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Everything posted by Doohicksie

  1. Breakaway by Kisakov, Seeing-eye point shot by Sova. Kisakov has some afterburners boy, I'll tell you what.
  2. Shots are about even, but the ice appears heavily tilted toward the NJ goal. Lots of time spent down there. Sabres playing a high speed, high pressure game; Devils have no time to think on O or D.
  3. I'm happy with Seth. His coaching meshes with Granato's very well.
  4. Baby Sabres playing with tons of confidence. The Granato-Appert vibe x 123%
  5. Kisakov with the afterburners and a beaut!
  6. I'm seeing that "attacking in waves" thing they've been talking about.
  7. Good chances both ways, but ice feels tilted toward NJ zone.
  8. Can't believe NJ didn't score there!
  9. Ritchie ties it for the Baby Sabres!
  10. Wow, seemed like we were dominating and then NJ scored.
  11. Both PP units were train wrecks.
  12. Penalty Shot for NJ ...and a miss.
  13. https://www.facebook.com/BuffaloSabres/videos/647979853339920
  14. I'm running VPN but have you checked their FB page? https://www.facebook.com/BuffaloSabres/videos/647979853339920 Nice anthems.
  15. There's a series of beginning guitar lessons (if that's where you're at) on the Youtube page for the Fort Worth Library. They're taught by Jacob Furr, a local singer-songwriter that I've seen a few times. When I get a chance I plan to get a guitar and see how good the lessons are. When I liked the Tweet about the lessons, Jacob responded and said to let him know if I had any questions.
  16. Considering the position he plays and his shot, I don't really have a problem with handing the compensatory pick over to Kevyn.
  17. I saw him freeze the puck only three times, on clean catches in the glove or into his equipment. The goal allowed was after he failed to control a rebound. The concern I have with him is rebound control.
  18. I'm guessing too much arm swing/upper body movement.
  19. but let's not wreck ourselves during a meaningless challege game, yeah?
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