6. Whelp, I guess summer has come to north Texas. The good news is at least the lows are dipping into the 70s.
  7. I didn't say that. What I said was And to expand on the parenthetic, maybe not 8th but higher than the previous season.
  8. Right. But the ratings are looking back.... when they were 8th they were looking back at almost making the playoffs the previous year. I would say that while Adams could have done more, he did a better job of addressing the holes in the lineup this offseason, yet they're rated as 26th? That 26th is a reflection of last season, not this offseason. It's a rating with a severe lag. 26th is a reflection of Kevyn did last offseason, not this one.
  9. Biden stepping down just after the RNC convention took the bounce away from the GOP and the emergence of Harris created its own bounce. Now with the addition of Everyone's Dad (Tim Walz) to the ticket, a further bounce. They need to keep pressing and exposing the GOP ticket for what they are: Weirdos.
  10. It's almost like the grade is for last year... lagged.
  11. I think they're out of phase. I would say we were 26th last year and higher (maybe not 8th but higher) this year.
  12. Nice thing about cycling: You can go as hard or easy as you need to, and work into fitness somewhat gradually. This new bike is the first one I've had with brifters and since I don't have to move my hands to shift I'm shifting more frequently and I'm trying to keep my legs moving all the time.
  13. An easy 13 miles tonight, but at least I got out. TIL it's not smart to ride the river trail at night when it's humid.
  14. *cough* *cough* Casey Mittelstadt *cough*
  15. Broke a sweat. Did my first 40-miler on the new bike. New mural downtown Quanah Parker Park
  16. I was told that if your brakes squeal you have to sacrifice a chicken at midnight.
  17. The primaries are in the rearview mirror. They happened, they voted overwhelmingly for Joe. Upon his withdrawl, he urged the states to pledge his delegates for Harris and they've mostly indicated they will do that. More here.
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