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Posts posted by Doohickie

  1. Counter to Eleven's first statement: Use a realtor who is patient with you (will not be irritated taking you to see LOTS of homes) and less likely to worry about whether your purchase is too small a fish to bother angling for. Age really has nothing to do with this; it's a question of personality. We had a realtor in Detroit who was in his 50s and he was the most awesome realtor EVAR. He still sends us a Christmas card and we moved from there in '97.

  2. Give Leino every opportunity to show what he can bring before buying him out.


    After years of watching Detroit. I'm convinced that they just kind of got lucky with Zetterberg and Datsyuk.

    Hard to find that consistently....but you only need to find that once every 10 years.


    Their next version of that were Hudler and Filppula. They looked like the next big thing a few years ago, but then never got to that next level (maybe because Datsyuk and Zetter had too much of a lock on the prime minutes). And they both moved on to other teams.

  3. no 57?


    44 over 57? hmmm. i really dont want to give up on tyler. REEEEALLY do not want to


    It was in a discussion. Perhaps in context, it's obvious 57 is "off limits" trade-wise, and he was listing the other young Dmen he sees as part of the core. I don't think Myers is going anywhere. (But if he did, we better end up with something BIG on offense.)


    I wasn't sure what you were driving at.

    The thread was totally off topic for a few pages there. My post before that was an attempt to get hockey talk going again. It came back after the pre-game interview.




    In my head, that read as "In My House of Pancakes" :cry:


    "What's the one thing you miss about Ottawa?"




    I see the Buffalo-Ottawa rivalry heating up in the near future, and that's not a bad thing.

  4. Did Cody Hodgson play tonight? That's not the mark of a #2 center in the NHL.


    Playing with Omark on your line is like playing without a stick.


    (Oh, I'm officially OFF the Omark bandwagon btw)


    Men's downhill combined.


    This is the phrase that will describe this year's Buffalo Sabres.


    Thank goodness this is over. Is this the last game on NBCS?


    Nope. 'nother Rivalry Game against the Bruins after the Olympics. That could actually be good, if Nolan prepares them for it like it was their Stanley Cup.




    Am I doing this right?


    A propane TANK :w00t:

  5. IMHO, we could pretty much clear 'em all out except for The Hoff and go with Rudy, Pysyk, Risto, Zadarov, McNabb and The Hoff with Tallinder as the 7th defenseman.


    Keep Myer, wouldn't mind losing the Hoff. Rudy is a keeper for sure. The defense is set, now let's stock the forward lines. Tallinder is done too. He was once a good Dman. No more.


    This "magic" ###### sux.

  6. I see, now, why 17 keeps getting into Nolan's doghouse.


    He needs to go. Weber needs to go. Sulzer needs to go. We've got some good players, but these guys need to go.


    Announcer's like the taste of pitt penis it seems.




    Thanks weave, Scott really got the best of him there


    No kidding. He was holding his own til Scott POPPED him in the side of the head.

  7. C'MON! you look at that and you're impressed? Everyone's entitled to their own opinion but man C'MON!!



    Yes I am. Like I said, it looks better in person. I mean, it's a wagon. If you want a sporty wagon, go for a Mazda3, but I'm not sure I buy into the concept of a sports wagon.

  8. I have an Elantra as well, a 2005, and after nearly 100,000 carefree miles my son is now driving it. If you're not crazy about the current Elantra styling, consider an Elantra Touring wagon. They look so-so in pictures, but every time I see one in person, I'm impressed. It looks like 2012 was the last year they were sold.





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