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Everything posted by Doohicksie

  1. Eh. It was part of a trend. Maybe it was normal discourse for the forum but to me the trend was not healthy in my mind.
  2. No team is going to have Top Six players as depth. They're going to have AHL-NHL tweeners and prospects. Either way, when injuries strike I would expect the healthy players would take a few extra minutes here and there to limit the exposure of the tweeners and prospects.... but that doesn't mean the depth players aren't contributing.
  3. And yet the team's play hasn't really dropped off. Part of that is they played like ***** out of the gate, but they are hanging around the bubble team pack for now. When players come off the IR they should be able to push toward a playoff slot. They just need to make sure they don't fall further behind until then.
  4. I think Granato is drawn to 11-7 because the Sabres have 7 solid defensemen. You are looking at it as half empty that the two extra forwards barely play; I look at is as half full that bubble players are getting a chance at limited minutes in the NHL. Even contenders see this situation occasionally, and it's a good way to get prospects some limited NHL experience so that they can better fill a real NHL billet later on.
  5. ...and this includes the guys coming up from Rochester. Okay, they don't have enough NHL experience, but how do you suppose they get NHL experience? The way the Sabres are handling the issues at forward is, frankly, normal for the NHL, and I think there are several players on the cusp of being NHL ready- Biro, Rousek, Kulich, Rosen, Weissbach, Cederqvist, and although he's probably not destied to be a fulltime NHLer, Brett Murray has some NHL time in and could step in if needed. We don't want all those guys up right now, but at any given time, having one or two of those guys in the lineup isn't going to kill the team.
  6. What triggered this post is that I realized I was getting too personal with a couple different people on a couple different subjects. And I thought to myself.... am I really like this? And I realized I was getting too caught up in and frustrated with something that's supposed to be fun.
  7. Can you tell I was raised Catholic? "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned...."
  8. That's very nice of you to say, but I know better.
  9. It's a section of Reddit where people post situations they find themselves in, usually something that's emotionally charged and the person has staked out a certain position. Maybe people close to the situation tell them they're in the wrong, so they post the situation to Reddit forum in the AITAH area and people weigh in. Typically, if someone is asking if they are the AH, they are the AH. It's half advice column, half train wreck.
  10. Oddly... no. I just looked at my posts over several threads and decided that wasn't me... or at least not the way I like to think about myself. Maybe that's the point: I was sober when I noticed that.
  11. For any of the Sabres fans who feel like you missed out, I asked my dearest what she thought of the move (she's a big Wings fan), and she said, "Waste of money. He's washed."
  12. I have his jersey and everything but... I dunno, feels like getting back together with an ex or something. Besides on his way out he seemed to indicate he was done with Buffalo.
  13. Coming from you, that means next to nothing. 😛
  14. Doohicksie


    Those of you on Reddit know what that means... for those who don't it stands for "Am I The *** Hole?" In my case, lately.... yes I am. I realized I'm arguing out of my butt with people that I actually respect but are on the different sides of issues. I looked in the metaphorical mirror and examined several of my posts lately and realized that in a lot of the spats I'm getting into: I really don't have a firm footing for my position, other than it's how I feel. Whether I'm right or wrong doesn't matter anyway. I just want to watch the Sabres, and hopefully watch the Sabres win. I enjoy this forum because I *do* learn a lot about the team and gain insights I don't get elsewhere. That has value to me. But I am far from the most informed fan here, and it's presumptuous of me to think I know more than most of the people here; in fact the opposite is true. I realize that lately I've been kind of a **** in debating various views about the Sabres. But in most cases, Points 1 and/or 2 above apply. So I'd like to apologize for being a ****. I'd like to apologize to the people I've disagreed with recently. A lot of Sabrespace has been frustrated with the way the season has gone thus far, myself included, and I realize I've been taking it out on other people, and needlessly so. Sorry.
  15. Such a disclaimer would have saved me a suspension last year.
  16. And yet we have UPL who's... what? ~10th in the league? Were there better options available?
  17. So basically the same thing Carolina fans accuse Buffalo fans of. Got it.
  18. That's kind of what sports announcers do. They focus on their home team. It would be unnatural really for them to say a sub-.500 team was better than their 1st-in-the-NHL team.
  19. But that's the thing: goalies can be very mercurial. You pick up a "competent veteran backup" who's been good the last several years, and he could drop off. Or you take a guy you think might be peaking and he doesn't quite get there. Or you bring a guy in who's been a stud and suddenly he doesn't have it anymore. You have to build the rest of the team to be the best they can be and hope that either one of the goalies in your system emerges or you can bring in outside help when you need it. Or in some cases, both.
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