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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. Eating? Not much. Drinking? Nothing alcoholic right now.


    I started Phase I of the South Beach Diet a week and a half ago. Down 11 lb. so far. Would like to lose 40-45 more. Phase I is like a two-week food boot camp. It's tough the first week, you settle in the second week, and after that, the diet isn't as strict, making it easier to follow over the long term. A lot of lean meat, a lot of green veggies. More spinach than I've eaten in years. I like the food, and I'm getting used to the smaller quantities. Definitely worth it to get my weight down.


    (I did SBD back in 2005 and lost 70 lb. in 6 months.)


    Heheh. Would you like to see the Before pics? They're not pretty.

  2. Down the road, your statement might have merit. But not many true Stanley Cup contenders have a rookie that hasn't topped 20 goals in major junior, college, or the AHL playing wing on (arguably) the top scoring line. At present, unless Buffalo surprises and IS a contender, he does know that. (And trust me, I'm hoping that Buffalo does surprise.)

    This whole argument is so.... lighthearted? goofy? ...compared to the gloom & doom on the Caps forum. Heheh.

  3. Real men don't belittle other men based on their hobbies. :)

    Yes, we do. :P


    '91 Bianchi Broadway. Red. $25 paid for frame. Alfine 8spd rear hub. Alfine generator front hub. Both hand built wheels. SKS fenders. Winter Beater

    '05 Bianchi Volpe. Green. 28spd. Schmidt dynamo. CR18 rims, and double butted spokes, on hand-built wheels. Front and rear racks. Touring Bike

    79' Custom Sutter. Red-white-and blue. Reynolds 531. Handmade in France. $65 at garage sale. Hand-built tubular wheels on Wolber Aspen rims ($2 ea. at Amvets)


    I've got a three bike personal limit, but also have a wife:


    '69 Raleigh Competition, purple, paid $100, w/ tubular wheels

    '66 Raleigh Superbe, green, paid $25 w/ Brooks Saddle

    '89 Bridgestone CB-1, black, paid $35


    Steel-frame lugged bikes are awesome, but the age of being able to find them for next to nothing is OVER, in my experience.

    I like the way you operate.

  4. The real question is what to do about Sulzer after this year given his upcoming UFA status. We have Mcnabb, Pysik, Brennan, Schiestel, and Gauthier-Leduc in the pipeline.


    Yeah, but Leo is probably on the way out, we could lose one or two to free agency down the road. You can't have too many defensive prospects.

  5. If you want to do a quickie upgrade, get a ramped freewheel (the cog set on the rear wheel). Old freewheels had flat-toothed gears and the derailleur did all the work. When indexed shifting came on the scene in the mid-80s and replaced friction shifting, designers started playing with the cogs themselves and designed features in that help transfer the chain from one gear to the next with less effort by the derailleur. Put one of those ramped freewheels on, and it will shift much better, even with the old friction shifters.




    The link, by the way, is to Niagara Cycle Works. They do a lot of mail order business, but if you're not too far from them, you can pick it up yourself and save the shipping costs.

  6. You can all call triple A for me and have my bike towed when it won't start again.


    Real men self-propel. This is why bicycles are AWESOME. My collection:


    1966 Ralieigh DL-1 Tourist (garage sale find)



    1973 Schwinn Varsity (rescued from the city dump)



    1983 Raleigh Marathon (pulled from a dumpster)



    1983 Raleigh Super Course (bought from a pawn shop... kind of)



    1994 Nishiki Sport XRS (another garage sale find)





    And finally, 2009 Schwinn Cutter, with a rear fixed-gear wheel that I built myself (this one the wife bought for me from the bike shop)


  7. I'm going home from DC to DFW tonight after a business trip. I will miss the Sabres-Bruins game. I went to check... got to the airport early and asked about an ealier flight. The clerk said it would cost $75 to change. I said never mind. She saw my flight was delayed, so she said she would get me on the earlier flight without having to pay the fee. Fine, sounds okay. Doing me a big favor. So I'm walking toward security and realize there's no seat assignment.... STANDBY????? ######. So when the new flight starts boarding, it shows me as #19 on the standby list. Thanks for nothing American Airlines counter clerk. You suck.


    So I wait anyway, and sure 'nuff, no room on the early flight. Why get my hopes up? That's just st00pid.


    Oh, and now my flight is over an hour and a half late.


    I hate AA. :wallbash:

  8. Starting to feel good to be a Sabre fan again and I hope this feeling keeps on keeping on. Now lets see what we can do tuesday against another very good team.


    Same here. The magic is back. Do you believe? I do.


    Okay now back to catching up on my drinking cause kids are in bed other things got priority till now.


    This was a three martini game and at this point I'm wrecked, but a good kind of wrecked. Great win, Sabres!

  9. Yep, sounds right - you're talking shootout of course. I'm just talking any slap shot. Of course once again I will point out I'm a hugh Vanek fan.

    I want to be a Vanek fan, but there was a period of time where that was tough. He's emerging again as a top player/scorer/leader on this team, which makes me insanely happy.

  10. Don't hate me for this, but I figured this would be the best time to ask a favour.


    A very good Kelowna friend of mine (tyler myers would want you to do this for her) is trying to land a gig as the host of paradise hunter. If you could spare a few seconds and vote for her, it would be appreciated.




    Thanks and gooooo Sabres! Beat the stinkin' Sens.



    Game Day thread is NOT the place for this.

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