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Everything posted by Doohicksie

  1. Hot mic: "Let's go Brady you F***Ing ***hole!"
  2. Ruh-oh. Time to drink some more.
  3. Hear me out: Robinson - Krebs - ....Benson?
  4. Krebs' best game in a long time. I think he and Robinson have chemistry and Girgs doesn't mess it up.
  5. Thompson is really feelin' it tonight.
  6. Don't play offense until you've gotten it out of the zone guys.
  7. Lil J and Dahlin should be our top pair.
  8. And the Sabres (Mitts) had the puck in the corner and just lazily passed it up to the point. Casey's usually better than that.
  9. Chewables, edibles, whatever you kids call them these days. (Not anything you can get in Texas as far as I know.)
  10. This guy comes to mind...
  11. I don't think anyone will disagree, but he may be more effective on Frozen Tundra.
  12. You're grouchy today. Are you out of chewables?
  13. Meh. Goalies take time to develop.
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