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Everything posted by Doohicksie

  1. On a back-to-back it may exactly the illness thing. My thought in watching interviews is autistic spectrum... which yeah, can fall under the "hyper focused and damn everyone else" mantra.
  2. Look a the gif. He's just stirring the pot (trolling).
  3. Yeah I have to admit I'm really getting geeked up over this.
  4. You just don't understand @Buffalonill. I get it; I had him on Ignore for the longest time before I came to understand him. Kind of.
  5. More doggy glurge from @Doohickie. This article in the dodo is about a dog that was rescued with her puppies. Dog Waits Hours In The Mud For Someone To Find The Tiny Surprise At Her Feet I know the people who adopted Kaia. I met Amy (shown with Kaia below) and her husband riding bikes around Fort Worth. And she knows all about adoptions, since she herself was adopted. She and her husband also share their wedding anniversary date with me and my wife (although separated by a couple decades).
  6. I'm not saying right now, but sometime soon.
  7. The future begins tonight. MUST WIN GO SABRES You had me at Old Fashioned.
  8. I think the Sabres are about to turn a corner. The infusion of young talent will be the shot in the arm this team needs. JJP and Benson have been spark plugs lately, I think Kulich and Rosen will also be positives. The Sabres will begin to score more, and when Tommer and Quinn return they will heat up even more. I am starting to expect that Levi will be sent down to Rochester to play a ton of games and develop, while UPL will become the starter and Comrie the backup. If Oopie falters, the load will shift to Comrie. I'm sure that one or both of them will develop some nagging injuries and need a break, and that's when they will bring Levi back. Levi is still the future. UPL is the present though, and with any luck Comrie will round into a 1B to Oopie's 1A.
  9. This statement has been true for decades. When the Sabres attack they are the better team. When they react, they suck. I think the focus on defense has them in a reactive mode. I think Donny's made the point about defense but needs to tell them to play fearless hockey (apparently that's what Okie told them in the second intermission against Pitt). Attack, attack, attack.
  10. Cozens is starting to come around. Perhaps not coincidentally he's out of the fishbowl and wearing a normal half-shield visor.
  11. Dude, you are Old School to a fault.
  12. The Hockey Guy had a thing or two to say about that.
  13. No reason to trade, other than to open up roster spots. When the talent is ready, it's ready not just to be in the NHL but to lead the team. Two of our strongest forwards are a second-year guy and an 18-year-old rookie. There's more youth to tap into... tap into it. I'll also note that two of our best forwards (Tommer and Quinn) are on the injured list... and we're (still only) 3 points out of a playoff spot. The Sabres aren't performing where we want them to, but neither are they in a tailspin. They're playing hockey at a .500 clip right now, almost exactly game-by-game. It's frustrating but it could be worse. It's becoming clear that UPL is Goalie #1 on this team. It's also becoming clear that Devon Levi could use some development, which would probably best be done in Rochester where he could get more minutes. Comrie's shown decent backup numbers when he's been healthy and playing. One thing we've seen with Granato is that his teams finish the season strong. If the goaltending settles in and Quinn & Tommer can come back and produce (or they can pull some of the ripe talent out of Rochester) this is a playoff team.
  14. Why was Greenway out? Dinged up? My personal problems are irrelevant.
  15. I'm predicting Rousek. He was skating on the bottom six when he was with the Sabres earlier.
  16. He's desperate. He knows the prospects are gunning for his spot. That said, I have to admit he's player who's benefited from 11-7.
  17. Now that's some hustle! If they'd played the last game like that they would have won that one.
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